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Show Lomond High Wins Ist Again | Jtah Industrial Arts com- annual Utah Industrial Arts the fifth consecutive year. petition. ants taking industrial arts from The 24 winning students | ng at Ben Lomond High Ben Lomond High School comthe in place first won 9 F have piled enough points to capture a ee ee plastic earrings and first. for wrought iron coffee table. - Douglas Barns, first for silver cuff links; Neal Maw, third for wrought iron lamp; David Price, for trophy teacher” “winning Felix. school shop instructor Arlo A portion of the annual second for plastic shapes; Bob Domingues, third for cuff links; Roland Tsokamoto, first for con- for and test was devoted to teachers in the Teacher Project Contest flower pot and bracket; and Dennis Law, first for a copper lamp. Be Oe ay The contest was sponsored by Mr. Felix won a second place with his entry of an electric drill. El- Sears, Roebuck and Co. and was Many of the mont Bingham picked up a third- held in Midvale. gun winning entries from Ben Loplace win with a soldering entry. : mond High have been. placed on| display at the Sears store here, WINNING STUDENTS 2231 Washington. | ae students from Ben Winning |): nd, Berglu Lynn were: Lomond first for recurved bow and third quiver; William for a leather Pace, second for a recurved bow; ed Gary Sutton, third for a recurv bow. Richard Johnson, first for wood —— ———————— ee ree Berry, jewelry; Larry Deuel, first for .a capacitor tester; Bill King, honorable mention for a microphone and honorable mention for a transistor receiver. a for Dave Sanders, second transistor receiver and a ._ 150,JohnJerry 000 volt generator; son, second for a lamp and hon- orable mention for copper toolfirst for Pettingill, ing; Mike glasses, second for salt and pepper shakers and third for a brooch and earrings. —————— Po PRIL 24h, 1958 Boyd Williams, first for a for- lamp: Robert mica second for a copper Henderson, dish; David al == ey et, ee ee es a, ie ney fA re | } | i i |