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Show > 7 > > y 4 > acs a ' ¥ a dh f a ae ie ah th j de aby che di = ct TELEPHONE 288 404 R. +vTvrvrvreee eeee i iH » i f: M oR. IRA. MoKELL i , 7) Pp ¢ ul {= Co A + $5 Cc fa SM 2 Cz ¢ tr a T , : R ey (Grace) a > } = ; $ 0 UR swchmn & D Cor Nichole oth, ; eas (Marcia; A pee } Harold Gomer . ‘ walmeR 9} GRADUATE } THIRTEEN { YEARS , ec ias Leon O (Margt) emp S Pr W Weber. reas, ci. fe atthew ae : OGDEN ane hte icholls Virl ‘“ oe J (Rhea) chkr Globe Mills r 208 45th. (Elsie) lab Union Stock Yds r 780 W 24t barber Powder P Nichols Elmarion H Teendecth Perens er a) Br r 434 ie Shop rms Fila ist. —- | ‘Sis » } $| Merchants Credit Bureau a FFICIENT PROGRESS $ , ; ¢ KIESEL 3 PHONES q 630-757 Lnrenrrrarne ‘ Syemper er 3} Mem an Lrcn FOR ME UADtE OF UTAH THE STATE conBONDED, LawTO League of America and American Collection Commercial $ aie Se am ne Servi Employed Than All Other Ogden Agencies Combined HCCLES BLDG. =~ PHONES 4020-4021 0 , PHONE 3683-R 2 + NIELSEN EINAR, Mgr Mutual Creamery Co, 102 23d, Tel 318, Lawn 108 r 3506 Adams av, Tel 1609-W. Nielsen Elias (Rose) supt O-U Knit Co r 634 28th. Fred (Mable) farmer N City Limits S Pr lab (Mary) Fae Amal emp et 4 Weer eile a Nielsen Michierl Nielsen Nels E moved to Brigham, Nielsen Nephi H Sug carrier P O rms (Kate) rd. ; Dat > g E ype- Mrs Nielsen Wm Vera r Riverdale é ‘Sold, aoe a z Nielson Ephraim jan Utah Schl D & Br same. leison Leonard r Riverdale. b Taylor. ANK B. SMITEHG i an “AUTOMOTIVE RADIO REPAIRS a @ yee oo tig a BT 40 aka trail + 4 ; ’ > E J c 4 $ Teer saiiirand 4 ° mesines ;‘ 4 ¢ 2422 ety $$ SERVICE” and Night ---Day TOWING -:- ene Rented: ; la. Nielson Lloyd J (LaVerna) chnrO UR &D Cor 2133 Grant av. Nielson Lloyd K (Verna) tchrr 17 Stewart Apts. _ ye eacaqnmay a : > Prope. ; All Makes rd. Shop r Wilson 2 use 'H. ©. Chapin? 832 22d. Nielson Elmer clk Wright’s r Huntsville. Nielson Enoch N (Marie) lab r 2345 Harrison av. Golden J (Vera #) ’ oa 1@Q : “4 : Nielson see also Neilson and Nelson, Rosen 4 7 : dismen Cac PLS aatriesl (Mary) pkr r rear 2758 Lincoln av. Nielson F T slsmn Maytag en: $ be 4 writer: . Nielsen Nettie emp U P Lndry rms 743 29th. Nielsen Peter farmer r Slaterville. Nielsen RRS ¢ r Taylor. Nielsen Fred P lab S$ P r 256 Taylor. 21st. John RAR ¢ "Nielsen Evelyn student b 634 28th. 4 4 4 7 4 ee 4024 29th 3 : . av. ? 3 € Nielsen David hlpr Ogden Iron Wks rms 967 Orchard av. Nielsen Jas DhlprO UR & D Co. Nielsen John cond UI Crms 962 Jefferson av. 4 nurse Dee Hosp. : Nielsen Chris blksmth Ogden Iron Wks b 1676 Kiesel Nielsen Chris student b 256 21st. Nielsen Cleone E laund Dee Hosp r rear 832 22d. Nielsen a N ¢ r (Christina) Nielsen Jacob Nielsen Jas Crms 302 Ogden av. C (Elsie M) slsmn Motor Sup Co r 3284 Gt Nicholas Virginia student b 324 28th. IN .;y euccan: Nielsen O° ;(GA Nicholas C A Hincholiiam es ec Wm r rear 724 W 21st. j Nichol s Alex r 224 Plaza Apts. ; | ce ae | by. me 7 Miehols ee cise John (Martha A) r 2928 Grant av. 4 } a ohn E (Trilby) bkpr Ogden Paper Co r 856 Gs n} ' ee ° 4 d 4 " 37 . L11e nie ee r same. 758 27th eee - r 324 2 ©1) Nicolaides Olva K (Eva M) cond U P r 204 30th. Lane Nielsen Ella R moved to Brigham. a a Co) ; A and Fel tae ryen Hav, (Aurelia) ' WM 4 General a 24bil Kionel iesel ‘/ W 59 Ot Ruth messr S P b 3463 Grant av. hae Wm C (Annie) r 350 Franklin. A Nicholas ' a 5} Newlon Jas H (Lillie) mer $ L & Ogden Tptn Cor 369 Hes ‘Yewton Kenneth P © * > $ * oe Apts. [ | >> } F Vv av. ater Grant av 1st. r 582 Anna G (wid Peter) Hlielsen Nielsen Ariel studentb 634 +h. | once > Ad P r 2988 88 Adams aio ao % H (Sarah C) shoe repr 263 28th rsame. Newton Geo Herbt E died Dec 9 '28 age 25, x 3 F > oe es R Nicol i Grant av. 405 ha ae a & Le af painter § P r 3463 Grant ay. Fred B (Diantha) inal 1929 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 O05, meos Adams John Nicodemus 73. a Soft Drinks (Nicholas J Kell) 170 25th. , } ai Sec-Treas Colonial Bldg cae Buren av, Tel 3662-J. an Newport John died June 18 ’28 age 62. $4 Newsome 2) oa 4 Reewen Clifford O caller O UR & D Co b 3463 OQ > , ieq Wilson sec H W Newman treas Inrstune| pres Imogene Wash av, ep cr t . m 2 Newport Jas H brkmn S P rms Community Hotel. eke? R — S&S. vetsaokiwion, al ay,ay, (Val NICKSON JOHN2448 age Co, Rolla W student b 472 27th R Leland student b 878 25th uJ 2 NEWMYER PAUL Assn, r 2886 Zz) ; o> DIRECTORY Ng ee ¢ einen DARE eae Nichols Verle Seeeia) Carbon as : eee Wm E (Mary E) pres W E Newman & Sonal 2 Newman Wm E & Sons W E Newma Oo CITY Nichols Mrs Madge B _ at Cane cient Nichols Nona (Mecca toe Ginha THi Gehl Ok det ee Turner A (Pearl; Williams Coal & Wood Co) 2 °Ee iy te c 878 25th OGDEN qICHOLS FRANK E (Edna), Joint Freight Agent Ogden Union 3 Helm Apts, Tel 2693. Co,r chf Railway Geo &L Depot (Ardella) drftsmn U § Forest Ser r 1036 Nichols . F t | a ‘ S } Newman VernonC opr W U Tel Co b 2854 Madison R +2 y Newman Newman -r ; [ _—_——__———— & Sons b 472 27¢ Heber f died Gat 10 eee Lawrence H (Ferol) r 2854 Madison ay, aaesa Mrs Lea mgr Newman Furn Marchant brk mn § P "o5th, ee ean 4 ) foe Newman Newman Newman ] y 1 2 ocx $ > 2 =} Newman Mary B nurse Dee Boa y 472 Sith $4 Newman Nettie student b 508 27th he et t >. Bs ie ¢ Co’s elite ¢ af a i & 4 Newman Phillip H (Lea) r 508 27th. Newman Robt Robt WM student (Violet) b repr P r }9 Newman 472 §27th cS oe . POLK » > > HOME” THE FOR “EVERYTHING } Newman Patk W (Hattie) telgr r 580 28th : Cw ¢ ¢ 4 4 L. > Be7 oi T , (2435 WASHING aaa AAADADA TON EARL = Pesnennyayayney 9 , es, —_ MCPs AND SUPPLIES -~ DRUG SUNDRIE We Serve You Best and Save You: Moet de de A dr KODAKS Adding ideo! ve. | Tel. 236 peda ‘2 |