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Show H, §, Amos ; student Og student Weber as ! AY. a BF Bernard, 2 Hall Clara, bds Academy. Stake 358 Harrisville ay. oln av. "Hall Effie, bds 33d s w cor Linc ning Brow W W bndr book , Eliza Flall " f and Lincoln av. meee > Ball Elizabeth, tchr, bds N Ogden. res Hall Henry ©, brkman 8 P Co, - 2783 Hall John, carp, res N Ogden. Hall John T, bds N Ogden. Hall Joe H, bartndr Senate Saloon, Pacific av. res 229 24th. of the Teace and Notary Public, County omer i ‘Court House, res 263 26th. : & Depot Bn Joseph W W, baggageman Ogden Union Ry | | Co, res 267 26th. . ¢ a Hall Mrs Mary §, res 33d s w cor Lincoln av. _ Hall Milton J, clk Browning Bros Co, res rear 2722 Wash Hall Parker J, res 106 24th. av. Hall Thirza A, dressmkr, 263 26th, bds same. Hall Walter W, photog, rms 2624 Wall av. Hall Wm H, farmer, res 358 Harrisville ay. Hall W Ellis, farmer, res n.s City Limits Rd _ Wash- av. 3-4 mile e of Hallander, see also Hollander. Hallander Mrs Josephine, res 2371 Indian av. Hallen August, tailor Peter Anderson, res 2049 Ballantyne's ay. FIRE INSURANT - i FE - OPEN 5FE Real Estate and Loans. ah i. Star a ; Lunch Boom AUD ‘Hall Mark, carp, res rear 2730 Wash av. Hall Mary E, bds 358 Harrisville av. ? 2382 Washington Ave. Tel.1 & Co, bds s w cor 33d DAY & NIGHT. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. § 254 25th Street. SSSSeeeeeeeeeeeeSeSsSeeeeeeeseessssSsSsS8S8.8SSSSSeeeeaasSSsSsSSS Hall "0d1E ‘OO 'L PF “THVLN av. right & Sons Co, bds 2778 Grant pr wHwW algren Otelia, bk ay. Halgren Truls A, res 2773 den Grant Highay. School, bds 358 Harris: ne’ aLVLS3 1Vsa “ZIE ONS Sons Co,Go, bas 2778 Grant ht && Sons Wright e W HEH Wrig ph, clk ers Joseee gren Ha ‘Flalig i Agt Pacific Express Co, Union Depot, res 476 23d Haid Herbert, moved to Billings, Mont. Naigh Edith E, bds 2367 Madison ay. Haigh Wm H, mach 8S P Co, res 2367 Madison av. Haight Fred A, condr, res 2874 Wash av. Hains Arthur, painter, bds 1986 Jackson ay. Mains Benjamin, driver, res 2260 Monroe ay. BE.J KELL av. Indian jejoedg 2371 Sender Mrs Josephine, res P Hotel. acy Cora, waitress U ‘suipcieg Wm Brin G, lab, bds 2260 Monr er Annie M, bds 2371 Indian av. pue 137-B. Phone Ave. Washington 2349 Hagen lab, bds 2260 Monroe av. ene Ei Hiaag Richard T, moved to Hamburg, Ger. Haan John, lab, res w s Pacific av bet 34th and 35t Hadden C, eng, rms 2547 Lincoln ay. Haddenham Wm, ydman Castle Gate Coal Co, Wash av. Hadley Albert W, clk, rms 2581 1-2 Grant av. Hadley Eda M, bkpr, bds 968 Wash av. Hadley Ezra R, truckman U P R R, res West Web Hadley Hannah, waitress Windsor Hotel. Hadley James F, truckman U P RR, res rear 143. Hadley Louise, domestic Windsor Hotel. Hadley Mrs Ottelia, grocer, 968 Wash ay, res same. Hadley Rufus E, carp, res 2123 Quincy av. Hadley Rufus 8,.Justice of the Peace 3d Precinet, Wash av. Hadley Tena, domestic, Broom Hotel. Hadley Wm T, moved to Brigham City, Utah. Hadlock Ann (wid Oren A), res 3250 Monroe avy. Hadlock Clara E, bds 3250 Monroe av. Hadlock Le Roy J, truckman, bds 3204 Monroe ay. Hadlock Oren A, clk U P RR, res 3204 Monroe ay. Hadlock Wilford S, teamster, bds 3204 Monroe av. Mafen John, moved to Salt Lake City. Hlafen Leo, student Weber Stake Academy. Hafen Lizetta, student Weber Stake Academy. Hagen Charles H, carp, res 3272 Ogden av. 155 DIRECTORY. ack A, ce, moved to Oakdale, oeNeb.av. : e Pres and Mgr Utah & Oregon Lumber Co, 145 870 23d. Gwilliam Orson P, teamster, res 2314 Wash ay. Gysin Alexander (Sanders & Gysin), res 632 234d. CITY Wied W, OGDEN ST. pue AGENT WALLACE DRUG CO "’ o Co's °a °S Henry POLE ' & TELEPHONE 7I-F. TWENTY-FIFTH "GuWNIWud Gwilliam is FOR ACKER’S ENGLISH REMEDIES. Ri A37 ul Ajaodoig 2 “40. PREMLEL uein U' Horse-Shoeing, Carriage Painting and Trimming, Woo 154 | "ouep] “ORAHOOD & WATTS, ssc28 = |