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Show Professional B. H. Goddard, Insurance. 429 Twenty-fourth Street. A. W. Watson, Dentist, 2461 Washington Ave. Phone 985-J. Dr. Edward I. Rich, First National Bank Bldg. Richards & Boyd, Attorneys at Law. Charles C. Richards Cornelius A. Boyd. 418 First National Bank Bldg. Fred G. Clark, M. D., Over Culley Drug Store. Dr. C. F. Osgood, Physician and Surgeon, Rooms 315-316, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dr. Jos. R. Morrell. Dr. F. C. Osgood, Dentist, Rooms 315-316 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. N. White, D. D. S., Over Spargo's. Bell Phone 41-J. Ezra C. Rich, M. D., 2656 Washington Ave. Dr. W. S. Paine, Dentist, Suite 52-53, Lewis Block. Phone 727. Washington Ave. Dr. L. R. Pugmire, Practice Limited. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. GET YOUR CHRISTMAS CANDY THAT'S MADE IN OGDEN By Shupe-Williams Candy Co. BECAUSE IT'S PURE A STRAIGHT LINE THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS Millions of dollars have been expended by the OREGON SHORT LINE UNION PACIFIC RAILROADS and related Lines in reducing grades, eliminating curves, double tracking, installing block signals, and generally improving roadbeds and equipment; the result: Quick, Signal-Protected, High Class Service to All Points EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTHWEST Special Through De Luxe Train Service will shortly be put in operation between Chicago and the Pacific Coast, through Ogden and Salt Lake, operating very latest complete all-steel equipment of the highest class. Trunk lines between the Missouri River and the Pacific Coast are being double tracked as rapidly as conditions will permit, and the Union Pacific and related roads will continue in the van, the "STANDARD LINES OF THE WEST" Specify, "The Overland Route as far as it goes" when you buy tickets East or West PAUL L. BEEMER, City Ticket Agent 2514 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah |