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Show Rules: 1Shall be present at a game one-half hour before the starting. 2, “* cheerleader may be absent no more than four games during the The only excuses acceptable will be sickness, death in the family, : Other — the advisor in advance to the game. tnd other excuses approved b to uphold Hsences or more than four absences shall be considered failure he duties of the office of cheerleader and shall be suspended from office. a, 3. All Cheerleaders shall attend a cheerleaders’ class which be 511 Failure mom this organizayion. Eligibility of the hh. e wescribed Bor the other Student art under the result in held at least once a week to attend this class will supervision of a faculty member the person's being dropped Cheerleaders shall be the same as that Body Officers in Article II, Section III, C, of the Ben LOmond High School Constitution. . Ahead cheerleader shall be chosen by the newly elected heerleaders under the supervision of Article III. the advisore Committees Section I. The Assembly Committee shall consist of the class vicé residents, vice president of the Associated Students, secretary of the ssociated Students, vice presidents of the Girls' and the Boys's Associa- ions, Vice President esignated by the of the Student Interclan Federation, council gre student representatives and faculty and other members as members as leng as there are than faculty members. Section II. The Pep Assembly Committee shall consist of the Pep Club fficers, Cheprleaders, Pep Club Advisor, Cheerleader Advisor, and Secretay , the Associated Students. - _ Section III, ‘the Finance Committee shall consist of five members: he President of the Associated Students, the Treasurer of the school, 0 appointed members of the Student Council, and the Principal. _ Section IV. The Election Committee shall consist of the Secretary ofh me Associated Students, secretaries of the Classes, secretaries of the Bogs' id the Girls' Associations, Secreaary of the Interclan Federation, Student My _ Officers, section cers, and a faculty advisor. V, The Presidents Social Committee of the Girls' shall sonsistof and the Boys! the Student Associations, Sistant Principal, the Student Council Advisor, she Principal, %¢ Mistorian of the Associated “tudents. Body the and |