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Show SOUTH MORGAN CAMP Daughters of Utah Pioneers Building 1988-89 PIONEER HERITAGE ·REMEMBERED . .. SOUTH MORGAN CAMP l 98H-l 992 OFFICERS: CAPTAIN --- -------- -- ---- - - - --- LOUI SE B. WALDRON 1ST VICE CAPT -- ----------- - - - - GLENNA R. PORTER 2ND VICE CAPT----------- -- ---- FRANCIS B. TURNER SEC . & TREAS. -------- --- ----- - JOLENE R. PRICE HISTORIAN- -- --------- - ----- - -- LUCILLE O. WILLIAMS REGISTRAR----------- - - --- ----- GAIL BIRT CHORISTER -- -------- - ---------- DORENE C. ROWSER ORGANIST- ---------- --- -------- LARAINE WILKINSON CHAPLAIN------- ---------- --- - - LARUE R. WALDRON CUS . OF RELICS --- --- -·-------- -- EMMA M. HARDING PARLIAMENTARIAN --- -- ----------- THELMA S. BELL 3 - • JPEG-Bk13 1988 Officers of South Morgan Daughers of Utah Pioneer Camp Louise B. Waldron Glenna R. Porter Jolene R. Price Dorene C. Rowser Lucille 0 . Williams Thelma S. Bell Jane D. Merz LaRue R. Waldron (Absent) Beth S. Turner LoRaine B. Wilkinson Emma M. Harding Officers South Morgan D.U.P. Camp Captain Louise B Waldron 1st Captain Glenna R Porter 2nd Captain Beth Turner (absent) Sect. Treas Jolene R Price Chorister Dorene Rowser Historian Lucille C Williams Parliamentarian Thelma S. Bell Registrar Jane D Merz Chaplain LaRue R Waldron Organist Lorraine B Wilkinson Cus. of Relics Emma M Harding 1988 The log cabin, which was the birthplace of the first white boy, Charles Russell Stevens , born in Morgan County on September 23, 1857, was obtained from the Jake Bohman family of Peterson in 1931, while Maggie Francis was president of the DUP. It was moved to its present site on the tabernacle grounds and dedicated July 24, 1931. Some of the original pioneers were present at the services. They were Mary Ann Simmons Smith, Mr . and Mrs. Hyrum Geary, Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson, Matilda Peterson, Emma Hemming Rich and F. w. Clark. President Clara Turner and officers, improved the grounds by planting a lawn, fencing the grounds, having a rock walk mad e from the cabin to the gate. When Ethel Tippettfs was President of the DUP, a marker was built from .. rocks gathered from historic places in the county and homes and public buildings built by the pioneers, also from canyons and streams named by them. Mounted in the marker is a part of a mill burr and just south of the cabin is another full - sized burr. These stones were used in the Richville mill which was the first grist mill erected in the valley . It, having been built by George w. Taggart and the Hinman Brothers from 1862 to 1866. This pioneer marker was unveiled and dedicated October 23, 1937. First Vice President Bertha Dickson presided, welcoming all and giving special honor to the pioneers present. The monument was unveiled by daughter Jane Foote, sister of Charles Russell Stevens, the first white male child born in Morgan County, Utah. In absence of Mayor S. B. Dunn, President Bertha Dickson thanked the city officials for their help and the $20.00 donation toward building of the monument . Mr. Charles Young was introduced as builder of the marker and Brother Richard R. Fry, 73 years old, who was one of the very early citizens of Morgan, gave the dedicatory prayer. Daughter Louise Butters Waldron South Morgan Camp JPEG-Bk13 • • • National Society of the DAUGHTERS OF UTAH PIONEERS CAMP - South Morgan COUNTY - Morgan MEMBERSHIP - Have an ancestor who came to the Utah Territory before May 10, 1869. DUE~ - $13. 75 per year (June to May> . F'ayc1.b l e at first Camp meeting in September (or before October 15) . $ 4 . 25 to Cen tt'a l Company . 25 to County Company .25 to Camp 9 . 00 for maintenance of D.U . P . Building $13 . 75 20 cents per month (optional> to Camp to P.:=\)' fo r postage , cards (i ll ness and sympathy), etc . t!EETIJ.'!GS - Every thit'd Friday of month (Septembe r thr' ough May) at 1:30 P . 11. in the D.U . P . Bui ldi ng . Meeting cons i s ts of business, history, songs, l esson and refreshments. It usually lasts until 3 : 00 P . M. TRI-COUNTY CONVENTION - Held on a Saturday in May <Morgan , Summit and Wasatch <;:'C)Unties) . JPEG-Bk13 7 |