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Show és 5, Me es bys BG U i ; | mond High Se . ee Mit : or tea — mas tree in the main hall.The tree was decorated by stu-| dent officers and it really makes | a contribution to the yuletide atmosphere, Rieee etre” WIN TICKET, CONTEST The business staff of the play rist- | finally make the long-awaited an- | nouncement of the winners in the contest last week. First place was Merlene Terkelson, second was Rickey Allen and third was. . Ya ‘Benson ol Con- — oF Merlene sold 59 the: ao7 MOCK FIRE DRILL of their —_- Rich. ‘tickets. Congratulations to persuasive sales persons, und his stu- = / -\ Dismayed Scots could be seen. | pouring out of all the doors Tues| day during a mock fire drill. The only unusual thing about this” drill was that it not only. was}. “| totaly unexpected by the stu,/ dents but by the administration; | too. Someone, : ones, or set off the ‘alarms in the building and then, |we assume, watching the stood and students of the building. _ enjoyed | rush out ; LAST OF SERIES The Scot basketball team traveled to Brigham Wednesday for a game with the Box Elder Bees. Last night they took on the West Panthers in Ben Lomond’s gym. These are the last scheduled preseason games. x : The next game will be with Og- den at Ben Lomond on Jan. 4, - DUAL PURPOSE The rifle elan proved Monday that dual a rifle range purpose. . can serve a Di They dimmed the lights, decorated a bit, and put on some good records, and lo! they had a dance floor. Officers put up posters and announced that everybody was welcome to the rifle clan’s dance. The shindig was a huge success. FILL YULE BOXES _ To start the Yuletide season off right the Scbvts generously brought food and money to fill _Christmas boxes. Each home room filled a box with turkey and all} | the trimmings and decorated the Ox. sadly Margaret Neal's home room seniors were especially proud of | their boxes topped with a huge pink pop-corn ball the size of | a bowling ball, the product+of. Dean Black’s imagination. | It was tied appropriately with. 8 plaid ribbon. |. LETTER SWEATERS. | The long awaited letter sweat- | ers arrived Tuesday and now |are being worn proud ly by the 'school’s athletes.e2% sa." 24 ) |