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Show arriors Roll 0 8 3 n i Scots Win Gives Weber the City Title; game took” tide Remain in Tie for Loop a eager took 4 the boot, faked beanie as he “handed off to Ken Jackson” ‘coming arougd: ‘and 4 abe neon on. ‘the’ ‘Kickoff half. Weber’s By ENSIGN RITCHIE. The Weber High Warriors could do little vipng ala. Jackson sped” down the sidelines for 85 yards-and: a. t chdown. — night as they romped over the Ben Lomond Scots8 by. a 38-0 After the Scots took the: folscore on the Weber athletic: field. : | Ps lowing» kickoff, they for led: on}, & = \ The win left Weber tied with —— ou *} the second ‘play fr m scrimmage|. the Logan Grizzlies, who downed | pen Lomond’ 29-yard stripe to and Weber recovered’ onthe Ben Bear River earlier in the day, give Weber possession of the ball. Lomond: 35. . With * ‘Weber's ‘secand also gave it the city title. | On five®straight carries by Bel- ond team ‘backfield in the game, The Scots, who battled Logan nap, the. “Warriors moved to the Seager, Wendell Durand:and Cali down to -the a BT eee. ef- | four e vin Willard punched to the onefort last week, foun on the» flat side last emselves night in As i ee the Scots dropping. their third game of the fouent eee yard line, only;to. have defense he dug in, na a penalty move: them. back to the 16 with a fourth down coming up. Wil- season. * *2 lard, however, took the handoff The Warriors 4uiiieed off to a two more plays; but on : fourth and bulled his way into the end touchd Owe“lead ae in the first down Belnap plowed his way zone to: make the score :31-0. across the goal line to put the}: quarter. ey. added, two more The final Weber. touchdown | in the second ‘period, © ‘and put Be fort came late in the third period on che extra point was three clinchers across in fhe, shin’ blocked. ye another pass play, this time a 33- quarter. ‘Late in the first” quarter e| yard pass ‘to end: Doug. Harrop. | Scots threatened to. come bat k Lynn Hadfield made: the. score “ap or go-ahead Me 38-0 when®* he: ‘booted the a ter on. -| Phipps: spearheaded a drive from point. Ben Leaps date hack to.start Weber, which showed ‘the Og- his‘own 27. to the Weber five, den Tigers no aerial: attack a| only to. give’ “Up. the pigskin on ‘its longest drive ‘of the evening late in. the: final. period . when week ago, opened up with a pass- | downs: a ee ing game that broke the Ben Lo-}- “Weber then moved the bag they marched from. their wn 17 Mel from Wood midway ‘substituted ‘treely in: the third quar- Bad tiewdt mond feam’s back. Three of the/ out to its Weber touchdowns. vanie on Jong pass plays. | a After last night's. - Coach Wood called off the. aactice set for this .evening. eet ape the on four Plays, Weber: one-foot line, only Lith haji Beinap took “a *to be held with Jess than. a minremaining. The. key deshort s from Satie. quarterback@/ute behind “the line of. scrimmage! fensivé play to stop the drive ssed. es 8 lollag xpass to Boyd = ‘was Weber's Doug Bingh m shootand: fri ‘The. 7_end took ing through to throw the Scots His e the for “a’ five-yard loss after they Bud Belnap, who has been. the ac ¢ field had moved to the Warrior’s three. offensive workhorse e WarBen-Lomond » eH. 80° 0 0— 0 riors .all. year; passed tor jers to the ‘end 7 gone? eber 6° 1319 0—38 touchdowns, went over once him-} It appéared’ as though ‘the BelSelf, and booted an extra pdint./nap to_ ‘Mark’ pass * would be Scoring - "Weber - touchdowns: Ben Lomond, led by “tailback! broken up, xt the Scot defend- Belnap, ‘Mark, Mathie, Jackson, Lloyd Phipps, ‘put on two good/er near M. Willard, Harrop;.. points after “slipped and drives, only to be stopped on the| just before ‘the ball reached fell | the touchdowns: Belnap, Hadfield. five-yard and . one-foet lines. | receiver. eee ‘BEN ‘LOMOND Phipps’, -dtiving rums were beau-| ‘This tims Belnap's boot for Ends’ me: Peeler Clark, Hanae e usually slanted off| the extra it was’ good, s ac ) ‘pick up good yardage. The Warriors made it 19-0 late! On each drive that was stopped, | in the second Bray again thes Scots’ allowed Weber. line-| intercepted a period. Ben. igor at Guards & H, tes Wangsmen to~break through’ and thro. to give. Weber? them for a-loss on ‘one play, {Scots 37. On thepossession on the gard, Slater, . Leatham, ‘J. Sewvery next play, kawa. a ai Weber: scored its first touch- Belnap took another Centers - Sad Skikos, Finder, An: gaya after taking advantage: of | then threw: to Lynn short pass, Mathie who derson;°* + enc Gu, the first play of-the }made: a. penal: catch for the Bare: fro Backs—Phipps, Butcher, Black, Scrimmage. .- Alvin togchdown. a Freep) the*” “the “Tost brififant run of the Taylor, Bergera, Gickling, Card, Garner, att _ Alberts, Deamer. e | ae Ends —_ : Maric, Mathie, Hartop, Rawson, Hadfield, ‘Tackles EG, ‘Taylor, Kap}pp; L. L Taylor, Hassell, Johnson, Bench, Nelson.» Guards—Horl, Perkins, “"Thompson, Meibos, Galloway, i. oni =we Bray, ae ey. Sone: ) ree vi Back ~ “Jackson; fe Sattiewhite, Brown," “Willard. Peterson, Sez r; Durand, Combe, | Ward, Belnap, Hicks. |