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Show ~ A Williams Ogden b 3660 steno fh hh 5th. Williamsen (wid th , r 3-3027 Adams Williamsen Lorenzo av. C (Reta) so a Lauretz r 2050 3469 Porter 2048 Wash mgr L a 4 Company: ‘ . 4 > ee. rice an d Cold Storage “ 4 4 4 ; on Arnos L died Oct 22 oa rm ATU Zant J. REAL ESTATE, Office Telephone 301 ; f ai Qu” Ogden, r nh hh a a i a a a ia ar iar hr paar aeebabababatas 1762 Pacific ra Co b 303 15th. Hotel.Brown Nat WR pokDE rms 764 M asst oe t b Wilson. , (Nora) tmst ey clk O U Wwiine a. att Co n A; Ena wriPest ae S 1sOn City Cleaners & Dyers), ackson 78 (vid John L) r age 703 12th. ay. R&DC ay Paylora P me uent b >) 303m] mimn C J Humphris a if Steno b 504 15th. 12t ay. r 480 : av. D 3840 Tye 1 e eee mee (Marjorie) asst cr mgr ' Scowcroft’s (Maude) } Clothing 15th. 25th. hard ay. Rw Go. b 1979 Mo nroe av. ‘A (wid David E) r 19 60J pai Nov 28 °28 si av. LSON DAVID J (Mary yet , Dir 643 42th. LawyerPO B icCles ey, 613' efor adCoAttorn 2619 r 803, onion 1 cknH bgemm yyy wehmn OUR Tel 3715, & D h. 7 ay. av Wall ayC Hart J W Titen K M MG2781Bruce on oyes) gro and meats >clhk WF Grosse Wil on Clarence (Isette) hee Co b 1075 Oak. on Clifford (Orma) Tr - oe -. ‘ > 1533’ Wash eas Dkr Bick B)@rarit 29 75 Pingree student av. He oye Warr uue 2975 Pingree Residence Telephone 2217 Street yee Wilson Austi Wilson Bong a ep wel Co b 159 246, Re av. och Agen A. McCull INSURANCE AND LOANS COee Foe . i uu (Lucey) Gity aero delmn formn H H Mark h 1533, "yVy, Wil s Wilson et b 2238 Bowe. ot hek r 20741 Jefferson ay. Wilson C Leonar P b 1037 Sulli Wj Le drm ullivan ay. a oon David B (leabeliny sitar Son a. ss yw & av. Willie Leon G (Thelma) tchr High Schl r 634 22d. Willis Ethel (wid John G) atdt The Emporium r 2553 4 24th s | av. C Williamsen ‘ Wilson Benj A (Proce ) wv ee VN Se PHONES 457-158 Wash opr uine) farmer r 441 19th ; (Florence) Wilson Ben} C intdtes Bas tj ee S Pr 3840 Tyler Wilson Bros C p. Wilson. $ Williamson Wm E (Bertha) firmn 0 U R & D Co r 3428 Um eae > N A, With City Cleaners & Dyers, ’ p 48 0 ChesApartments 104 w 28 3 Mrs Marida maid St Paul Hotel r 500 Lincoln av Walter C (Gertrude) emp Rocky Mitn Pkg Corp Williamson } Williamson - “ter. Auto Sup r r 2168 Tyler av. Clara (wid Coleman) Claude A emp P Or 317 Plaza Apts. Frank lab b 500 Lincoln av. Fred painter b 2168 Tyler av. Henry (Marida) lab r 500 Lincoln av. |. Williamson Williamson ) Williamson Williamson Williamson - | Um Williamson Chas H (Eva L) chfr Badger Lbr Co r 2442 ae coln av. Products: r 2631 Tyle av. av. Alice Wilson compt pt re , B » son ; Wilson av. C) 146 27th. : | Williamsen L C & Son L C Williamsen mgr auto body bit ) ) ». + 3 Annie M Williamsen John R (Bernice) body bldr L C Williamsen &8¢ aa ) ! hh a Zelda pDiRECToRY — 1929 Scowcro ft’s arber F L Bure rms art co rene te WHIPPET MOTOR case: F ruler cane Washington ay, Alps econ 10 °28 age 54. H died Apr Wm § Williamsen Thos student b 2050 Wash > - Williame & Smith F E Williams D D Smith gro and meats 928 Williams CITY Will Mrs Tena tel opr Willsis Geo A (Ruby) b 2864 Madison av. Williams Victor emp Amal Sugar Co rms 374 22d. Williams Victor J bkpr b 354 35th. av. Williams Violet G clk Woolworth’s b 3234 Grant Williams Wallace b 253 4th. he av. Jefferson 3210 b student Williams Wm Wash ave Williams Wm B (Doris; U S Intl Rev Agt) r 3405 s avy. Wash Williams Wm B slsmn Briggs Studio rms 2465 a7 Jf > OGDEN r 588 Pee eg = | 15th a > . e : Puta dad i bh nk > slsmn Ben Lomond (Maret) e "vy > bE av. Williams T Reese e -Roberts Piano Co. S sec Shupe-Williams (Grace) we . CO’S Robt (Eleanor) r 608 Chester. ay. Robt T (Blanche) barnmn U I Cr 1620 Childs Roger mech Ogden Flying Club b 409 Plaza Apts. Roy chfr Ogden Cash Coal Co b 608 Chester. Roy (Grace M) farmer r View. Ruth M emp U P Lndry rms 369 22d. Mrs Sarah A r Wilson. Thelma clk J G Penney Co b 2107 Lincoln ay. clk Sewell’s r 252 7th. Thos E (Bessie) Thos H (Ethel) cond § Pr 2107 Lincoln av. r 2119 Grant av. painter B) Thos J (Clara Thos P (Belva) clk RMS r 775 30th. Thos R died Jan 6 ’28 age 75. T Frank v es - & vev OO > > > Williams POLK PIANOS — R RDS — B AND INSTRUMEN SHEET Mune Gan NING ee ee A ) L. SHOES Y SY oe ' fe puGubpupube AAS fe > 4 1 , 7 7 > > > 14 RED D E Vv I pass a AGENTS teerppupupupubpunpuipe , SALES tun 5 Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams ) Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams ft ; R. fh y B. Gilson Agent HATS FURNISHINGS CLOTHING WASHINGTON AVE. 4 4 4 te wee oO. 2455 fh wT VU re wre se. Cement Co. Co. Mullett- ‘Portland} : : |