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Show 22 THE AGORN Prof. Bradford: (in Spelling) "Define the words 'Currant and 'Current'." Miss Beveridge "C-u-r-r-a-n-t, is a small fruit, and C-u-r-r-a-n-t, is a current (currant) in the water." Student: (in Physiology) "Colds always settle in the weak parts of our body, do they not?" Prof. Jensen "Yes, for instance mine always settle in my head." Somebody laughs and somebody snears When she sees other girls with Victor Sears She sighs and says, "What an awful snare O, how I wish I'd been caught in there." Norma: (in History) "Was Antigonus the same man you called Antigony?" Prof. Mills "No that man I called Antigony was a woman." Time: 1: P. M. to 12: A. M. Nov. 15th. Place: Ogden Girl: ? Boy: Wm. Ballantyne Scene I. 1: P. M. Boy cleaning buggy. Scene II. 2: P. M. Boy brushing horses. Scene III. 3: P. M. Boy polishing harness. Scene IV. 4: P. M. Boy selecting flowers. Scene V. 5: P. M. to 12: A. M. ? Scene VI. 12: A.M. Boy unharnessing horses. And that same morning the teachers wondered why he was unprepared. Student "Where did you go for Christmas holidays?" Nellie "To Morgan of course." Won't you be glad when spring comes ? Then you can see something grow besides Freshies. Wanted: Someone to tell him he looks good in glasses. Rexel Backman. Marcus Critchlow: (in class meeting, after Jonathan Browning was chosen Yell Master)"! move that we test John Browning's voice, perhaps some of the students have never heard it." (Perhaps)! Prin. McKendrick: (in Algebra)"Students always stick to the principle." (Principal) Wanted: A picture of Prin. McKendrick's boy. The Student Body. THE ACORN 23 Prof. Hintz: (in Physics Lab.) "Miss Jensen let the other boys work there". Mr. Scowcroft "The trouble with most men who are alwiays wishing, is that their wish bone is where their back bone should be." Prin. McKendrick: (in Devotional) "I have promised Mr. Scowcroft that we would not ask him to speak, so we will just have him say a few words." A verse from last year's Preps: And yea it came to pass that the last year's Preps did have a Mooney Miggles. (George Phelps acting as Mooney Miggles.) Prof. Bradford "Miss Woods will you tell of the Martyrdom?" Edna "Joseph Smith was shot through the window." The students wonder which window he was shot in. Miss Fawn Wright was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. F. Volker Monday, January 4th. They went to "The Devil." Prof. Bradford: (in Psychology) "What do we mean by man being broad? Give an example." Student "Principal McKendrick." The Sophmores were advised in devotional Thursday Jan. 7th that it would be much better if they would seek something original. Martha Shaw: (in Devotional) "Did you ever see it so dry inside when it's so wet out." "It is better for a father to leave his experience to his son rather than his money." Opie Read. Prin. McKendrick "We want 100 per cent of every individual here that night." Stewart: (in Physics Lab.) "Let 's get Prof Hintze to help us solve this problem." Herbert "Oh wait until the girls go. He won't help us as long as there are any girls in the room." Hancock told the orchestra they were not keeping good time, yet he danced to the overture. Brothers Hancock and Linsey were late for Theology the morning after Coach Harker's report of the game with Brigham and were immediately dubbed "Sports." |