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Show Browning ‘Anderson & Sons Co, SUCCESSORS TO ECCLES LUMBER CO. BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANTS 24th Street Telephone Bros. w20D00A AZ-AROVY|& 156-164 FOR EVERY OCCASION AND RADIO EQUIPMENT 2451 KIESEL AVE. PHONE 45 224 ae iE 128 R. L. POLK & CO’S 4 Gilles Carl H dept mgr Golden Rule Mer Co r 2263 Van Bure av. Gilles Eliz A (wid Mathias) r 438 22d. Gilles John M elk Scowecroft’s b 438 22d. Gilles Lawrence W student b 438 22d. Gilles Martha tchr N Ogden Schl b 2263 Van Buren ay. Gilles Myrtle E b 438 22d. Gillette Mrs Carrie M r 832 25th. Gillette Frances nurse b 832 25th. Gillette Gilbt A clk S P b 832 25th. Gilman Mrs Mae E clk U S Forest Serv rms 1929 Wash Gilmore Chas F dep City Auditor r 2361 Gilmore David J lab b 2580 Wash av. Gilmore Gilmore Edwd J mech F B Smith r 2029 John lab r 2580 Wash av. Gilmore Gilmore Margt N steno Mchts Marie b 14388 25th. Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Mrs Ruth clk Richardson-Hunt OSBORNE B, Madison av. Agent b 2580 Union Co r 2069 282 23d Portland Cement 2431 Adams av, Tel 2701. Gilstrip O R emp City Trans Co rms 233 25th. Gimlin John F cond § Pr 238 23d. Gimse Ida A tchr Wash Schl r 314 Plaza Apts. Ginos John G lab r 3473 Grant av. Giogliotte Gasper lab r 2137 Reeves av. Gipson Harriett died Mar 5 ’24 age 60. Gipson John T supmn S P r 3809 Ogden av. Girardi Adolfo hlipr § P. Giron Peter inmate Co Infirmary. Gish Alvin R stoker U P & L Co r 2878 Eccles av. Gish Ora I emp Shupe-Williams b 2878 Eccles av. Gittins Fanny carterer 2530 Van Buren av r same. Gittins Sarah Givens hlpr b 2530 Van Delilah GLADWELL W died ALFRED, April Buren 6 Reporter ’24 Gledhill GLEN age a av. | 7 * ; a ay, Yj ‘ 4 % av. , ig ke 25t a Co, W a & 7 47. News, ¥ a r 3900 Ada a av, Tel 29-R-3. a GLASMANN ABRAHAM L, Editor Ogden Standard-Exami S r 555 26th, Tel 3250. a Glasmann Blaine V slsmn Standard-Examiner r 2846 Ada a av. Glasmann Roscoe C moved to Denver. Glasmann Wm W slsmn Standard-Examiner Apts. Glasscock Jas lab r 211 21st. Glassman Jos tailor Henry Kissel Glazebrook John § r 555 26th. Gleason Perry L clk R M S r 716 rms Wash 222 r 23 Maryly Sarah § (wid DIRECTORY — 1925 733 337 rms Adam) BROS-ROBERTS Wash 7th. 32d. rms 2834 Pingree PIANO CO, George S av. Glen a £ Pingree av. Pres-Mgr, 2546 Wash- av. ; Glenville Blaine C carp r 2927 Kiesel av. Glickman Wm dept mgr The Leader rms 2351 Wash av. Glier Mrs Kath r 5 Wilson la. Glimes A § died May 14 ’24 age 70. Glines Mrs Melvie A moved to Los Angeles. Glines Reginald H barber Wilford Thornley r 3050 Adams av. GLOBE GRAIN & MILLING CO, E R Alton Mgr, Wholesale Flour, Grain, Feed and Mill Products, W 27th and Colorado av, Tel 3580. GLOBE UNDERWRITERS AGENCY (N Y), Froerer & Fowles Agts, 2409 Kiesel av. GLOBE & RUTGER FIRE INS CO (N Y), E W Cannady Agt, 2427 Kiesel av. Glover Chas waiter rms 121 W 26th. Glover Wm C tmstr r 3135 Union av. Goan Wm H doormn Utah Theatre r 502 18th. Goates W hKayner emblmr Geo W Larkin & Sons rms 468 24th. Goddard Agnes G steno Security State Bank b 700 Canyon rd. GODDARD BRIGHAM H, Accident, Automobile, Burglary, Fire, Life, Health, Plate Glass, Surety Bonds, Tornado and Workmen’s Compensation Insurance, Real Estate, Loans, Ete. 429 24th, Tel 197; r 354 33d, Tel 1580-M. (See right top lines and page 21). Goddard Goddard av. David W Ernest b 540 T sec 23d. Aluminum-Potash Co r 39th and Grant Goddard Frank B H Goddard, Agt Travelers Ins r 326 Goddard, Tel 2431-W. Goddard Geo Co Co Goddard Geo r 2512 mgr Wm hlpr Boyle W (Geo Tyler A Stickney C Co r 644 Furn W 330', = 2436 pres FINELY Craig 24th Street and SHOPS 22681, CITY PROPERTY LOANS FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE SURETY BONDS AND FARM LANDS We TO or Exchange av. Cang Shoe Shops EQUIPPED ut 24th. Madison Wm Geo W jr student b 2512 Tyler av. TWO 306 25th Street Co) av. q Edward’s Kodaks, Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing and Print-— ing, Iver Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talking Machines, Arms and Ammuni-— tion, Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries, Radio Supplies, West-— r 2-rear Goddard Realtor Buy, Sell GODDARD FRANCIS K, with Co (Life and Accident), + a7 av. FROERER & FOWLES ington av, Tels 181-182. (See right top lines and page ma). student b 1460 25th. Glen GEORGE S, Pres-Mgr Glen Bros-Roberts Piano Co, r 1460 25th, Tel Sia student b 14 ay Seen JAY S, V-Pres Glen Bros-Roberts Piano Co, r Salt Lake City. Glenn A Raine R b 520 21st. Glenn Marie E tchr b 520 21st. Glenn Wm mach S Pr 520 21st. GLENS FALLS INS CO (N Y), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2502 Goddard 23d. C. E. Armstrong & Co. inghouse Globes, Toys, Etc. CITY rms J S Glen V-Pres, Ralph D Roberts Sec-Treas, av. Deseret OGDEN ahaa n V Hazel clk Gledhill W Raymond emp Amer P & P Co r 1826 Gleerup Orien moved to Butte Mont. Orchard ; r 1438 OF UTAH’S GREATER DEPARTMENT STORES @ Gledhill Jas E blrmkr Wash Madison av. av. rms 2069 Orchard Gilmore Ruth W b 2029 Madison av. Gilmore Walter taxidermist and furrier Gilpin Wm R eng U P. GILSON av . Cr Bureau Mary A (wid J C) r 2029 Millie I rms 2363 Adams Richd C (Westn Ptg Co) Gilmore Harrison ONE Wright's eo? SERVE Washington YOU Avenue ut 2409 Kiesel Ave. Phone 917 |