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Show April 6, ‘ Maat up firsts in the high jump, broad | (BL). 46 feet 6% ein? And in the first league meet of | the season for Ogden, the Tigers: downed So ieee ae to 544. Saturday — de ‘Ace King led the Scots i picking Fel W. Bel. 9:22 ing i, jump and low hurdles, 1963, inch Pe Truman (8), Reavell WEBER-DAVIS Ve. oe (W), Round (D), Rob(W).: isensen Blakenship (D), sain _(D). D), DeVries |. (B), i heave @) m Martinez bine Gel 1 (D), Denning (W). (W), Wakefield (0), / (W); Bradford Martin (BL), = Winegar " lakenship (D), Har- Shetput—i 0), Jeppson (W), Williams. (D).47 feet 9 i Broad lumps Beiley, iar (W), Mile—R. Anderson (BL), Rands. (BL), D. ‘belt ‘en. A: 57.6. feet : (W) Richins (W), t o be ready for | arrison _ Bountiful iced the fourth inning game in the “fie runs on %7 for the = :23 (0), ne tallies. Lins Disa A es Barnes (0), Nelson lee Hera pete rs and walks” also opened oe for Davis to score its aa runs in 16 seventh against the Scots Thr (Murdock, 4g 1862. gdenes Aone i Manning (0), Sitterud (0), ‘Moore feet 8 j Two trate srendings are: b!, ee aay ke 2 OURTEFOP OF... os sa ae a aes Sonneville saeis Ve Clearfield ..........45 : eams Bo et.1 Bt 40. -1.000 1/0. 7.00 1 -500 1 .. 000 2:%:'-2000 2. | avis. ©: ners ault—Anderson (C), Droscher (0), jay = Ogden. (Murdock, Gladwell, : WebeR ia... Tauris i Lomond ...... Pee = wee a eels (C), hunpoceinsiey (0), Grover eet Wiese (0) and Blackinton (0) tie. 5 feet 8 inches. an (€). 159 feet 6 (0), Men iee (C), Chap: man only one hit. Four walks and an error accounted Johnson co i ys. 218.8. In Fr day’ s other High, trailing 8-2. g¢ final inning, : 000; all year “eh ‘hard i | 0) 3104 |