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Show -FEW:FAMILIES MISSED va The orders were! given out last the Heaf and Blind. The 180 | week along with about $300 worth Students from Utah, Nevada and ‘Wyoming received their treats on .Friday, last day of school. | of toys. ar mg ie S dteeming of her first doll, swallowed hard and igure ‘maybe. Santa would come next year. She was” too young ‘to know why, but other pore had to come first.”5 But the kids, and many like gden . Adega Coun- / others. tees ‘. Local automotive jobbers called off the customary gift-exchanging, poled their cash and bought sev-| | eral items needed at the County) bout 23 baskets of food, each | Infirmary in Roy. 4 sket containing ,a complete| Many others too numerous to | a Salvation ita . _ MADE ARRANGEMENTS The. Ogden Exchange . Club de arrangements to give away Maj. €S | Irby said today that families were sche ristmas dinner with ings. *Clentor! about 135 all the to visit | his headquarters ‘by tonight to pick up food orders , for tomor- "Here again as with most groups elping at Christmas, the famiClaus. lies were cleared through the And by tomorrow night literal- row. With the food. orders, which ‘eounty welfare de artment. ly hundreds of less fortunate chilThe food baskets were delivdren and their parents will have will provide complete Christmas| had’ a. se celebration of the dinners, the families will receive | ered. throughout the eity yester- tions busy dur in the on ofoie mention — clubs and church organizations individuals alike — pitched in to brighten bleak cor- ners in an otherwise picture. Some — good gay holiday Smaritans took ‘gifts to hospitalized veterans, others to children’s wards. Some:gave parties for handicapped individ- birth ‘0 an Clearing house during recent years, made between 400 and 450 referrals this year to the various Some passed up thelr usual Maj. Irby said about 100 Christz) ‘tional Guard at a Guard: party . » mas dinners will be served’ at held Saturday night... | Christmas flings and used the estimated 2,500 uals of 6ne sort or another, while ay. to- 3,000. toys. ‘Toys and food were distributed others arranged for carolers’ or The Weber County public welFamilies today also received. fare department, acting as a oranges, apples and candy at the by members of the 22d Field Ar-| set. up community Christmas organizations asking for names .0f families’ worthy of help dur‘ing the holidays... Families destined’ to. spe Weak Christmas at-home. ve eén referred to ‘the welfare “agency ae scores. Following ination of these families, the went on file and were later red out eae and Salvation tillery Army. Battalion of the Utah Na- The 40 needy children’ along, headquarters to men and women’ without families who drop in dur- | ee some adults were given sevferal hundred toys, home’ ‘canned. ing the day. ee tee ner. Services will be held at ti: a.m., Poodstutt for Moose to be followed by the turkey din- iL Wives of members of the odge ‘ner. Another fae ous Haost gift-wrapped the presents for ‘given to needy children... Students at the Utah State In- community charity has come from _ the 90 men of the 45th S ecial | dustrial School here will and Infantry Co., U. Ss: Marin me | a special,Christmas ceremo ‘morrow morning when gifts on anting serve in Ogden. pe arte * "REPAIRED ‘be TOYS opened. Club will The Ogden donate the Kiwanis gifts for cmidents weo receive none. from home, ered up and repaired about 2,100 “The Catholic Women’s League | sr@ups; includ: the s Club, toys which in turn were given. to - and an LDS women’s organization | ep lub, Roy Jaycees, St. the Salvation Army for distribu have already treated students at) Ben ict's Hospital, Salvation tion. — the school. Yesterday some 60. ‘MSet.. John Draper-said nite. “hen Army, National Guard and the ef t, on special arrange-| two Os eden high schools, among ' tically, every. merchant in ogden d three Lip with ‘ing \e welfare ofice reported havreeei . age era rae — As a result of their fifth annual toy drive, the Marines gath- s. year students at _paffticipaied: in: ‘some way in get-| ‘ting broken and damaged toys to ‘aaa -hool worked ‘ Marings\f wing the drive, or, ike a more joyous Christn ‘some less fortunate people. ed app contributions to fix! 4 cater cite the. generosity home room provided a tm s dinner and gifts for family, Food and gifts were Ay members 0 the, Elks of if ldry clegning company that} cleaned without charge about) ‘stuffed toys. " One woman. he said, repaired ANN UAL PROJECT council, un- , ‘about two dozen dolls; made new }» “othe school student clothes for them. der the guidance of - “In addition to. the great reallinger, sponsored sponse, the toys this year were} » larger and of a more,expensiv type,” he sa belt . 7 ‘The memo Mati jotted S "dd when they | § ee ‘ders for food an “gifts ir mead _ords to conduc Another es the Ogden wenty-nine alr imas toy drived | Sf ; ‘the Sorat Elks. Club... ny ie Zelta families in the Og. ee boxes of food# rom students at Ben’ en along with a Christ- Deliaetian 30 Miss the annual were’ handled C unit and trans : yas furnished by the: National Guard. ; nta Claus handed out freuen! students at, the. Utah anor trees. cash to buy happiness for others. Some quietly and anonymously gave money to charitable organizations most. for use where heeded Doubtless a few lonely ‘Paviilies | will be missed in spite of all the generosity and careful prepara-. tions. But their numbers will be far fewer, thanks to the many selfless citizens and groups who know the real gladness of Cheat mas is the pladnicss of giving. |