OCR Text |
Show 22d, : George Osmond Mgr, Progress Bldg, Salt Lake City (see p 10). y | 602 _ ; Lois H (wid George A), res 908 22d. Wm G, lab Utah State School for the Deaf and 551 28th. — Delmar, lineman R M B Tel Co, res 179 30th. Henry, lab, res View. John §, carp, res 2913 Grant av. | Jonathan, bds 2555 Fowler av. i Daniel W, messr Wells, Fargo & Co Express, res2 W Utah. Lumber a = Basllans oe Pacific J, bartndr U P Hotel. Thomas L, moved to Pocatello, Dye Grace M, dressmkr, 2559 Monroe m mum Mutual av. Life Ins : " Durfee Charlotte A (wid Thomas), res Glasgow addition. ¥ Dwyer Cc : rena Samuel Wash Ida. a av, bds same. . Dye Permelia (wid Charles), bds 2962 Washington av. Dye Sarah, student Weber Daxid oSVre : Linco oo Wyo. Jefferson res 2580 ad i Oreg av. Eccles Co The Pres, Nils av. © Flygare V-Pres, Thomas PD neer Mer, on Sec and Treas, Hyrum H Spenc g 154 24th, ) Tel a ; me , Vcds. Eccles Wm, Eccles Wm student Weber Stake Ac res n s Canyon Road ademy, bds 2580 Jeffer- 1 w y of Woolen Mills. Jr, lumber. res 446 17th. Echelberger Joseph, bds Hotel Ogden. Stake Academy. Eckardt Otto, lab, res 2624 Van Dye Mrs Selma 0, bds 85 Harrisville ay. Dyer Hugh T, supt Ogden Sugar Co, rms 429 25th. Dykeman Adrain C, lab, bds 3258 Ogden av. Co, bds 2260 Say Evanston, Eccles Le Roy. bds 2580 Jefferson Dunsmore ul res 2182 Co, Eccles Lumber “ Co, Sons Eccles David © Jr; clk, bds 2580 Jefferson av. Dunsmore Eugene H, clk R M | §, res 520 W 24th. ance a School, bds vee High & | Dace Dacia. pres First Nat’l Bank, Ogden Savings Ogden Sugar Co, Eccles Lumber Co, pres and mgr AGEN ETENY supt H Wright Eccles Adam, lab, res a to njamin F, moved ! U Tel Co, res 226 24th. asst A, prin Ogden Eayrs Cora, clk W res rear 2234 Wash ~ n Wm J. res 1977 Washay. Be, George ’ Eayrs John, watchman, res 2260 Lincoln av. Dunnington W, L White, stove rpr Eayrs George T, messr S P Co, bds 2260 Lincoln av. = James a. 2712 Lincoln a Lincoln av. res ae oe oye a ty stove ry a Eastman J ohn W, _ Dunbar Dunbar res Duncan Duncan Dunham Dunham Dunkle Lincoln av. . Dunn John L, lineman to Liberty, “Ne Eastman Ephraim, miner, Co, bds Express Pacific av Dunbar Abel C, lab, res 331 26th. G, moved L, messr Byron Be MS George ae opr BR M B Tel Co, bds 330 28th. j| Eaheart Erma A.E, res 330 28th. ie a Dunbar av, res same. Grant ¥ Kaheart Mrs Alice I, res 330 28th. res same. Thomas, res 126 W 22d. ia Alphonzo J, helper S P Co, bds 2344 Lincoln ay. | Edward J, helper S P Co, bds 2344 Lincoln ay. Joseph H, helper S P Co, res 2344 Lincoln ay. ~ Moses, helper S P Co, res 2148 Reeve av. | & Co Dun. PheRG Mercantile Agency,” | 2478 O, shoemkr, Eadelstoff Erick e 4 F 4 Buren av. oEcklund, see Eklund. Eddy Clara V. tchr Utah State School for the Deaf and Dumb, EF. BRATZ "aceehcite s ) HUNTER & KENNEDY Don] Potota Ses )«=62486 WASHINGTON 11422} aps W KE AVENU . 3 res Same. IST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. “09 Kjddng | x 126 res 3258 ‘Sl TddMS pue ONINIVdad TVHINI9 qi LO grocer, W, pressman keman. Louis Ogden av. ree e258 Ve Enterprise Clay Wks, esnoy co Dukes Dumas Dumas Dumas Dumas Rose, | “Ayeroeds & BuldiM “| Mrs den av. - "OPA ‘S}JIg 914}99]F Utah. Ogden, hi, oth @ ence A, lab Enterprise Clay Wee Duffy John, stone cutter, bas 2851 Pingree ay. Duffy Mary J (wid Mark), res 2851 Pingree av. Duffy May, student Ogden High School, bds 2851 Pin Duffy Rhoda, tchr Central School, bds 2851 Pingree a Dutfy Wm, car clnr U P RR, bds 2851 Pingree ay. Dufloth Guy, waiter Star Lunch Room, res 254 25th. Dufur Charles E, condr R G@ W Ry, res 221 26th. Dugan, see Dougan. Dukes 125 NOLOMHEYM CO’S "SNNSAV & A3NOHda 131 POLK "Z9 L. ‘suo}oludodg ‘SWRIIJIM @ Weyeey R. 134°B. dep pra LOAN & TRUST CO. BLDG. Tel. ¥ ‘OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. oe: Duffee Lawrence ©, brkman R G W Ry, res 559 23d. Wholesale Dealers -in GRAIN. SEEDS and PRODUCE 124 ¢> Ta ee Gti F of) ACCIDENT and PLATE 1H. GODDARD, “grass usurace VAN. WALTERS, | So sz. Mis asi zach st. | MUSICAL MERCHANE |