OCR Text |
Show ¢ | Lil student Photo D Thomas Samuel Academy. Weber Supply Propr, & Art Co, Stake Academy. & Art Co, 310 25th. (See noe oe H (wid Thomas Mrs Tessie, Thomas, ae 3h? 1sth. res ws Wash stoker Utah av n w cor3 av. Utah, 2489 Washington ay. | eee av. Ee Lincoln area, UO - Thompson Albert, Cans rms 2571 ae . School. oS& * Thompson Bodil, ‘student Ogden High Thompson Charles H, farmer, Wilson Ward. Thompson Daisy, farmer, b au bds Wilson Aad: ‘Thompson Edna (wid George F), res $32 234. © # Thompson Ernest P, helper A L Fryer, bds 134 27th. Ls w# Thompson Thompson Thompson = x 2 Wi ; mY lore ‘Thorburn student Ogden 8, farmer ae aie elie & Sons High Co, School, res 2659 bds 2362 ve oT student Idaho, i ee ae ; : Gaps : Pe Ogden Ogden ae 7 te : High school, Won High m 2 : i ee a Jef pds x School, bds 2341 Jef- 200 Utah L & T Co Bldg, res 2341 a i L, switchman Jeffer- U P RR, res 2220 Lincoln av. student Ogden High School, bds 2541 Fowler a 5 ae eegrower, Ba ann de Thornton Anson E, fruit Thornton Edgar H, woolgrower, res 2622 Madison Thorogood Edward <A, poultry breeder, same. Thorogood Wm, bds 982 224. sf Thompson Harry J, mgr U P Tel Office, 1 Union Depot, av. 7 Wilson’s ay, Nob Tel. 43-B. Hill. 2458 , Thorogood ‘Wm P §, car insp O S L BR R, res 982 22d. GRANT AVENUE. | i a 21 : ~~ © oe Se = & 5. =e 3 = fe “a = = 2 = = & =a > s g & & wy Os Ward, res Griffin & Gray,aiosiesoouees| snceests soon UNOURANCE n S Robinson : 5pss a Ss : i Thornton John L, caller S P Co, res 2711 Wall av. a “ ez Thorne George ‘Thornhill Mary a r : son av. 5 ‘ res Riverdale. TT Craigie, student ing and — George, moved to Baker City, Ore. George A, farmer, bds Wilson Ward. George P, farmer, res Riverdale. Simon Onn por | _ Scowcroft Thompson Walter, carp U P R R, res 2659 Wash av. Thompson Wm, farmer, res Wilson’s Ward. . | elk John ferson ay. i Thorburn David, Grand Recorder A O U W of Utah, ve ut moved to Salt Lake City. ¢ ! “am | Thomassen Olof, Thompson We Thomas Wm M harness mkr J G Read & Bros, bds 24 Grant ay. Thompson Wm M, clk, res 2362 Adams ay. , L & P Co, res 282 2ist. Thomas & Wright, — Br a (B F Thomas, J A W right), Pubs and Proprs Industr Porter «Thompson Roderick, student, bds 3060 Porter ay. - ia at ae ns 2d 2 Ww ssa C P track Mona, A date ay. | | ee ‘Thompson : ye _ : Re side lines. 8 P Co, res 474 13th. J, gardener, res 3060 oe right A DOmMAR Mrs Sarah J, res Harrisville. | Thomas Seth E, tchr, bds 2746 Wall av. _ Thomas 310 25th, Thomas Thomas G (Smuin & Thomas), res 622 23d. &§ © Supply Iola W, tchr, bds w s Arden 2 n of 10th. Ira A, bartndr, res 184 28th. | Ira M, deliverer S J Burt & Bros, res 154 28th, James, hay and grain, 2254 Wash av, res 368 28th. James, miner, res 2155 Lincoln ay. Rev 7 ames, pastor Central Park PreePy naa Church, 2 n of 10th. ¢@ | ae Phoebe, A homas 5 | D, Thomas Photo Thomas Samuel, brkman a Bh: N eo N Stake _ 809 DIRECTORY. aa iglieeyreoujsaIype 1 ne Thomas a pS : Thomas Weber Uy ay2 rei LAA yeu Gb. Bune. CITY Thompson James A, res 1067 24th. “ ‘Thompson James L, lab, res 2155 Lincoln av. Thompson James T, oiler U P RR, res 2741 Pacific ay. Thompson James W, farmer, bds Wilson Ward. Thompson John ©, farmer, res w s County Rd 2 n of 40th. Thompson R, res farmer, bds Riverdale. Thompson John Joseph, N Q eden. a J, ¢ G Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Grocery Co), res 539 26th. Thomas , i Moroni ae res w s Arden ff LJ | Melvina, Thomas Nathaniel ERUE OSvSY Street. 115 ¢ | em Thomas (Thomas ‘ student . OGDEN Thomas Martha I, anlage sewer E Stratford & Sons, bds » Madison avy. Thomas Martin, oculist, 318 Utah L & T Co Bldg, res 2 ‘Madison ay. Thorns Mary, bds s s 2d 1 w of C P track. Thomas Mrs Mary H, died Jan 15, 1900, aged 76. Thomas Mary S (wid Thomas 8), res 2746 Wall av. Thomas © Us & CO’S R. L. POLK 308 Repa Real Estate and Loans “SANNSAV Ma 25th n Day and Night. ao | Musical — { | EAN AR NOLONIHSYM PIANO TUNING, TERS, VAN,351WAL 24th st, _ o 5. © = ” : ee = rm ig |