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Show February 2h, | NRECION ONE aa as gan, CD ee a 4 oon _ |Box aaa ‘Two of this week’s Region Two be moved ahead to se ° waySe for. hl REGION TWO | yee aD % ma ~ Provo’s perfect record inRégion ee Pet tie Five qualified it a couple of weeks loher ven and St ie uae cape tes saint ago, Ae Orem, 3°72 too. second.| for d e i t all ; fe are Fork ish’Reson Bie will send three teams iGlegsticls sia ‘ tae off for third place. School officials involved, however, said new dates for the etc pr pe? won't be decided games, moved, 1p ie ev'se ‘ 6 ¢ ont - “ad raralg: ate‘ ayeabearece ‘i Joseph; oe er ot of the peat wins, 0 the two \Region Six, floor. e teams a be tied neeeee two rounds will played this week and tea F e settle that Aight game and a™ half ae mi. m : 1 6 4. 6 5 .545) eG a A A 9 US 2 S00 1 oe. bi Granite: “Gruss hai ely ae 5 5 race. separate “the Olympus 20 Skyline. .....poe - four top teams. : 9. 8 2. Y 3. Week. ale 3 Ee 2e i aac ‘Highland git + thir Op .we, j East West {> as scheduled. Fri- the Warriors’ Q await the results of the Grants ay oon "Lamondk will ville-Dugway and. game. If Grantsville| a a Hen paso =H: at O@.| Which completed its league sched- 5° fant ae oF 10 Tn n bla Planet ede ir het game at Og-| Ne last ‘week, will sit by and|>°0.dmo of ci ae , St. m — ind the ik In the Class B ra cee joie kine 8001p )6 bre ah urney. t to pe a 4 af OL BB <i. 3 6 2 bask thall ames | South’ Cae ossible lay- North Cache,........ 1.6 148 ee ay, Sunday as|° ays “Some aris Moved Ahead s Are Possibility Playoff , me os Yea ’ 1963, 900), 800 .600 500) _ REGION FOUR Because of pla off possibilities, eet tu LL. Pet. many games moved up) this week. Here are the s hedules: JOAN yevvseseeeeees 9 2. ,,818 818 Region One ache at |Bingh aes 25058. oes O24 da dete peng er oo North Cache, Bear River at Box Hie i e. crest. 3 saapit arfield at Boun- CYPrusiins. wee a ee Region Tw nese Page Lge Bonneville which has completed tiful, Davis at Ogden, Ben Lomond Granger ..... ihe » on “wih Log plays a prac- at Weber, Bonneville, bye. Murray .voresteeee es: a ame wil an.at Logan IN REGION Wednesday nigh : In Region tee “all three tourna-| | THREE| aft ee . 455 182 166 | REGION FIVE pene Region Three—Tuesday, Granite ProVO Cos eee 5 4 at Olympus, East, at” West, High- Oren oe eee Skyline, bye; Fri- Payson 6 ioc mus cae:iy yea 55 River .and Eke iBiders land at South, rivalry game at Brig- day, West at | line, Olympus ‘Spanish Fork . btn THB AP 7 00 ment positions have been decided, but Bear ham Gi The winner at Highland, South at East. rn Region cond place in the final standings tater a better edin, hi tournament. A nd r ee CLINCHED es ve Sane Fit BERTHS A regions. — Bingham ‘ ion i for ae 1A ay of the tourney. Jor- gan, Nortiy Rich ; are in, but South Rich at oe Wasateh: had 000 Tooele, : e,si and Cyprus are bye, Friday, Morgan at South an d Hill for th e other two. Tooele ich,...North... Summit, at. South|+ inside tracres' bests vers: have the Summit, Park a, e ‘Wasateh, . ‘North Rich, bye. Par! Region sneak Fork North at St. ron. Pleasant Grove at BY Li i at Ti ;_ at. Uintah, : ‘Tabiona at Union, Duchesne at Manila. Pet. 1.000 mi 3, 1605 ea “3 571 i ae oe 2: 3 .333) Mark's 3). aae ce: wore 7 ‘ig Four » will have. four ‘Hiller ee D888) “9 ee Jor, . “REGION ‘SIX He e bye. Weal+ (dontion Division) ay, Carbon > ve—Thu: : ae eiahy - Li 0 at Spanish - Fork, ude at os oom 0 Spr eville. in the other| og gi m Six (Jordan aiveaml — i East and West }—e running ...,.-.. illerest at inched berths in Region |” Cie at Granite and be J we the other pi Springville at ps a prus, M There are also tournament slots at2 tog by Four REGION six e . (Summit Division) a Les eae om Bis «3 oma te... 0 10 70 Pet. ae |