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Show • • • I l I L E P A G E P I ONEER NAME MOSES WILKINSON BI RTH DATE AND PL~C~ ~ --=F~e=b~rua-==:.r.yr.t-=13~,L...,.1;:8~,37w,t.-B=~ra=d=f~o~.r=di,..~E~ng~l~ar=rl ------ ~ OEATH DATE AND PLACE January 11, 1899, Salt Lake City, Utah FATHER MOTHER Char Is s Wilkinson Sarah Mercer WHO MARRIED AND DATE Sarah Ann Butterworth 18 8 NAME OF COMPANY Caprain Henry w. Millers oxteam WHO WROTE HI STORY AND DATE Lorainne B. Wilkinson WHO SUBMITTED HISTORY AND DATE ADDRESS '.365 s. state, Morgan, Utah 840,50 _______________ TELEPHONE NO. 829-3231 CAMP NAME COUNTY NAME South Morgan ..M organ CAMP HISTORIAN Lucil le 0. Williams ADDRESS~----- - ----"-.--.,.-- - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - -~-- COUNTY HISTORIAN ADDRESS Barbar a C. Por ter JPEG-Bk13 • • • JPEG-Bk13 H)SES WILKINOON Bradford, England, tho place llhere the Charles Wilkinson family lived at the time Moses was born, is a parish and market town in the We.pentake of Morley, West Riding cf the county of York, At the time of the 1821 census there were 1J,o64 inhabitants in the town or 13radford, It is situated 196 miles north west of London, The place derives its name from a ford on the river Aire at the wester·n extremity of the town, The town is pleasantly situated at the junction of throe beautiful and extansive valley6, the streets though narrow, are well paved and lighted with gas, The houses, mostly of stone and reefed with brown slate found in the neighbor·hoc'.!, are hs.ndsone and well built.. The inhabitants are plentifully supplied with .. water, conveyed by pipee from a fine spring at the distance of three miles. The air though sharp is very het.lthful and the neighborhood abounds with pleasing w1d pictur13sque scenery, Bradford ie. in the center of the manufacturing districts and the inhabitants are employed principally in the manufacture of woolen cloth, worsted stuffs and o,,tton good.,, in the •· spinning of ':fOrst ed yarns, &nd in making ivory and horn combs, The neighbor hood abounds with coal and iron-sk,ne; and about three miles to the south east of the town are iron works on a very extensive scale. A branch of the Leeds and Liverpc,ol canal has been brought to this place and adds greatly to its emraner::-e. The marl<ot is on Thuudl!.y, The market house is a handsone stone building enclosing a spacious area for the sale of provisions and various kinds of merchandise . Fairs are held on June 17, 18, 19, Dec 9, 10, 11 for pigs and M3roh 3 & 4th for cattle. There are places of worship (besides the Church of England) for Baptists, The Society of Friends, Independents, Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists, Unitarians, and Roman Catholics, The fres gt·ammar school was richly endowed and rebuilt by act of parliament in 181.8. It is a spaci~us and handsome edifice, with a meat house for the master, ands library for the use of the students. This is the eity Bradford, Yorkshire, England at the time of the birth of Moses Wilkinson, second child of Charles and Sarah Mercer Wilkinson. Moses was born 13 Feb 1837, He had four brothers and five sisters, Of Moses life in England there is very little known, He w~s Baptised at Bradford 11 Nov 1845 by his father, Moses father Charles and his older brother William left England for America, leaving the family behind, to prepare the way for them to come. They sailed on the ehip 11Wellfleet" May 31, 18.56, tJ.rriving in Boston July 13, 1856, The rest of the family immigr:lted Aug 4, 1857, The must have come on an independent. ship as we do not find them listed as passengers on the L.D.S. church shipping lists . The famil.v lived at Lawerence, Mass, for about five years, where Moses married Sarah Ann Butterworth in 1858. Their two oldest children ~ere born in Lawerence,· Mass. They crossed the plaills and arrived in Utah Oc:t 17, 1862 with Captain Henry W, Millers Oxteam, To Moses and Sarah Ann were born 13 children. All but the first two born in Utah. One daughter Elizabeth died at age three and one half • • On 11 Jan 1869 he married Mary Ellen Bircumshaw as a plural wife. To them were born eight children, Five sons and thr·e ·., daughters. One daughter Sarah Ann Drucilla JiE:d in early child-hood . Moses and his family lived in Hoytscille and East Mill Creek. He had a small fruit farm in East Mill Creek and often took his fruit by wagon into Summit County to sell it. He was !lard choister for thirty years. He was given a Patriarchal Blessing at East Mill Creek May 8, 1880 by Patriarch W. J. Smith. He was also ordained a. Sevl9nty. During the years the Federal Government were seeking the men who were living plural •· marriage he was in hiding at Hoytsville. When he was found he served a prison sentence. After the Manefesto, Sarah Ann being is legal wife, Mary Ellen took her children and settl-ed on Provo Bench. Moses was very unhappy to see his second family leave, but that was the way it had to be. Moses lived the rest of his life in East Mill Creek, near Salt Lake City. He died there ~ l Jan 1899 and was buried 14 Jan 1899 in the Big Cottonwood Cemetery • • JPEG-Bk13 |