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Show May 16, 1963, Thursday yea aH fel the 880 pert sate: Larry Austin of Weber in 1961. Wa riors, Se Bell’s time. in a 1:57.0. Favorite, Roles i in sh ’ regional was | Boys given the bagt Si caiel of winning in the various meets) from Weber and Davis. counties) ay mo contenders in the field events who at 10 a.m. All other finals will gesail regional marks last Friday. a way at 2:30 p.m: NM doteal of 32 sCl schoolsSop will compete assfor. A cinder title in the pi Orem High school is’ hi jGreg Harrop tossed the javelin) tat 198 ft. 7% in., Jerry Price won the Tin: pole vault with a vault of 12 ft. | ‘2 in. and Brent Jeppesen won the} fendin event with a throw of 160: champion from last year. Webe'- i ft,discus 7 in. Weber also won the 880-, Ben Lomond and Orem.jyard relay event in a blistering |loom | as the teams to. beat ‘th time of 1:32.2 seconds, tying the year in the big meet. meas record set by Weber back in 1958.) Fifteen different field and ru Another record-breaker in the/ ning events will be unreeled i regional meet was Wade Bell of the one-day meet. Each region /? Ben Lomond, who set a new stanboth the A and B divisions wi! ‘qualify. three for the state meet ‘all events will enter. except the relays, Pe Ee wee only. the oar. winner SERN, ae Se ee | TE a Se ae ‘The final sioudoun for Class A and B: schools will | with | record holders in parenthebe held Saturday morning starting at 10 a.m. when the sis, include Ace King, Ben Lohigh jump, 5 ft. 10 in. (D. annual state high school track and field meet. Be under mond, Cunningham, 6 ft.5% in’); shotput} '—Brent Jeppeson, Weber, 49 ft. way at the University of Utah Stadium. | 1% im. (Jay Silvester, 58 ft. 3% Finalsals inin the the polepole vaulb vault and and high: Righs gor will havé® thrée silosg| in., Bear River); mile. Tur de jump as well as trials will star Trials will be oe in the ‘mile with, a time of i BETTE : : : held i. all races except the 880, the i aero ettered the, ssi and the relays, Six men, or team} ‘ing the state mark set: by Bill will qualify for the finals. ick of South High last: year - FIRST AND SECOND Medals will be awarded of 194 ft. 344 in, Bell bettered the for nae record in the mile and 880 first five places in the individua2!se in the regional meet, better- ‘track and field events, and thé™S ‘the state mile mark.of 4:26.7 | winning relay teams. Trophies will be warded to the A-and B schools placing first and second in the state meet. Five places will count in all events, including relays, with scoring being 8 for first, 5 for second, 3 for third, 2 ' for: fourth and 1 ‘for fifth. | Ben Lomond and Weber loom | as the strongest cinder teams| from. this area.thes Scots won the} By Ron Morgan of Davis lage Bell, Ben ‘Lomond, 4:94, FS state Davis, mark. May 10. m y 120- yard Cedar: pat i eat worth, Pas high and Cy Bll we. Bay a 440-YARD- DASH: | Also Greg” Harrop, “Weber, “198 ft. 7% in. (betters state mark set by Bill. Dimmick, South, 194 ff., 3% in.) 440-yard dash—Steve Pet; erson, Bountiful, 51.0 (R. Tobler Richie 49.2); 180-yard lo 19. 2): bibl jump — Ace King, Ben “Lomond, 21. ft..6% in.” (G. Tracker, Orem, 992 ft 8% in.); discus — Bent Jeppesen, Weber, 160 ft. 7 in, (Jay. Sylvester; Bear River, 170 ft. 4%4-in.); pole vault Jerry Price, Weber, We tt. 2 an: ~-(S. Jacowski, West, 13. ft, 2% in.) 880-yard run—Wade Bell, Ben Lomond, 1:57.0 (betters state mark set by L. Austin, Weber, 1:57.1); 220-yard. dash — Greg Harrop,. Weber, 22.7 (D. Steele, 21.6): medley relay—Ben Lomond team of Johnny Tucker, Ace King, Steve Felt and D. Bell, “3:43.8 (Larson, DeVries, Ward and Austin, Weber, 3.37. 0): nile relay Bountiful meet set- by 4.26.7); hurdles — Lynn Pehrson, Bonne: ville, 15.2-> (Nick Luke. ‘South, 14.5); 100-yard , dash —Henr y. ‘Owens, Ogden, 9:9 (G. Anderson, team of Tony Spanos, Dee Peterson, 3:28.4 hill, Peterson and 3:24.8); and the Weber team of Wayne Leatherow, and. “Denning, 1:29.6).. Ron Trump, Winegar and 8. (Trump, GladScott, Bountiful, 830-yard ‘relay— Jerry. Price, Greg ‘Harrop 1: 32.2 Sonrh Tickets are $i far acts ahd 50 gents: for children. |