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Show • I l e • I l I L E P J.. G E PIONEER NA.ME MARY ANN WILSON LUNI' BIRTH DATE AND PLACE Jamlllry 19, 1834 , Carlisle Cumberland, England QEATH DATE AND PLACE. · April 17, 1910, Cedar City, Utah FATHER William Wilson MOTHER Martha Phillips WHO MARRIED AND DATE HenJWV Lunt. October?. 18157 YEAR ARRIVED IN UTAH October 1857 • NAME OF COMPANY ,Jesse Be Martin WHO WROTE HISTORY AND DATE WHO SUBMITTED HI STORY AND DAT E --C..a..,.. .r.. . o_l= ---A-'=nn=-:W,'"e":..::b=s=te__r = ----------- ADDRESS 1175 W Island Road , Mor ga n , Utah 84050 _______________ TELEPHONE NO. 829-6465 CAMP NAME South Morgan I COUNTY NAME ---:.~M=o=r=g=an~----------- -----------___;·1 CAMP HISTORIAN Lucille O Williams ADDRESS COUNTY HISTORIAN Barbara C. Xm Porter ADDRESS JPEG-Bk13 • J'IS . ) THE LIFE .OF MARY ANN WILSON LUNT Mary Ann Wilson Lunt, daughter of William and Martha Phillips Wilson, was born in Carlisle Cumberland, England, .January 19, 1834. At the age of three her mother died and she and her father went to live with his mother. At the age of four her grandmother Wilson put her in kindergarten where she was taught to sew, knit and read . At the age of si.x she could read the Bible. She attended the Churc~ of Engl and regularly with her grandmother who required her to lis ten so attenti vely that when she was unable to go Mary Ann could give a complete account of the service. When she was twelve years old Lord Wharton presented her with a Bible for re-peating from memory the catechism, the prayers, the 1st, 15th, 25th, 37th, 101st, 113th and 145th Psalms . Another cultural advantage was voice training and she was chosen as soloist in the Church of England Choir in Carlisle. On several occasions she was asked to sing for Queen Victoria. At 17 years of age she received a diploma as a trained governess. All the time she was in finishing school, special emphasis was given to governess training. The health part of this training came in very handy after she reached Cedar City and all during her life as she had eight children, and many, many times she was doctor and nurse in maternity cases. In 1854 when she was 22 years old ·some friends invited her to go with them to a conference held by the L.D.S. Church. They mentioned especially a tall, handsome missionary that would be there from America. She went with them more out of curiosity than for any other reason. To her sur-prise, ·this handsome American was dressed and acted like an English gen-tleman and everything he said made her more anxious to become better acquainted. She accepted the teachings of the L.D.S. missionaries and on July 27th, 1856 was babtized by Thomas Adams. The minister in the Church of England, where she had been so active as soloist, preached her funeral sermon saying "another sheep has been lost from the fold." That same year her grandmother Wilson died. Her father remarried and Mary Ann went to live at the mission headquarterp . There her skill with a needle was made use of by helping to keep missionaries clothes in repair JPEG-Bk13 page 7 and getting clothes made for the saints who were getting ready to come to Utah. Upon the advice of Henr y Lunt, Mar y Ann Wilson sold he r household effects, paid all her obligati.ons, packed all per sonal belongings ' and went to Liverpool to make a r r a ngements for her emigrat ion to the UoSoA o On March 25th, 1857 the s hi p George Washington sailed from Liverpool bound for Boston. She was one of 817 saints on the shi.po They were on the sea six weeks,. when wi. thin s ight of land, a stubborn wind too strong for a sail ship pushed them back. They were five days more before the ship docked in Boston. The trip across the plains was in the Jesse B. Martins Company. Three days out a stampede occurred among the oxeno Wagons were broken and ~any animals killed, also a child and old man. Such a catastrophe to happen when everything they had started wi t h se emed so indispensable. The orde r: was given that on ly absolute necessities could be taken so stoves, reH c.s, feather beds, books and furniture of all kinds were left on the plains. Their backs were (page 2) turned on them. and the journey proceeded. One little bundle she tucked away with the necessary articles held some of her handwork, new songs just out in England. "Ben Bolt", "Annie Laurie", "Shells of the Ocean" and others . All able bodied people were requried to walk. With the exception of a few miles Mary Ann walked the full distance to Salt Lake, arriving with moccasins bou.ght from the Indians after her shoes were gone. October 7, 1857 President Brigham Young married Mary Ann Wilson and Henry Lunt in t he presence of h:i.s fi r st wife~ Ellen Whittaker Lunt, and her father. Four days later they left for Cedar City by ox teams. Cedar City had three locations. First i t was moved from the foothills on account of Indians, down in the valley. But when summer rains came that quiet little creek was a ruthless torrent and becaus e of the danger of floods the people of Cedar City were forced to move the town to the upper side of the creek, closer to the canyon. Henr y Lunt purchased a lot and commenced building a new home. When the house was finished it had 15 rooms, an attic, a cellar and three large porches. Both wives lived in it. It also served as a hotel where Brigham Young and all travelers stayed during Silver Reef Boom. Truly the broad minds and unselfish characters of the two women, Ellen and Mary Ann, were put to the test and not found wanting. These two women, wives of one man, complimented each other. Ellen's soul was big. She was a well t rained, happy, witty woman. She knew the practical ways of life . She was a good cook and house manager; could weave, sew and knew how to make good practical clothes. She had no children. Mary Ann had eight children, three sons and five daughters. She was pretty, with light auburn hatr. She made good use of her training in fine arts. She taught school, walking a mile from the old fort to the New Town. She became known as Southern Utah's nightingale. She was a mem-ber of the choir and taught music, and was also a member of the dramatic society. Neighbors say she sang while she worked in the field helping her - 2 - I ••• • •• •• •• •• •• • • JPEG-Bk13 page 8 husband or while helping with the housework. Everyone could knit, but her fingers simply flew. She could knit one pair of men 9 s socks in a day. Ellen taught her to spin • Guests at the Lunt Hotel long remembe r e.d the u.nusual treatment they received there. Two charm:t.ng women, both gracious and such good enter - tainers~ All eight children. could sing, do their own accompaniment and entertain at joke telling. One of the families oldest customs was sing-ing hymns before breakfas t . All eight childr en spoke of Ellen and Mary Ann with the same love and affec t i on. · From 1875 to 1879 Mary Ann was chosen counselor to the Pres. of the Relief Society. Upon resignati on of Ellen, who accompanied her husband to Mexico, Mary Ann was made Stake Pres i dent, and for twenty five years she was devoted to the interest of the Relief Soc:iety work. Mary Ann stayed in Cedar City with her c.hi.ldren who were all married and had families. Aft.er the death of her husban in Mexico her health gradually failed and she pa.ssed away April 7, 1910 at Cedar City at the age of 76 years • Husband: Henry Lunt CHILDREN Martha Henretta Lunt Eva Lunt Henry W. Lunt Randel W. Lunt Wm. W. Lunt Florence W. Lunt Violet W. Lunt Maud W. Lunt -F-A-·-MIL-Y GROUP RECORD WHEN BORN 11-12-1858 12-7- 1861 1-25-1863 11-8-186.5 7- 1.8- 1867... 1- 20-1870 8- 10-1873 -3 - Wife: Mary Ann .Willson MARRIED TO Lehi Jones Thomas Jeddiah Jones Rose Hunter Catherine Gibson Rosa Naegle Herbet Webster John Urie Daniel Matheson |