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Show ’ | -qHE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER _ Li Ah & | OGDEN, UTAH, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 5, 1958 UNFAMILIAR FACES New Coach Heads Scots’ Baseball outfielder, could be called in the but he pretty well likes what litff tle he has seen. This is Gillespie’s first year at Ben Lomond. He said he isn’t too familiar with the Ben Lomond teams of the past so can’t give a good comparison. He will rely, to a great extent, |on juniors and sophomores, since there are only five seniors on the \entire t5-man squad. They are |eager to learn, he said, and this frelps build good teams. » Scots pitching could ‘be ‘The ‘| strong. Headed by big Brent Pe- terson, an all-around athlete with a great Ben ability, of deal Lo- |mond could have as good a hill ‘|erew as is in Region Two. Brent N—Ben Lomond High baseball coach Horace GilShows two of his outfielders the proper ‘position away. His flyatch and getting quick throw \ iddie Gickling, left, and Lynn Bain. Ominate this year’s club. Sophomores ‘lwill be backed up by Gary Hartman, a junior who throws a lot of junk, but gets the batters out, and Blaine \has help brother, Brent’s is just a good out. a sophomore fast ball Chris Blaine. Lloyd, but and could a ‘senior REGULAR AT FIRST _ Hugh Bain will be the regular ; first baseman. He is new at the jnitial sack so may make a few mistakes in the field, but he is one of the better stickers. = Frank Williams at second base | is the only senior in the infield. He is a fine gloveman. He is be- ing pressed, however, by Denny | Bramwell, a junior who.could develop into a great ball player. — The left side of the infield will |be held down by sophomores — Larry Jorgensen at third and. a Larry LaRoque at short. Lynn Seniors Bain and Ed- Gickling will join Lloyd. as The: regular outfielders. Brent Peter-— son will be used in the outer gardens when not on the mound be-cause of his hitting ability. Utility players are Den gogno and Taylor Wilson, Bor: ae a | BACKSTOP JO Jack Glen Clark, a junior, and are Owens, another sophomore, back- | for the the two candidates dur- | stop job. Clark has been ill put ing recent weeks and this may ’ Owens ge. vanta disad a him at was used in the Scots tuneup game last week and did a fine nia Pe 1 job. to ed "Ben Lomond was schedul season with © open its Region Two the Ogden High last week, but.e of game was ‘postponed becaus pie ‘stormy weather. Coach Gilles worked in said that game will beseaso n, _ sometime during the her permitting, Ben Lo- ‘ Weat mond will open its scheduleat Mon-— We1 day against the Warriors of the ‘per High. The remainder 0 Ben 10, ‘Seots schedule is: April 14, f ounLomond at Davis; April April. 21, nd; tiful at Ben Lomo Ben Lomond at Ogden; April 24, April | Weber at Ben Lomond; nd, and 28, Davis at Ben LomoBount iful. — Lomond at May 1, Ben ————— Horace Gillespie to determine the caliber of his Ben Lomond High baseball squad this spring, throw if needed. —————————————— - By ENSIGN RITCHIE and unfamiliar weather Bad faces made it difficult for Coach |