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Show % 4 ( ED () RD () < ED 0) GED () q DRUGS, KODAKS, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, ET, 3 TWO STORES—2601 276 cost. at Insurance District Manager J. P. CORRY, company. YORK NEW mutual OF a is LIFE urs O Art B electn b 2 McGregor Lois Hutchens (wid John Mary L (wid Norman Vera Wash & Stuart rms 941 Co 23d. b 367 E oprOUR &D Cor 444 student b 2330 West ct. Hutchins Delwin Hutchins Jas J farmer emp Sugar Co John Norma student b 845 W 25th. Spencer helpr J M Jones b 2330 utchinson Hutchinson Adams av. C patrol Police Dept r 845 & West W M Co ect. etc, 431 24th, r 2910 Hyde Geo A pipeftr b 796 Melba clk Weber 26th. Coll BUILDING ECCLES Jas hlpr S Pr W Holion' i Hymas Hymas Hymas Hymas Hymas Ideal Igishami b 796 Flour Mills A Gees eal Danl Grace 249 J J Hylton H student student H Newel gro 35th. pres W J W Percival ke Bigelow ireas 4 Be wai. Hike Ne b 2647 b 2516 2516 Wash Monroe Monroe v- ha av. ROBERT Real Estate 722 Eccles Building Loans SURETY BONDS Telephone & ange Tape ets wenn. 0 Gas &yeOil 24 Co av . " baubles. Vv on ine 47th Caroline (wid metmean Tete GE awh DL Bush et a f 2055-2106 mer Me . and 2687 a LL ane tats 3470 Og 398 S8tl ion Sio7e ee b | Inglesby Kenneth . | i E ‘Hoolee 1 Lg Hu hy Offi | 9 Claremont Adams av. 2259 Adams OUR&D Supplies av. Cor 2831 J died Nov 25 °24 age 18. Ingram Ammon R clk Skaggs Porter r 540 L Browning Sec-Treas, Florence A Roberts Asst Sec, Road, Irrigation, Bridge and | Building Construction, ee } Inman John eng U P rms Forristall 204-202 Fred J Kiesel Bldg, Tel 92543 Lincoln i Agt, 504 Eccles Bldg. ; INTER-MOUNTAIN S Mgr, 230 Eccles Bldg, Tel 534. Intermountain Concrete Co H G Day 521 Eccles Bldg. E : an iE ol av. Idaho State Life Ins Go A G Emerson 28th. agt 230 Eccles Bldg. INLAND ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO, D E Rhivers, - Pres, Geo A Lyon V-Pres. Harold F r ice & School Apts. av ; Inman Merle R firmn U P. ;: ___ INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA : haa 3 175 poultry Wash ey i ‘ av : : ae Insurance en ise Ingles John E r 2259 ‘a Mae ae ae Te | mi C. NYE gdnrr G ay. A } | i av r same. we Pe een Ole C hip Caden tron Wksb 7288 Oscen By. Roy clk Amal Sugai te r dM Nee ie r 9 Clarere Ee eee ; Ingebretsen Vern P student | __ av. Weston student b 2516 Monroe av. Wm R motrmn b 2647 Wash av. Jefferson are __Ingebretsen | ‘4 itn Ingebretsen John painte ‘t , (H prciccn Thuan ; a 26th. K se Park Apts rn eri (R_W corners Industrial School see Ingebretsen Benj carp1 | av. J ay. eands 2853 Hotel wash av. 10 O F Hall 2320 Wash at | | Gramercy Co Edgar nama Mary Independen t S S Pr Reed pkr Globe Floral Inama ite ! Hyer Ariel C hipr S P r 244 28th. Hyland Chester F student b 2908 Grant. av. Hyland ; | } Hyde RoseL (wid Geo E) r 796 26th. Hyden David farmer r Roy. Hylton Ibey Melvin ; mach opr Ibey Robt mgr Idan-ha Hotel Tlum Co r 2545 Washington b Sar Illum Elvious lab r Plain Imes Milton H trkr S Pr Huth Eliz (Flower Shop) r 966 28th. | Hutschenriter F W eng U P rms Creston Hotel. HUTSINPILLAR EDWIN H, Real Estate, Fire Insurancae‘y Mortgage Loans, e213-J. Hutsmar Chas r Burch Creek. Hutzley Nephi J brkmn U I C r 2236 Evelyn : 34th, wldr § P r 1065 Sullivan av. a ean Alfonso ] i U Tel Co b 2545 Fowler ay. Clara (wid Wm) rms 854 26th. Thos § sIlsmn Proudfit Sptg Gds Oe Hutchison Wm Hyde Ibey R H eng Globe Grain & r Clearfield. Wm nies “Glebe Grain & M M Co Co rms. 3167 Gran ("Hutchison Bernard G clk W DIRECTORY — 1925 r P2647 Wash av. and Hislop. E a a 447 SYSTEM Rev John W rector Ch of the Good Shepherd r 327 rannone ss ct. rms inc ciry a a farmer , AVENUE RESERVE AND SAVINGS ; a 25th. West Hyslop ; WHutchinson Wm A firmn U P rms 150 25th. Hutchison Hutchison i . Hutchins Jas H pipeftr § P. Jesse emp Globe Grain i Hyslop Hyslop _ 23d 24st. r 2330 Hutchins Hutchins Hutchinson Hutchinson b. G r 367 Adar r Slaterville. Amal Hymas 4 F Apts. Co ee ee T wm ; * a av. r 2 McGregor Taylor-Wright Alice Hutchings Wm Hutchins Amy r 334 A) G chfr Newman clk Hutchings Mrs A) Jos A Apts. Harold G firmn § P r 939 Rushton. Irene moved to Tacoma Wash. Jos W student b 2 McGregor Apts. FEDERAL COMMERCIAL ; Adams Hyland Frank eng S$ P b r 2908 2908 Grant. Grant av.av. Hyland Hazel MD student 601 MEMBER q & L Co b 2970 W 27th. Hutchens Hutchens Hutchens Hutchens MUTUAL family. k of Commerce National Bank of . & CO’S Warren L meter rdr U P Lawrence L mach r 169 Por nes THE his to duty AND 2486 WASHINGTON AVENUE R. L. POLK Hussey Huston Hutchens e — Compa AV Hutchens A HEART AND A FEW DOLLARS—all that are needed f or a man to take the first step toward doing his insuranc Drug Store OH N SON Xe 441-2454 PHONES S CHRAMN-J | F 0 em. BUSINESS MEN’S (Phila), J M AGENCY, pres W W R T Huntsman REAL mgr BR k 00 Sto re E.W. na Townsend Washington ESTATE—LOANS—INSURANCE WE SPECIALIZE IN EXCHANGES den Hume * Little & Dalton REALTORS 2 Under First National Bank Building 0 Phone 253 eae | |