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Show MARRIOTT-SLATERVILLE CITY HISTORY November 2002 New commercial ventures were welcomed to our community in November. At the November 21, 2002, City Council Meeting, business licenses were approved for several businesses. Safe Mover is a part time home occupation that will sell and install gun safes. Blue is a restaurant located in the Cape Construction development on 12th Street, next to Rent-to-Own. They will sell sandwiches, soups, and salads. Planning Commissioners terms expire at the end of 2002. Carl Parker would like to remain on the commission, but Carolyn Deru and Keith Slater do not desire another term. Mayor Butler appointed Carl Parker for another term and Kelly Aiken to replace Mrs. Deru. The other seat remains vacant at this time. Council members consented to these appointments. Mayor Butler asked for the advice and consent of the Council on the appointment of Ken Martin as Community Development Director. Mr. Martin plans to retire from North Ogden with about 30 years of experience in planning, zoning, building permits, inspections, and transportation. As Community Development Director, Mr. Martin would perform the mandated EPA Phase II Storm Water functions. He would also manage license enforcement, building permits, plan checks, inspections, excavation permits, zoning and planning matters. He may represent the City at meetings with UDOT, WFRC, EPA and other meetings as needed. He would supervise two part-time employees, Steve Mecham and Randy Phipps. He would start full time with the City in March, but would begin in February on his own time contacting business about EPA fees and measures the City must take due to the federal mandate. The Council approved the appointment, subject to approval of negotiation of Mr. Martin's salary. A public hearing was held at the November 21, 2002, meeting, on zoning ordinance amendments recommended by the planning commission, which modify regulations relating to newly approved subdivisions, waterways, and basement restrictions, subdivision expansion limits, and design review standards. No public comments were made, however, Frank Blair phoned earlier opposing basement restrictions. He feels basement flooding problems can be addressed by sump pumps. After discussion and some amendments Ordinance 2002-20 was adopted by the Council. An additional public hearing was held during the November Council meeting, concerning ordinance revisions to regulations for sexually oriented businesses as recommended by the Planning Commission, due to some land use issues in the text. Kent Meyerhoffer, a resident, asked if the City could simply prohibit all sexually oriented business activities in the city. President Dennis Ilium indicated that the City can regulate these businesses, but cannot make them entirely illegal. Mr. Morris explained that it is the secondary impact of such businesses that are to be regulated by this ordinance. It was crafted to allow for legitimate and useful expression while limiting expression that has no useful value because it is lewd or offensive, resulting in negative secondary effects. After the public hearing was closed, the matter was discussed by the Council. Mr. Morris said that the ordinance incorporates new studies and court rulings on this matter, which may not have been adequately covered in the old ordinance. The revised Ordinance 2002-19 was approved by the unanimous vote of the Council. Resolution 2002-K imposing a moratorium, not to exceed six months, on all general plan amendments until the general plan ordinance can be revised to eliminate inconsistencies and provide for criteria for plan amendments was passed by the Council. No Volunteer of the Month Community Service Award was given for November. |