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Show Co. 754 REALTOR: tdi hh th th hi hh hi th hi > hin thi he hi ~ > 7 ‘ li hin > . av. CO’S CLASSIFIED Cleaners Model & Laundry Dyers 618 of Ogden, 24th. 2149 Pingree ay. (See left top lines and page 43). Fred M Co, 2409-2411 Wash av. (See right side lines and page 26). Ogden Steam Laundry, 2534-2540 Wall av, Nye (See branch 437 25th, (See right top and and pace tai Troy Laundry, 2534-2540 Wall hi hin hi ti ti di tin tin ct A th dh Ay CIGARS deWit AND Bros Grant av. (See dp Polk R L & Co, Lake City. Ap dine ai Ae i Hyslop Rev Polk R L Lake CIVIL & Co, City. Dooly CLAY Pipe av. Gs Dooly & CLEANERS, City Cleaners age Coal page Co, Salt 1985 Lin- Co 360 2477 AND SUITS Wash Leven’s oben ar menor cack Stee 2€ . Kiesel Co. Mullett-Kelly Co, A : 2354 av. ee av. Wash a¥- (See left ape Fred M Co, ’ 2409 Wash av. side lines and page 26). Ogden N O C 2358 Wash ay. Rosenberg av. Sam & ne oe av. (See pi Morris Bill 162 25th Upstairs (See right Bag see ; Clothes shop 2468 A A A A ALS MATERI TELEPHONE 237 +. A> Ay NG BUILDI STREET 24TH i thn th th th thi thn th th hd th ti din dA» Ap A» dp Ap debthy dp Ap bp A dp dn ate a sb A ee & Sons Co 2369 Wash |; 470 ey ay. ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES & Professional Women’s Club 2500 Wash av. Children’s Aid Soc 414 25th. Chinese National League 2461 Grant av. Community Welfare Assn 2417 Kiesel ay. Elks Club 2527 Grant av. Elks Club (Colored) 127 25th. Exchange Club 416 Central Bldg. Girl Seouts of Ogden 225 Fred J Kiesel dig Golden Age Bureau 2641 Kiesel ay. GARIOOF Hall. a A Inter-Mtn Demurrage Bureau 2415 Wall Vv av. Inter-Mountain Japanese Assn 2430 Lincoln av. Kiwanis Club 2069 Wash av. Knights { of Columbus Aux 2425 adies 607 25th. to the Order Grant of Ry ay, University Club Ce 454 ee Chamber of ‘Grai Grain Exch 210 RAeD BARS Waa Eccles Bige- Union of Ogden Cemetery pulversity a Asso Assn 300 25th. N Ogden. Club 401 26th. Industries 215 Eccles Utah Canners Assn 320 Fred J KieselBldg. Bldg. Farm Bureau 2424 Nat Farm Loan Assn 2453 Poultry Assn 215 Eecles Weber Rober e Bide ate oe: Water Users Assn 524 Eccles od iau Wor ue Z ; Women’s Omen’s Benefit Relief a. & Assn Corps Inspection 2425 I ~~~ EE EEE 0 O John Grant F Parker Coal cee ‘Coal av. W 27th. Wash Co, Coal Co, 2041 Co, 156 W & Lbr Co 156 24th. (See page Wash 27th. (See 17-19 n-Leslie pa Saunders av. Shaw AA 29 e Co, T 148 W Coal Co, , oe. eo 2i4st. (See 2362 Lincoln ite w one g : Union Coal ay. Williams CoalCo Co3123236 Grant 21st. on . page Harrisville 28 ed ee COAL—WHOLESALE Los ‘oe Lion (See Coal page Co, bes ; : First Nat Bank Nat Bank Bldg. (See page 29), labels COAL Bldg. First Nat Bank Bldg. Premier Coal Co 521 Eccles Bldg. Rodman-Leslie Co, 148 W 21st. Superior Rock Springs Coal Co, 1105 MINING First MACHINERY Ogden Iron Works Co, 2257-2267 Lincoln av. (See front and back pages of map). COATS, SUITS AND DRESS ES Cinderella Frock Shop, 2378 Wash: av, (See 30). page Grimes Inc 2443 Wash av. Paine & Hurst, 2464 Wash av and 3423 Riverdale rd. (See page 34), Taylor-Wright Co, 2355 page 58). f See Scowcroft page ® page ay. Coal & Sons Co Wash 2383 av. Wash COFFEE HOUSES Cafes and Restaurants *COFFEE ROASTERS John & Sons Co, 101 238d. 37). (See ay LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING CO. 2534 2540 AVE din i PPO Mountain States Implement Co. “WE Yard (See Red Devil Coal Co 2065 Wash ay. Rodma Bureau Hall. 32d. av. (See left top lines and page 28), Gwilliam on & Coal Co, 124 22d. (See page 45 ° Ind Cash Ceal Co 2410 Wall av. Jones M L Coal Co 2379 Kiesel ay. Maw John & Sons Plain City. Ogden Cash Coal Co rear 3195 Grant av. Ogden Sewer Pipe & Coal Co, 1985 Lincoln av. (See page 54), Kiesel av. | Wright WH Grant av. 380 24th. Bldg. J Co 156 Coal Co 3124 rane Bldg. Gun Club 2500 Wash av. Live Stock Show Inc, Hotel Bigelow. (See page 60). Ogden Tennis Club 1365 Capitol. Purebred Swine Assn 505 Central Bldg. Railroad Porters’ and Waiters’ Club 127 Rotary Ciub ee Farr : Commerce, 1929 156 Conductors 24th. (See pages 4 and 59).Hotel low. — COAL—RETAIL Kiesel av, 2240 Wall av.Co, ' 2379 (See page 97). er Yard, Ellis Fuel American Assn of Engineers 203 24th. American Legion The 454 24th. Associated Charities of Ogden 2417 Kiesel av. Associated Press 211 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. Boy Scouts of America Weber Gym. rs i NOE ALAA PHONE 350 AAA ee? i ie all als ies i i i i a i 302 25th St. H Utah Taxpayers Assn 215 Eccles Bldg. eber County 232 25th. Store 989 Q6tt spite ng W Ogden Ogden (See page 2305 25th Ogden Golf and Country Club 4000 Washav 148 = 149 City Ogden 301-805 24th, John Store Wright — Shop 350 25th. aeied 308 25th. DIRECTORY Sao stile Gate Ogden ok Landsman av. Franklin, Dyers, (M E) 2817 Pingree ay. KSa Clothing Masonic Club 2550 Wash av. i i me Ce mare, cae House, Fashion The Cleaning & Pressing, 136 26th. | Ogden See page 25). Wash Home akine & 2011 Wash Gordon Louis 270 25th. New DYERS AND PRESSERS & Dyers, 2374 Wash 25). Cleaners - (Nazarene) L & BUSINESS 25th. Watson-Tanner Clothing Co, 374 24th.(See page 27). Ladies ee ion clan Steres Ine, Sane National Dollar Store 54). D virae hue. Genera pia te Dyers Inc 3088 Wash| Jack’s 40 s CLOTHING—RETAIL Louis 155 26ti. hes Scie Caatane Bidg, PRODUCTS (See Argyle : 2418 ae See Coats, Suits and Dress Sait | Abrahams ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS See Engineers—Civil Etc. Sewer coln 44 25th Ch of L (Episy Wisner Rev R W PUBLISHERS 613-616 (Community) (Reorganized Smith :Rev P W dp CITY DIRECTORY 138 A SAA AAAS > R F CLOA D Gente uke 613-616 (Mission) Kiesel ee 25th. coeds dedi CIRCULARS ea L N H O Hewes > Lindquist-Vicks & Co 244 Lincoln av. dp dp 111 M Porae Rev L P_ (M E) 2604 Jefferson ay. Fee Rev TOBACCOS—WHOLESALE Inc Rabbi Apts. ersox Utah Cigar Co 2475 Lincoln av. Ogden + Business } Property { REAL ESTATE INSURANCE y LOANS Baras Bldg. T Co 210 Business right top and right side lines and age 43). Up-To-Date Cling Co 2616 Wash ay. Valet Service ee 3142 Stephens ay. arner G W 238 30th. white Dove Cleaners & Dyers 2946 Wash av. CLERGYMEN Hymen (Hebrew) Clo CLUBS, ion Owens J T 22 cc ; Pioneer Cleaning Co 305 24th. Quality Cleaners 2215 Wash ay. Regal Cleaners 418 25th. Superior Cleaning oe Co, 2470 av. (See page : Star uth, right side lines and page 48). Ogden-Troy Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co, 2534-2540 Wall av, branch 437 24th. (See right top and right side lines United Cigar Stores Co 2487 Wash av. idinbesabei is: Ap ke Cheaper es Grant & LeBon Bldg. Lobby Cigar Stand lobby Eccles Meitreidt W H 264 25th. Mikuriya Hichiji 275 24th. Model Cigar Store 320 25th. Natl Cigar Store 240 25th. Rendezvous Smokery 246 25th. Smoke House The 326 25th. Staple Cigar Store 258 25th. dp ON | Residence ; Property ™, dt ty a '- eee 2635 POLK -L. CIGARS AND TOBACCO—RETAIL Allen Smokery 2317 Wash av, Bank Smokery x ae av. Boyle D L 106% : ears Drug Store, 300 26th. (See page 33). Club Pool Hall 126 25th. Coml Cigar Store 200 25th. D & D Cigar Store 340 25th. Ford Smokery 222 25th. Grant’s Cigar Store 375 23d, Healy Cigar Store 104 25th. Hemenway. & Moser Co 2483 Wash ay. Hotel Bigelow Cigar Stand lobby Hotel Bigelow. Hudson Smokery 2472 Kiesel av. dp > > > A es _ . dp an ee > > > > > > > . > > > ‘ ON , 234d. i 4 580 CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Consultor Cigar Co 168 25th. Wessler L C 218 25th. th , > ). : > > > ~ > > Army Union *CIDER MANUFACTURERS Becker Products Co, 1900 Lincoln av. left side lines and page 54). Z o Japanese Salvation 627% > R. Ogden oy FORALL WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT” implement Chaln Stores AH IDAHO §{?#dves ae Finance} = Johm Farr Coal Co. TROY STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY rai PHONE on 27 Pan PHONE ptbesectertrestcrocs. swbsnsrisenete tere rests General CONSOLIDATED SERVICE OCDEN STEAM LAUNDRY* COMPANY Z2M006 ex Best Coal By Farr” <OA= The ) ol a omg |