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Show 16 ACORN Sophomore Tell me not in mournful numbers The Sophomores are not what they seem. We are there and always ready When Mrs. Shurtliff wants a theme. And, friends in higher mathematics, Barrett really pulls you through; But we never think of politics As the sturdy Seniors do. Ah! we're an honor to the school, 'Cause we always get our lessons And never, never, break a rule. The Sophomores are in for everything going this year basketball, debating, track work, everything. There is plenty of good material in our class, especially in the line of athletics. Our boys are entering the inter-class basket-ball series with a determination to win the pennant. We Freshmen certainly are some class; simply so intelligent that we appear ignorant. For instance, our president has told us all kinds of good things, but no one except the athletic manager heard them. They were spoken so modestly, and he is too modest to tell us what he said. The Freshies have a dandy vice-president, but I will tell you about him after our president has been assassinated. Now comes that reporter; he's a peach, only he isn't ripe yet. Everything anyone tells him to say he says it. We had a good reporter once. He reported that he didn't want to be a reporter. Then he went away and has never been seen since, except once, and that was the last time. ATHLETICS Benefits of Athletics Athletics is a necessity for the advancement of the school; for the physical, moral and social training of the student. Athletics advertises the school in different ways. The victories or defeats of the athletes of the school are published in various newspapers. People who read about their work, and those who see them perform talk about them. They not only talk of the athlete, but of the student, because the former represents the latter. The student standing back of the athlete develops that love of victory and patriotism that was so much loved and cherished by our nation's defenders. The school becomes his, and he strives to make it successful, for success means best in everything. There is nothing so much needed to enable the student to do good school work as good health. Good health means keeping the body and mind in perfect working order. Athletics of various kinds is one of the best ways to attain good health. Athletes are very seldom sick, because their bodies are in good working order. The ideal would be to give all students physical exercise and allow them all to play. Benefit comes, however, to those on the side lines. They develop their lungs in cheering their favorite athletes and stimulate every organ of the body. Another benefit is the relaxation of the mind and of the body. Besides the physical benefit, there is a decided moral development in athletics. An athlete's nerves are worked up to a high pitch of excitement before any contest; but there are things that he must do. He must govern his temper, no matter what happens to him. He must not use profane or abusive language. He must play fair with his opponents. There are many things that he must learn. Even though there be no others, a mastery of these things would prove invaluable to any individual. There is still one more development, and that is the social development of the student. Every student wishes to appear well in |