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Show February 23, 1963, “aturday u devr ble figures, ‘ Box scores: 161 Ee 6.1201 i So es.Rich’ 1358 Oh 5 2212 Shaw © ~ Jett Flint led the Falcons to Tg their upset over Weber with 22 were beaten Friday night as points, although gains hepa went the and Clearfield, i pi to Weber’s a ey x oo 25 teams battling forthird Bees alll with ahs Clearfield ear Ww ran the field, but. cate‘ its record to 6-5, the sameé’as Davis, by downing the Lakers, 64-53. The league against And a third state should 37 free. throws campaign’ next’ ke up the % | : Clearfield win would clinch games by the place and a berth in the lold form Friday. Class A tournament, But oe the Falcons lose, the win- | “A -ner of the Ogden-Davis game would move into a tie, forcing a playoff. 26 4 S tne BE cs Re 58 OL: ‘BONNEVILLE jaeuee Bobinson, | 3 Ro ine if fe aid} oe | t4 008 1002 1 5 3 5 221 5 iReatdtoal Freeman Payne Bi 22 27 20 64 7 7/05 gd “ cf 100 Pa S< Totals ‘quarters: een is 18 11.53MORES 64 flu, returned to his cee 9 ¢ f oh ee 53F | i eo night to score 21 Bee .A | ee 6 TF 1 Bear River past) 4 5.513 Siddgway. | yy: “Cowley 3 8723 | f juniors, Henry Owens Ou Sant Nilso inated 2.5 Aer 4 14.4311 and Bruce on aitawes a 3 2130 2:43 as Because. ‘of the possibility of a, et playoff, next week’s games will son 25 #440. 5 Nielson 2 Larkin 31 00 Ae week has| at’ Bountiful. been hampered the past eouple. of Bountiful — ute Bi cgo> Geena Burch.uae6 42°14 TEL? eek 2 oa War " _ a aed riage as ave kee, 21. ed. from 2 43 ee cle on 29.01 i 6 4 " ence. HIS OLD FORM ow Lawrence Hunsaker,::who closé‘out --their Falcons a Robinson. 4733-11 io sae: mai 135 67 Mo h Clearfield maintained its one- field outsco: a quarter hag then 96 Tot i game lead over the Darts: and 11 in the secon@ Tigers as it upset Weber, 69 to 60. kept about a 10-point margin until 2 3:3: 13 Mc At Bonneville High, Ogden | e ney at cH A Weston: sic a After | a ck And Davis: handed the ~ visiting Bountiful Braves a 62:56 setback. te * 2004 Ra fe 20.0 4 Christensen ‘arose tee Es ete ie 7 3 2 pap eh nate two tag ‘teams in ese WOR) 9297 36. en “8 pee thewson 37 —-Groberg 2 4.2 6 Johnson mts | 18 29 20 56 i Carve Hansen: 22s | Totals 17.3728 62 ae Se ee oe probably be moved up” to earlier, the boards for ec pn jl Bountifulceiay : ee alih va saa eres Bae in the week. ra % CLEAFIELD D ae, In Region -One, the ‘remaining a Con 2 WEBER | “came eS. ee he GUF P e . He two tourney slots. were determined back to outscore Bonneville 18 to. 2304 Westbrook"5GAP 4313 ; Loga i belted. South 3 and take an 18-9 first period ad-|4 2.1 9 Rt Ford 0 2 2 2 Cache, 5A, Bear River vantage. But the Lakers provided | ? aaa gla rolled over North Sach 56 to 43. - 3 er their Sh sist be in 2 2 5 Wilson 5 7515 der will in the tour- Bees are for secon this will be broken when the two clubs play next week. Box Elder tuned up for its game.» against the Bears next week by | _ turning back Ben Logond, 59-47, in a | practice game Friday night. | ‘ae SOLE POSSESSION. In the Summit division of Re-| gion Six, South Rich took over sole possession of first place with 59-26:triumph over Wasatch, Tae actor 67 to 58. lost to North Rich St. Josepiniclosediout': ‘its league season by droppinga 68 to:56 de-' cision to Judge Memorial.’ The Jays will now await the outcome of next week’s Dugway-Grantsville game to seecif they will be tied — oun, fae jumped oe place. out in’ front’ of ee rae led all the e@ aysy e crew pretty well _ Stopped the * ives’. running tet The Darts led ‘ 15-7 at the end of the first quarter, thenk a fairly safe et gin | the. resbli the “way. /\ (mg ikig Sih v8 ee Cowley turned in -one of x. best games of the season as he ii ed 23 points and played a brilant floor game. Wayne Baker added 16 for the winners. |. Ont a singie Th Eee pol the half ended... Ee da ee rcs : i 0100 ae, J.Harrop cea ail Ogd n in the sec-|23261460 arry = ~Hansond 433 fg ; qua 20uatas97 29 69 : pele: 14 25 38 Ae bs 9 - — osep) led all scoring. rew a scare into Cl oT JOSEPH Judge Memorial as ityled by six!7-4 1 15 Crandall’ at halftime, but couldn’t keep up | 0 0 2 Terragno x Gardner a i156 re angero 6 5517 ianchi 2 3.15 Petrick 0 2 1 1 edmond 0000 Cottrell Os 00 O'Reilly 0000 Murray 000 0 Thompson 0000 » Totals » 2428 20 68 by qua bers re La 33 Judge Memorial 0115 BEN LOMOND GT Fie . & 1 3.3 5 Ohlson 2315 Ingram 0000 6 2012 Thomas 5 7616. Caulfield 5 2212 6 4 6 Beatle 0 1 0 0 Aragon 1 5 35 Shenefelt 2: 2°2°6 Orezcon: Sti 69 JUDGE eeerarie 4 3 210 Foley Eta 60 50 + Bott 27 47. BOX ELDER a - Podd 0 T 99 Coleman 1-1 1 3 Larson 3 3.1 7 Wright 1 3/2 4 Gergeson. 86 54°76 © yer anc oo The join champion | Lees 8 65 21 erureensed 0000 © Johnson 000 0 12 ein cau B28 ar 0000 Luthy 0000 + LChristensen 0 2— “9 2. Southwick” 19915947 Soke 211 iv ally. 11402 “Totals 592.21 15.59 Score by quarters: Ben Lomond ....... 7 Box Elder 5 os. 0... LoS. NORTH CACHE ‘ GTFP Tels ba greg rs Ka 34 AF 28 59 ; __ BEAR RIVER aie dae+Be 5 : GTFP ns 's Hunsaker 96321 ‘a so 6 Halverson 3 1.17 Anderson.. 4 3 210 Budge 200 4 en, 0:2 Bee 100 2 Rodebush © Te ‘Scoreby North Bear Cache River Gide Lene renson 5 ayne 2.77.11 “Marshall 010 0 ~- Puzey 0.00 ic ge Jenson oo 00 ae watt Totals quartérs: eee 5 “Zundel 171.0 2 |2 22 6 Black suk 2d as 0 cre0 56 = oh 34 Quis | 2B... 48 43 6 |