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Show C. H. BARTON, iy i Onn, THE Pres. s s L. | en FJELDSTED, > vv VW VY WY $38 Secretary bububuabtuta 61 1929 — DIRECTORY CITY OGDEN : 4 tetudubububvbu fete hh VT VON ON we rc 4 1a Telephone St. 24th 414 wee FUEL snes cas co. oe F. WHITLOCK, MODERN ea ar aa baal eba a aa =. a hi a tid, Names Alphabetical List of a s > , s 5 A Galbra2dith) (G Lield) BBC Petal hd ‘Hl HGo Merrif The Ogden window of the coligedii Livestock Show has livestock indus ‘ustry t which is the gr eatest potential United States. come to be known as the show of the Inter-Mountain livestock producing came from sixteen different swine Show.” : ea C9 Ogden January 11 to 16, 1930 Union Stock Yards, Ogden, A Wm W Edwd CG tchr High a OO Cor Jefferson Schl r Lin che US Army Ree 3 ey Seeoline M steno aude L Sta mgr Jefferson Ofc r $ Paints, Building “59 QUINCY AVE. ee — 2 Dette dp EOP OD OM ae Material oe Oils, Lacquers 27th. Monroe and Brushes PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS Mfrs. Pioneer White Lead av. LaFrantz Apts. PURE PREPARED PAINT es ee) eee ee “FOLLER” VARNISHES av. av. ati MHEELWRIGHT LUMBER CO ae EE & Co. PIONEERS SINCE 1849 av. 27th. 440 Ivy Apts. O U R & D Co b 3256 Ogden Contl Oil Co r 35415 Jefferson NEE at A AAA A Sat gre a eae OE 4 Elmhurst av. 2658 Adair Geo A (Mary) r 269 27th. Adams Afton C student b Riverdale. Adams Alex G clk Anderson & Sons Co b 2865 Adams Alfd W (Carrie) clk O UR & D Cor 49 Adams Alice (wid David) rms 446 River dr. Adams Alys tchr Hopkins Schl r 2 Ivy Apts. Adams Mrs Bessie r 2554 Monroe av. Adams * Matilda C) farmer r Riverdale Adams 4é _ Student a) 4 4 Penney CME FAST FREIGHT SERVICE, Care The Ogden Transfer & Storage Co, 2340 Grant av, Tel 910. Acree Don (Mary) service sta 201 Wash avr 23 Marylyn Apts Acuna Jesus lab S P. ae Utah (Ida) 2 o } J Drahams Louis (Kate) clo 155 25th r same. Ace Wm (Josephine) r 457 26th. Ackerman Mrs Dolly slsldy The Emporium r 440 of the The Eleventh Annual Ogden Livestock Show asst beyta Juan lab O U R & D Co. Dling Otto r 60 Wilson la. Dplanalp Kenneth C student b 2658 ekerman cattle » Sheep and Ogde n Livestock states and Candada. (Mary) | é ADplanalp region, section Sixteen Hundred and Fifty head of were on exhibition at the tenth annual They show , P Apts. av, ee ais. ee 2340 WASHINGTON AV. Store PHONES PHONE 1563 i a 8 a 4 4 ee a magnificent 2377. Roden 4 in is one of the finest liivestock Tel Abeling +4 -» ee it is housed Ogden j of the dp dy de +» «A Now these buildings in the yards, country.which th e barns Co, A + Yards. in Lowe Washington Geo , Pres-Gen Mgr Bank of ce Commerce, r 2838 of Genk V-PresNat Nat Ge { 2643 rp Co, Lowe A Geo : owe » Geddes adjoining first ces quarter | ed 9709 Brinker av, ‘Tel 3573. (Helen), Treas JAMES T BBOTT Brinker av, Tel 731. neie TL Geo Mgr Sales Atte show : was (Maude), A The L GEORGE Oak. W 216 hipr SP 1 (Wendertje) Setama John av. Aaron L P eng U P rms 2543 rat eda. 34th. 428 b t studen Dorothy bott 428 (Eliz) claim agt UI Cr Pred M Bb BBOTT 21st. r 478 Ernstrom 404 Cross. A The first Ogden Livestock Show was held in Januar y, 1920, Since that time ten consecutiv e Shows have been held; each succeeding one Surpassing the fo rmer, until this show is now recognized as one of the impor tant livestock exhibit events of America. Erms John Peter mach (Anna) Fred ee Manereau Show A s+ = Livestock 4 Ogden 4 the 390-391 4 Pewee ae ewwwowo Sew of 1h Home r 875 Co & Htg Plmbg Utah bkpr (Margt) W Leonard 4 } av. amodt ‘ ( Wash r 376 Co SPP s 5 5 : 4444 5 cS - S a auth Be Gran e 156 ae gds 2418 Grant r 2833 (Ida M) insp Globe G & M av. a Eons b 376 W ash iiiason Artell student Gds Sptg with Ogden adneson Chris (Bertha J) , § , eEeEEeaUIEIEes a 24th. 236 by phen Sing) (Louie safe dp Apt de _ ‘ > > eeeSE ‘ > > a. in ti Rae § 4 Ogden Livestock Sho | GAS a eer ~~ dp db ‘ ‘ ‘ , , ag eS ee i -_—_ eae |