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Show 24 THE ACORN looked out of the window and saw what had caused the shock. His coming seemed slow to those anxious women, but when he finally arrived, it was a joyful meeting, Rex exclaiming, "I knew you would come." In relating his miraculous escape, Mr, Thomas said, "The snow had been swept from the ground in spots by the wind and as I was looking at the bare places I saw something glittering. I stopped, got out of my wagon, and dug up some of the ore. The other teams went quite a way ahead of me and it was while digging this (he took from his pocket some gold ore) that the snow-slide occurred. When I came to it I thought some of you were under. I looked around and saw a road past it, but I saw no trace of any of you. It took me a long time to dig my way through so I had to remain out one more night. The rejoicing in that camp can better be imagined than described, but it is safe to say that no more thankful crowd ever surrounded a table spread with a Thanksgiving dinner than the crowd of wanderers at the Thomas hut. While they were having their feast, the long expected company arrived and among them was an assayer who, when he saw the ore, said, "Why you've made your fortune here, you need go no farther." Mr. Thomas said, "God is indeed good. I am thankful above all for his permitting me to live and have my wife and little Rex." Mrs. Thomas said, "Yes, what seemed to us a great calamity has proved a greater blessing." They all knelt down and thanked Him, who watches over all, for the real Thanksgiving Day. Glenna Wotherspoon, '07. THE ACORN 25 $3.00 Hats Three Dollars is a very popular Hat price these days. It suits the average Man. While many Men pay this price for a Hat, they get all sorts of returns for their money. When you buy Our three dollar hats you get the best Hat your money can buy anywhere for the price. These splendid Hats come in Soft Hats and Derbies. Fred M. Nye Clothier and Hatter BATHROOM GOODS Any and everything in this line up-to-date inventions for the comfort and convenience of our patrons. ATOMIZERS, FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, SPRAYS. Bath-room appliances too numerous to mention. Let us show you over our stock. No trouble to show you and tell you about them. Come in that's all. GEO. W. DRIVER, Manager WM. DRIVER & SON DRUG COMPANY 2453 Washington Ave, Ogden, Utah Always the Best Matthews Candies, Ice Cream and Sherbets Successor to KOLITZ Phones: Ind. 528. Bell 132Y Mathias Gillis General Contractor and Builder Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Frames, Mantels, Mouldings. Wood Turning, Band Sawing and Stair Building. Office and Mill, corner 22nd and Washington Ave, opposite Tabernacle Blodgett-Marriott Grocery Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple and Fancy GROCERIES All Classes of Trade Solicited Telephone 24K For Dolls, Toys, Albums, and all kinds of Christmas Fixings Go to O. D. RASMUSSEN'S New York Racket Store |