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Show — WARM AIR FURNACES a SHEET METAL WORKS Roofing of All Kinds 155 24th STREET G, Office Mgr Glen Co, r 2539 Monroe av, Tel 1932-J. Sampson I Gerard student b 2559 Madison av. Sampson Jay M electn Ogden Elec Co r 2648 Liberty ay Sampson Ross T student b 2559 Monroe av. Sampson Wm F elk r 823 26th. Samsioe Sven slsmn r 335 26th. SAMUELS LESLIE R, Mgr Hirschman Shoe Co, rms Reed Sanborn Field student b 475 23d. Sanborn Fred F r 475 23d. Sanchez Juan lab rms 2548 Wall av. Sandall Jas F herder rms 362 24th. Sandall John barber r 884 23d. Sandberg Adelheida (wid Bendt) r 822 12th. Sandberg Dilworth student b 2348 Jefferson av. Sandberg Lamont F mech b 2348 Jefferson av. Sandberg Given b 2348 Jefferson av. Sandberg Jos F blksmth r 2348 Jefferson av. Sandberg Reta student b 2348 Jefferson av. Sandell Andw r rear 2151 Jefferson av. Sander Cornelius H slsmn r 2365 Harrison av. Sander Harmana died Mar 4 °’24 age 67. Sander Hyrum (I Sander & Son) r 863 Wash av. Sander Isabrand painter r 2032 Gramercy av. SANDER | & SON (Isabrand and Hyrum), Sandstrom Sandstrom WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY 2538-40 WALL AVE. Sandusky Sanford Sang Tel. 2074 BUILDING MATEUNEXCELLED UNEXCELLED 141 < re 24th Street QUALITY Viva Gordon Lung Sangberg Van av. Buren 3003 Constn Co rms r 49 La Frantz ay. & R Dee tchr E firmn Co Augusta U P. gds chinese C Schl Carl (wid 2466 O) Lincoln r 2717 Saperstein Adolph Tra clk The Palace rms 2536 Satelo lab Elpidio O U'R & D q SERVICE Phone 470 Saunders Elmer Geo A S chfr slsmn Texas r 4202 av. 0. B. Gilson Agent Harrison Madison W av. General SALES AGENTS av. . 29th. Co. Satow Jas (Colo Hotel) r same. Satterthwaite Vella techr Quincy Schl rms 712 25th. Saulls Everett L lab S P rms 2981 Wash av. Saunders see also Sanders. Saunders Albt r 4202 Monroe av. Saunders Art lab b Wilson. Saunders Clarence R mech Harbertson Bros b 4201 av. Saunders Clyde b 2817 Liberty av. Saunders Coletta student b 323 27th. Saunders Dale b 2069 Madison av. Saunders David r 669 20th. Saunders Dorothy opr Tel Co 2069 Madison av. . Saunders Edwd T contr r 433 20th. Saunders av. Apts. av. Sarandos Wm waiter rms St Paul Hotel. Sardagna Jos r 339 4th. Sargent Elmer b 243 Healy. Sargent G Wm plmbr Utah Plmbg & Htg Co r 207 Sargent Jessie b 243 Healy. Sargent John lab r 243 Healy. Sargent John Ar 3279 Jefferson av. Sargent Wm N lab rms 2470 Wall av. Sarlo Dora b 12 Wilson la. Sarlo Kate b 12 Wilson la. Sarlo Louis farmer r 12 Wilson la. Saroiberi Michl herder rms 2522 Wall av. Sarver Jas E asst mgr Amer Can Cor 521 24th. Sarver Saml R chf clk Amer Can Co b 521 24th. Sasse Thos B moved to Maxwell New Mex. Co. av. Grant H O, Modern Plumbing and Ventilating, SANGBERG Repairing, 369 23d, Tel 866, r 2717 Harrison av. ' Santelli Pasco lab r 116 Patterson. Santina John hipr 8 P. Santley Myrtle rms 324 W 17th. Santo Fred B firmn U P. Painting, Pap CO. | BOYD LUMBER RIALS Utah hipr W Carol r 2935 Creek b 3214 Adams ay. Sandstrom Edna L b 3214 Adams Sandstrom Erick W carp Utah Constn Co r 3214 Adams Tel 1503-R and 863 Washington av, Tel 1523-R. THE Berna C tchr Burch Portland Cement 27th. Scowcroft’s wchmn Peter Sandman Hanging and Decorating Contractors, 2032 Gramercy ¢ Sander Maggie b 2032 Gramercy av. | Sander Max lab OU R&D Cor 858 22d. Sanders see also Saunders. Sanders Addie (wid Wilburn B) bkpr Yellow Cab & Co r 536 29th. Sanders Benj A farmer r 896 3d. Sanders Ellis M tmstr r 1764 Wash av. Sanders Frank D lab P Or rear 2135 Adams av. Sanders Geo formn Amal Sugar Co. Sanders John blksmth Utah Constn Co r 521 28th. Sanders Laura student b 1765 Wash av. Sanders Leland emp Amer P & P Cor 918 24th. Sanders Mirl lab r 3221 Jefferson av. Sanders Ray W cashr Browning Auto Co r 315 18th. Sanders Veda b 1764 Wash av. Sanderson Edwd A gro 591 29th r same. Sanderson Edwd A contr 2341 Madison av r same. Sandiford Albt student b 214 31st. Sandiford Edwin whsmn Scowcroft’s r 214 31st. Sandiford John T gro 214 31st r same. Sandiford Marcus baker r 210 31st. Sandiford Nellie b 244 31st. 17th. Harry gro 3501 Adams av r same. Jas baker r 38th and Grant av. John clk O U R & D Co r 2856 Lincoln Sandman Sandman Sandman Bros-Roberts DIRECTORY — 1925 661 rms insp Axel ediund CITY Union Co Madison L Cement 514 b J E Saunders. Monroe av. !'UTAH AUTO TOP CO. ECCLES BLDG. a IRVING 9q@DEN Myrtle r 153 W dler Mrs 251 25th. mgr 251 25th. eae) SAMPSON ———__—__ ee) Saltsgaber Casiah Vr 425 32d. Salvation Army R E Henderson capt Salvation Army Hotel R E Henderson CO’S 0) & em POLK 2) L. Get | R. 0 0 450 TROY D050 “EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME” ~ Hendershot Manager BOYLES oo em) (D0 D. K. STUART & SON Our A Specialty of CALIFORNIA TOPS AND TRIMMINGS, SEAT COVERS, SIDE CURTAINS, ETC. Prices 357 23rd PHONE 1311 Street = 1312 |