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Show ,so I l I L E P J.. G E • P10H£ER NAME PETER PETERI.NG ~lRTH DATE AND PLACE May 5, 184-1, Vissing . Fruering Parrish, Aarhus, De rk . . . ' . OEAl'H DATE AND PLACE. . January 15, 1907, Richville, Morgan, Utah F J\THER ____so_ r_e_n_ Pe t_e_r_so_n-_Da_lsg=-oa_r~- --~-- _ MOTHER Anna Ma.r1?arithe Baltzerson WHO MARRIED /\ND DATE Anna Marie Nielson. 1874 Karen Mai,ie Jensen . APril 1. 1880 YEAR ARRIVED IN 0 UTAH ___1_ 8 _. 6.;..;1 ___________________- ..i NAME OF COMPANY J o_h_n._...;..R,.;;... ~Mnrd=....;;.;.;;..oc=k.;;......;;.C.;;;.om=pa=n~y---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - J ~mo WROTE HISTORY AND DATE -------------=----------J WJJO SUBMITTED HI STORY AND DATE ___;: .&lG.a. l! :ll!l-Y.._.L,_ .B.i..irl...x._ _________ ADDRESS 7.50 W 2175 S Morgan Valley Dr. Richville, Morgan. Utah 84050 _______________ TEl.,EPHONE NO. 829-3958 . CAMP NAME South Morgan I COUNTY NAME - ~-o_r_ga_n __________________________ _-; CANP HISTORIAN Lucille O. Williams ~ ADDRESS ·-·~-----_..-.--~--------------..;_---~-~ COUNTY HISTORIAN Barbara C. Porter ADDRESS-----------------------'---.....;.. ___ ___; • JPEG-Bk13 ' . -~ • JPEG-Bk13 BIOGRAPHY OF PETER PETERJ~G OF RICHVILLE, MORGAN COl!:-JTY, UTAH Peter Peterson was born May 5, 1841 at Vissing, Fruering Parrish, Aarhus, Denmark. His parentH were Soren Peterson- Dalsgoar and Anna Margarithe Baltzerson. He was the fourth child in a family of six--four girls and two boys. In the spring of 1861, Peter, nearing the age of 21 years and due for extended service in the Danish Regular Army (there being much talk of another ~ar with Germany) was advised by his father to join the L.D.S. church and emigrate to Utah in America where his older sister, Karen, had come in 1859. (She had married ~ads Peter Rasmussen while on the ship enroute to America). Consequently, Peter was baptized into the L.D.S. church ~arch 6, 1861 and emigrated to Utah the st1me year. The following data is from "History of Sca.ndina\·ian Mission" - by Andrew Jensen! "On May 9th, 1861, 565 Scandinavians (373 Danes, 182 Swedes, and 64 Norwegians) sailed from Copenhagen, Denmark, on the Steamer 0 Waldemar 0 • They arrived at Kiel on the morning of May 10th. Then, by special train to Altona, where th~y arrived about noon (May 10th.) At Alton the company was divided into two parts, one of 400 Saints immediately boarded the SLeamer 0 Brittania" and departed for Hull, England, about 3:00 P.~. the same day. They arrived at Hull on May 12th . The second division (169 souls) having been quartered in a 15/ • • JPEG-Bk13 -2- large hall over night, left Hamburg, May 11th at about 3:00 P.M. by Steamer "Eugenia'', and arrived at Grimsby, England, on the morning of May 13th. The captain of this vessel treated the Saints with all due respect and kindness while thP opposite was the case on the Steamer "Brittania1 ' . The two companies again joined at Grimsby, and on the morning of May 14th, they were dispatched by a special train to Liverpool, where they arrived about 2:00 P.~. Two hours later they were placed on board the ship "Monarch of the Sea'', the largest vessel that had carried L.D.S SRints across the Atlantic up to that date. This company of Saints way also the largest to cross the sea on one ship, up to that date. On May 16th, the company was organized with Elder Jaber Woodar<l ns President, and Hans Olin Hansen and Hiels Wilhelmsen as counselors, and at 11 A.M. (~ay 16th) the great vessel lifted anchor favorable: there were some inconveniences because of the extra large number aboard--each family could only have access to cooking ranges fi,e times each week. The children had milk, the such had wine and beer, adults had boiled sago. "From Copenhagen to New York there were 9 persons (most of them children) died; 14 couples were married (11 Scandinavian); and there were 4 births on board during the crossing . "The Yoyage was successful, the weather being quite • • JPEG-Bk13 -3- favorable, but with two days of wind. Large icebergs were passed among, one of which was estimated to be about 200 feet above the water lin~. On June 19th, they arrived at Se~ York and here lodged at Castle Gardens. The Apostle Erastus Snow, who happened to be in New York at the time, spoke to the Scandinavians in the Danish language. ''From ~ew York to Florence, Nebraska, the company travele<l part of the way in two divisions. The first decision arrived at Florence, July 1st, and the second division arrived at Florence July 2nd, The route taken was about the same as the year before (via Dunkirk, Cleveland, Chicago, Quincy, St. Joseph on the Missouri River). At Florence, most of the Scandinavian emigrants, assisted by th~ church on-trains, crossed the plains in Capt. John R. Murdock's Company. They left Florence, Nebraska early in July and arrived in Salt Lake City, September 12, 1861.'' The rest of the emigrant (those who possessed sufficient means to help themselves), left Florence a few days later under Capt. Samuel A. Woolley with about 60 oxteams. They arrived in Salt Lake City, September 22, 1861 Peter Peterson reached Utah, September 12, 1861. He married Anna Marie ~ielson in 1874, and three children were born to them. Albert, the youngest, died October 13, 1879, and the wife and mother died November 4, 1879. It was her request ~hat her baby be laid in her arm. Her rPquest ~as 153 . ( • • JPEG-Bk13 -4- granted. Peter married Karen Marie Jensen April 1, 1880. Five children were born to them, three dying in infancy. He married Anna Mary Jensen in 1881. Three children were born to them, two dying soon after birth. James P. Jensen, his wife's nephew and H~nry Warden lived in his home for many :years. He assisted in building the West Porterville Canal and helped to build roads in the canyon and worked at the saw mills in thP early days. The roads were maintained and kept in repair by poll taxes. Each man had to do a certain amount of work each year. He worked on the railroad when twas built through Morgan County. In the early 1890's he was in the sheep busine5S, but when the wool dropped to 7 cents per pound, he had to sell his sheep. The other members of the Peterson family, including his father, mother, a brother and family, and two sisters emigrated to Utah in 1863 and ca.me direct to Richvi.lle, Morgan County. And when they came to East Canyon, Baltzar walked down the canyon to Richville and asked Peter Peterson and Peter Rasmussen to go by ox team down through Weber Canyon to Salt Lake to get the emigrants and bring them to Richville . Peter belonged to the Morgan County ~ilitia. • • • • • JPEG-Bk13 -5- Peter built a two-room brick house ea~t of the Richville school ho,tse, where his parents lived until their death. His father died suddenly October 23, 1872. His mother died December 30, 1875. Both were laid away in the Porterville Cemetary. ~fr. PetE:"rson homesteaded land at Lyman, Wyoming and his wife and her two sons, John and David, moved there to make their homP. They raised Hereford Cattle. Peter Peterson died January 15, 1907 and is buried in the Richville Cemetary . |