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Show THE ACORN Published bi-monthly by the Students of Weber Academy, Ogden, Utah. Entered as second-class matter Nov. 6, 1910, at the Postoffice at Ogden, Utah, under act of March 3, 1879 Subscription price, per year Seventy-five Cents Single Copy Fifteen Cents Single Souvenir Two Dollars and Fifty Cents EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief Alma L, Wilson, '11 Associate Editor Francis Budge, '11 Literary Editors M. Rae Barlow, '11; Myrtle R. Young, '12 Student Body Activities Irvin Nelson, '12; Leone Engstrom, '11 Alumni Lila Eccles, '10 Athletics Angus McFarlane, '11 Exchange Eva Driver, '12; Viola Taylor, '12 Staff Artist Ellis Barlow, '11 REPORTERS Isabel Beveridge, '11; Ruby Wotherspoon, '12; Iva Steers, '13; Roland Reeves, '14 BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Lawrence W. Richards, '11 First Assistant William Critchlow, Jr., '11 Second Assistant Lyman Gowans, '12 Third Assistant Jack Eccles, '13 Subscription and Circulation Clarence McCune, '12 EDITORIAL It is with the season's greetings that the Staff offers this, their second number, to the students and faculty. We GREETING: trust that our efforts to reach the ideal of a High School Magazine held by the Student Body, have, to a great extent, been successful. However, the Staff will be more than pleased to accept any earnest criticism on material or arrangement. Just write them on a slip of paper and drop it in the local box. ACORN 13 On account of an error, we failed to acknowledge ERROR: Mable Ferrin, '12, as author of "The Uninvited Guest," published in our last issue. One thing that has done more than any other to make the world and its people progressive is Originality. Without this quality there could have been no progress, and we would have still been doing those things that the first man did, for there would have been nothing new. This would have made a very tiresome and monotonous world, and life would have hardly been worth living. A great many of the students aim to do something to become of assistance to the staff of our school paper. Some are succeeding very well, while others are making our work monotonous in the assorting out of many locals, the few original ones. To use something that another has used is not being original. To hand the Acorn Staff a lot of worn-out locals gives us a line of unnecessary work. We are working for a good High School paper, and you can determine whether or not we shall be successful by the kind of material you send us. Each individual has a mind of his own and probably your opinions are as good as those of others. Use them and become original in what you do. Be a Thomas A. Edison of your time and give out your ideas. They may be just what we want. Send us new ideas and new things, and we promise that the Acorn will be a booming success. Do you know that $484,000,000 were spent at the soda fountain in America in the year 1910. This amount, divided by two, would buy all the automobiles sold in America in 1910. Have the soda consumers received any benefit. Has it ever occurred to you that the Student Body is lacking enthusiasm? Do you know that Weber Academy has, not one yell but what has been worn out? If not, wake up; insist that a first-class man be elected immediately to lead our cheers; also that steps be taken at once to provide yells, cheers and songs. Seniors, have you done anything to show you are alive? Juniors, why haven't you awakened from that Rip Van Winkle slumber, and manifested your life? Sophomores and Freshmen, what plans have you made to inject your verdant spirit into the Student Body? School spirit is not manifest in acts of Vandalism toward each other, nor by strife and contention, but by good clean cut, honest and original rivalry. For instance, things that boost our school such as |