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Show holar Expresses Faith * April 4 fe: This is the third inlina series es nofe: 7 bg lar @12 iS is of winner: s of the recent Sterlin 9 5 e not on,” to what's. going oblivious Wolthuis, Jan ae Pd pepe 1963, Remainder of 2-Way Meets. | Cold and stormy witht of ie bast few weeks kayoed the dualmeet season for track in ‘Region 1 has developed a blossom- Two for ag remainder: mh wed sea- ith in the capacity of her oe school students for son, ¢ Ag ? Coaches in the reaidn® decided Tuesday to cancel eeu ie? of were meets: later this week Saturday’s versity Provo. week aS cholar in et a Th 2, - Teens "Tibeadested “Jan in what is going on Two | the. City and Weber Co an believes today’s average es. may be more actively, in : four teams. ae Uni- Invitational~ Then on Rea interested sched: since Brigham the city-county Bas out the re- dual-meet ed. It would be difficult to stage ¢ thst the The reason for this tw “that time was running out with only’ about half of the meets complet- ‘These were ere people age—I couldn't be- lec ‘tion Wednesday Preps Cancel S sketching the eek i at one extreme the! OGDEN — Pessimists who pred diet in n of mankind in a mushroom’ cloud, and at the other wave of Communist. subversion, won't win many conong today’s. teenagers. ts it made. clear, “We ormed, and we're “not about the unknown.” 2h, articipate in meet here. sete: fet for t a Wo thuis : i| 3 . “we are informed” “But most of all, Jan Warried in the world than the averageito view problems from both ae sides. “It’s often well to remain “Most of us oc enough in- neutral until you learn the full sight ‘to realize we must do/Story,” she concluded, what we can to better the) The pretty blonde world. Most have faith in our that” those points out students who par: interests to city, leaders and realize, if we do/ticipate in schoo government So oe things will. turn out are the ones who naturally ex * she, reports,i; . pe developing’ es a pand eiryeinichyantor opinions on 40 state their and federal issues. “It is the 9-to-3 student who} world . Iiéminses Asked. For High Award just goes to school and nothing) issues, Jan believes. She did else, ‘some deep thinking during a : world,whoand livesee in his own. little who, ee school. of Social Services Nout dis ‘Solum Peet social: studies Negroes seminar at her, 4 ‘Mistreated’ “Ty decided, for instance, that | Negroes aren’t treated right in! 7, aut sae herself, the day she; will be able to vote “is the day) the South. They should be given I’m living for. I want to have a voice in seeing | that things a fair chance. We have several’. i‘are run right for us and for) Negro students here at Ben i Lomond and they are up to and respected.” looked ‘our future children.” Jan’s interests are not lim-' ited to the social sciences. She plans to attend college with a ‘major in bacteriology. “My father’s, influeni@e;”’ she explains. “He's “always talking icine.” up med- Nominations are now. ‘being for the Commur ac- ene! The award avilcn is.tien a -mid-May honors that person in ‘the community who has contribut- _ed outstanding community service over the years. | Lionel. Drechsel, principal oft‘the Ben Lomend High School, is ‘chairman. Nominations may be be to Dr. ‘Drechsel in care of the |