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Show 18 THE ACORN Questions on Subscription and Contribution. Ask yourselves: "Have I subscribed for the Acorn? Am I interested in the paper? Shall I gain anything by being a subscriber? Can I do anything to make the Acorn better? What can I contribute to help it along? Will my education be a success if I do not contribute my thoughts for the good of others? After asking yourselves these questions make up your minds that you can help make it a success, and pay your 50 cents, if you haven't already paid it. What is 50 cents? You spend from three to six times as much for one night's entertainment. Cannot you afford to pay 50 cents for a whole year's entertainment? That's what we expect to give you in the Acorn. "Can you afford not to subscribe?" Sit down and write an article, a local, get an exchange, or anything you consider worth printing in the Acorn. Then you will not be disappointed in any of its numbers. You will be so proud of it that you will talk about it to your friends both in and outside of school. SNIPS AND SNATCHES. HALLOWE'EN. The famous twenty met last night, and had a party grand. We talked and ate and sang and laughed. Yes, we're a merry band. Well, who are we? Why, we're the Seniors of course. The first of a series of good times we are going to have, was held at the home of our class-mate, Miss Carrie Anderson, on the evening of Oct. 31. After the class had gathered at the appointed place, the Jack-o-lanterns were lit, and the party made their way to Miss Anderson's home where we all dressed as ghosts and had a very enjoyable time. THE ACORN 19 Now as I always consider the luncheon the best part of a social, I must say a word about it here and of the decorations, I must not forget them Well, chocolate and cake are very good, Sandwiches and pie are better; While apples and organges take my eye, Bannas are a great deal better. Emmett ate seven bannas, two napkins, and wanted all the of popcorn that was left. Now, as to decorations, they were very eieborate. The dining room was decorated profusely with squash-blossoms, designed to form a large spider webb, with the rays extending from the center to all parts of the room. The parlor looked like a royal Roman throne all draped in purple and white. Jokes, fortunes in nutshells, games, songs, and musical selections were the features of the evening. At a little after 12 o'clock the party broke up and all went home feeling that they had had a time that will live forever in their memories. H. Jenson, '06. Yes, the Juniors Cave a Party. On the 31st of October, the Juniors met in the Third Ward Amusement hall at about 7:30 p. m., and for about five hours they enjoyed themselves right royally in ail sorts of games and other amusements. Among which may be mentioned all around handshaking, dancing, feasting, dancing the Virgin,a reel, telling fortunes, harpooning peanuts, etc. When they all got through they quit; and not until then could anything make them quit. Suffice it to say that the Juniors met (for the first time during their history as W. S. A. Students), had a good time, and went home to recuperate B. Jacobs, '07. Faculty Reception. On Friday evening, November 3, was given the first of the good times to be held, in the Weber Stake Academy Amusement hall. The entertainment was a reception to the students by the Faculty. The academy orchestra furnished the music for the evening program. Besides dancing and speaking, all participated in a general handshake, and interspersed all with delicious refreshments. The decorations of the school colors, purple and white, the school banner, and ferns, were very artistic. All spent a very pleasant evening, and the students went home feeling to thank the Faculty for the enjoyable time they had. The girls in the third and fourth year English classes met with Miss McKay, Nov. 9 and organized a Literary club. They expect to take works of authors, poets, composers, and artists that are not studied in regular class work. Officers were elected and committees appointed to draw up by-laws, to arrange the course of study for the year, and to select a name by which the society is to be known. The officers are: President, Edith Ensign; Vice-President, Winnifred Marriott; Scre-tary and Treasurer, Rosella Ferrin. |