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Show varsity w 0 supervision we} result of Bligibility he dropped being person's the in be the snall the cheerleaders as same other Student Socy Officers in 3 of the Ben Lomond High School that prescribed for Articie ii, Section Section shall attend a cheerleaders at least once @ week under Failure to attend member. organizat! this from will rte class this leaders be held taculty c which fet Fy class Ry All Constitution. the cheerleaders. A head cheerleader shall be chosen by Junior varsity for out try may s Junior Sophomores and fourth week of the cheerleaders not later than the Their number shall not exceed first term of school. t at all home games twelve presen be They shall six. Their uniminutes before Junior Varsity game time. cost of which the ; forms shall be of their own making selection ibility of as same the the for as same the the for Varsity Junior the Varsity leaders cheer leaders, cheer Varsity The funds. Body Student Varsity Junior these of from taken be not Shall eligbe shall Leaders cheer leaders. cheer be shall The S dn te Article IV Section lL ommitcvees m9 Assembly - The Committee assembly of secretary class f the consist shall committee vice-presidents. Associated, the of the Associatec StudStudents, Vice-president. ents, and other faculty members as long as there are more student representatives than faculty members. Section 2. The pep Assembly Committee shall Officers, Cheer Leaders, and Pep Section 3. The Finance a. The ee he Associated the of secretary Committee kh. Girls! 5. faculty Social a. The Student shall consist of the Associated Students, of the secretaries classes, Body Student Association, Council, of the Sec- secretaries and Boys! Officers, and and a advisor. Committee Social sidents, the by The Hlection Committee a. The Election Committee retary of the Section mem- five of bers, the president of the Associated Students, the Treasurer of the School, and two appointed members as designated the Principal. Section Students. consist shall Committee finance consist of Pep Club Club Advisor, and Committee Historian shall of the consist of Associated slass pre- Students, «s designated by the Student Countwo students assistant principal, cil, three faculty aducsirs, and Article Vv. Section 1. Regulations No the student Student shall Council hold more Advisor. than one major office. |