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Show feniémond Enjoys: - seOmTES i ae ran Pelin g Assem bly YPYNER be contratulated on the affair. «‘Theudanee;*sponsored by the m featured Duane | “awaited travel- girls assdtia sly and elaborate | rom Brigham Booth’s combo, efreshments. orn decorations © and’‘r oe pwas ; nioymen nond High School. .T ee tes Ties. &TAlh ety of numoutstanding, 5 really pical of the BYU trav-| lies. saveling assembly has| 7% ) a a ‘ae { i n a7 + : : REPORT CARDS GET | Resolutions to..improve grades, in gen-| study habits, and attitude the coming of | eral accompanied. bee new ate Paper cards were Friday, and. a parently issued Peet p tee the pearance on Ben nas thas. ie ovat has ach*to school. | nda. Mickey Pember- Scots’ new sappro e chair- Thee year half is more: ‘than now-arid students, éspecialfinced ‘Tuesday ‘that over ly. seniors, are trying:te make up student’traveling the be conducted | for) lost time. © te ii je committee, who) ie final choice:\. ‘#YGHLAND ih Wye f s newspa ly is part of an ex- ,, Ben Lomond’ fent with the other “Highlander” made, per, Ptthe e Thursday... sin the region. Ben pearancVery well Re fog Wited to bring their | Paper sm clags. journali the in and schools, howevét note, “their traveling | €d.a sad en Lomond for lander, publicatio 5 8-Ly aphed mimeogr | ei aa because OF JStH ‘ceased “LILT i funds. Guess S RES ye Was: a. oar those ‘interested "ii ' gos-| night e Lassie Lilt,” | sip and wit will,jusb have to i | awaited HAN y as a huge sue- tain it first. hands. 30) tickets dec- | Thought for week: Doug Tay-| refresh-|lor says: “Eat, drink, and be; “and are to merry—it’s fun!” Wi HI I WY\I\| WA VAN AANANAVA HANH \\| WI MM Sra gteir is’ | |. Graduation is drawing near and graduates» are is in-| the prospective Brested student night. big: the for | ‘ent his talent num-| making plans ER APPEARS yould \i\| MH HNNHN AWAATA WI | VT WW |