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Show Remember We have everything in the Sporting Goods Line at the lowest possible prices. Browning Bros. Co 2461 Washington Avenue Ogden, Utah NATURALLY SPARKLING IDAN-HA Lithia Water "AS PURE AS THE MORNING DEW" Rich in healthful saline properties The Natural Mineral Water Company General Office, Ogden, Utah FRED J. KIESEL & CO., DISTRIBUTORS, OGDEN, UTAH Richardson & Grant The Crockery People For Wedding Gifts, Birthday Gifts and China Showers The only exclusive China Store in the City FRESH EGGS at all times at lowest prices at the Smith Grocery 26th Street & Washington Ave. Both Phones WEBER ACADEMY AN educational institution of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. An Up-to-date High School with the following aims: First To promote the moral, intel- lectual, and physical development of its students. Second To make of the boys and girls self-governing and self-directing men and women. Third To socialize its members by teaching them proper mental attitudes and proper mental behavior, and FOURTH To eliminate the wide gap between the High School and the community by making its students feel they are all ready potent factors of the community. The Academy comprises: The High School Proper, The Department of Domestic Arts and Science, The Department of Business, The Department of Mechanic Arts, The department of General Imformation Lecture Course. The Preparatory Department and The Missionary Department. The following Courses are offered: 1 A 4-year's Classical Course 2 A 4-year's Normal Course 3 A 4-year's Scientific Course 4 A 4-year's Commercial Course 5 A 4-year's Domestic Arts and Science Course 6 A 4-year's Mechanic Arts Course 7 A 3-year's Bookkeeping Course 8 A 3-year's Stenographic Course 9 A 1-year Special Bookkeeping Course 10 A 1-year Special Stenographic Course 11 A 2-year's Missionary Course 12 A 1-year Preparatory Course The Academy is open to students of both sexes, and of all nationalities and religious denominations, but the candidates for admission must signify their intention to keep themselves in harmony with the spirit of the institution. |