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Show • e e JPEG-Bk13 TITLE PIONEER (full name) BIR TH (<late and place) DEATH (date and place) PARENTS MARRIED (who and date) ARRIVAL IN UTAH (date) (Company arrived with) HISTORY (who wrote) (date written) (who submitted) (address) P J\ GE Jose ph Fielding March 26 , 1797 - Honidon , Bedfordshire, Eng . December 19, 1869 - Salt Lake City,utah John Fielding Rachel Ibbotson Hannah Gr eenwood - June 13 , 1838 f. Mar y Ann Peak September 23 , 1848 Heber C. Kimball Diary of Joseph Fielding Ausust 8, 1837 - March 27 , 1859 Francis Burton Turner 194 W. 100 N. Morgan , Utah 84050 CAMP & COUNTY SUBMITTING __so _u_th_M_o_r_g_a_n_ ________ camp -~M~a_.._rt,g,..a~n ___________ Co u II t y I (Camp Historian & address) -----L-u-ci-lle- 0-. -W-ill-ia-ms- ------~- Mor gan , lftab County Historian & addres s)- -----"'=--'-'D'-e'=n'a- --C=.- -=R-i_ch.: ..:=~---------- - Milton Utah SOURCE OF INFORMJ\ TION & PAGE N UMBERS : Diary of Joseph Fielding pp. l,2,3,4,5,134,135,1 48 , 155 Mary Fielding Smith, Daughter of Britain, pp . 248 - 49 ' e - History ;f Joseph Fielding It was five years the 25th of last March since I left this my nat~ve land for Canada in N. America, where I lived as a farmer about 5 years, during which time the Lord was very kind to me, as 1 to temporal things . I had all things needful an·'d something more, and as to Spiritual I was preserved from outward sin, but was not as faithful as I ought to have been . It (seemed) for some time very difficult to retain the spirit of God . I would sometimes get , i I I I I sti r red up afresh, but it appeared almost impossible to keep it up. f. I was not diligent I in searching the scriptures and attending (m e ans) I I of Grace, and liberal in supporting the cause of God among the Meth-odists, who I s uppose had as much of the Spirit and of Truth as a ny l Sect there (is existing) . If I said that they were fallen, they said it was because I myself had fallen, and they feared I should fall into hell. I plai n l y I saw they even mangled the word of God. At this I was often much grieved, so much so that I had but little comfort in attending the meetings and was constrained often to pray the Lord to send us the Gospel in its fullness and power; that he would raise up and send men as in days of old; pastas after his own heart that should feed us with knowledge and understanding . While I was thus searching the Scriptures and crying to the Lord, it pleased God in answer to prayer to send his word unto us. We had before heard some few evil reports of some people called ' Mormons, but as there had been several others bringing something new and strange, for which I had no relish, I thought it not best e ta encourage anything of that kind . At this time, it was Parley JPEG-Bk13 e • e 2 P. Pr9tt come over to Toronto about 10 miles from my home; he was said to be a Mormon preacher; and Izabella Walton (not our grand-m o t h e r ) w h o w a s t h e f i·r s t t o · r e c e i v e h i m i n t o h e r h o u s e i n t ha t t o w n (a faithful widow woman also formerly of the Methodist Society) she having relations living by me, invited him to some out and preac~ to \ us, but so great were our prejudices that we sent him word not to come. , i He however determined that as he had accepted the invitation ... I he would come . When he came, we received him (with) coolness . had determined not to go to hear him, but as an old friend (Bro . Taylor) brought him to my house, I could not refuse to hear, and I soon discovered that he had the Spirit and Power of God and such wisdom as noe but God himself could have given to man . Elder Pratt laid before us the Ordinances of the Gospel, which were very pla i n \ being perfectly in accordance with the Scripture, being still more plainly expressed in the Book of Mormon. Many strongly opposed the Work, false reports were r a i se d, e t ~ , Someti~es our faith was shaken, but the Word preached came with g reat power, in demonstration of ~he Spirit, so that we could not reject the testimony but to our own condemnation . I therefore with my tw o sistgers then with me embraced it, and entered the Church of J e sus Christ of Latter - day Saints by baptism . This : was in the spring of I i 1837. , In March I left my farm and while I was stopping in Tor o nto, I word came from the Church in Kirtland, by Elder Parley P. Pra tt , that the way was opened for them to go to other nations, and it was deter-mined that some should go to England as soo~_as possible. Elder Pratt said he believed it was the Mind of the Lord that I should go ' i f I wished it . I did wish it, but was much afraid. JPEG-Bk13 • e 3 On my arrival at Kirtland I was much cast down and troubled. I found the Saints were far from bein g all righteous. There was great contention among the~. On the 13th of June, Elders Heber C . Kimball, Elder Orson Hyde, Willard Richards and I having been set apart, left Kirtland for New York. We expected to sail on t he 24th I .! but the ship was too full to take our goods so that we had to wait . ; New York City is large, a great seaport and very wicked. nearly ripe for destruction. It appOi rs ! We arrived at Liverpool on the 19th in a little more than 18 days and took lodging at a Widow Nowman 's in lrnion St. and stayed , I till Saturday. We traveled to Prest on to stay with my bro th er James I ! and the next morning attended his chapel and he proposed that we should occupy the pulpit. It appeared that Brother James had rai ~ ed their expectations very high by said le tters. They were many of them sincere and willing to know the Truth. The people were deeply imL pressed. My Brother again offe red his chapel for the Wednesday, but did not seem to receive our Testi mo ny himself, and before Wed-nesday he bean ·to wish he had not been so liberal. As he did not fall in with us, he did not wish his people should, and he could see it had taken hold of them. On Monday, June 11, 1838, I was ma rried to Hannah Greenwood of Preston , after an acq u aintance wh ich commenced on the 27t h of Novem-i ber last. In this I have the approval of the Brethren, Elders Kimball, and Hyde, and I think of almost everyone else. Her age is near 30. I have not soug ht for money in this nor do I ge t much ' · of it. The Martyrdom THe murderer disguised themselves by blacking thei r fac es and JPEG-Bk13 2? e • • star~ed on their way to s~ed blood, and came to the place about 5 o 'clock in the evening of ,the 27th. A young man named Daniels who had given up his ·gun went with them as he said to see what ihey would do, and was an eye witness to all that passed; heard Wills say he had shot Hyrum. This Wills was I one of Jhe Company of Saints who came with me from England with his wife and two children; he was an Elder in the Church. It is understood that he received a wound in the arm from a bullet by Bro. Joseph. It took his wrist and ran up by the bone of which wound he soon after died. A ball passed through the door and entered Bro. Hyrum on one 1 side of his nose just below his eye when he exclaimed, I "I"m a dead I I man", and fell at which Joseph cried out to Hyrum. As he lay, an - 1 other entered under his chin. Bro. John Taylor attempted to get out at a back window, but a ba ll met him, which it seems threw him \ back into the room, owing to its taking his watch, which beat in the watch, thereby giving the exact time at which it occurred . had received 4 balls before hewas taken by Bro. Willard Richards and put under the bed. H e s u f f e r e d m u c h , b u t s u r v i v e d , ct l :L " :L ~1 ~ He , I martyr. Joseph, too, endeavored to escape by the same window , but the mob quickly met him; there he fell from the window, and was taken by the mob and was set against the well curb a.n d 4 men shot him in i the upper part of his body. Williams then said, "Take his head off" , but at this moment as Daniels states, a light shone between Joseph and the mob, which so affected them that they had no power to touch him and the 4 men dropped their arms and ha •. to be carried off by their compan ions. The whole then ran off, leavin g their victims weltering in their blood. Thus, the earth was onc e more stained JPEG - Bk13 • • • 5 with the blood of the Sa1nts, even the annointed servants of God and ' their blood echoes ~he cry of former Saints for vengence to be taken on the wicked . Their bodies were washed from blood and put into boxes, and 29 the next day were conveyed in 2 wagons under a guard to Nauvoo. This I was the most soleun sight that my eyes ever t/ehe 1 d. I We left Winter Quarters on Sunday, the 4th of June, being about I the last. Bro. Kimball's Company was waiting for us at the Elk \ orn Rive \ ,some 25 miles. When we had got about half the distance th~re I we receive from Bro. Egan 2 yoke of oxen throu,. gh the influence of a ro. Kimball and we joined the company on Tuesday evening . Th ·e next I I moning the company started. I We seemed to improve in our traveling and our cattle improved in their condition. From Mary Fielding Smith, Daughter of Britain, "Luckily, the strom lasted only a short time . As it ceased to rain, and the wind ceased to blow, my brother, John drove up with our cattle. then hitched them to the wagon, and the question was asked by my uncle of mother: "Mary, what shall we do? Go on or wait for the ' company to gather up their ' teams?" She said: "Joseph, (that was I WE her brother's name) they have not waited for us, and I see no nec-essity for us to wait for them." So we hitched up and rolled up the moun~ain, leaving the company behind, and this was on the 23rd day of September, 1848. the old fort about 10 o'clock that night." We reached March 27. Yesterday was my birthday. Ahother year of my life has pa~sed away, and the future thereof is .,.<: . one year the shorter. This is no matter of regret, yet as the case has commonly been w~th me, I wish I could spend my time to better purpose . The life of man JPEG-Bk13 • • 6 is but short for the important work assigned him . I am still endeavoring to do the best I can to instruct and bring up my children in the Fear -of God. I have labored diligently with my hands for their support, but have not become rich as many have, yet my property here ,is worth near two thousand dollars . • r I prayed long ago that the Lord would save me in His Kingdom at any cost , and I acknowledge His hand in His dealings with me. Hence I do not at all wish that I had become rich, it is all right . God be praised! JPEG-Bk13 JO , 1 I |