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Show [Native Pioneer. Railroad.] I • .. . --/ASf HISTORY OF LORENZO HEBER DURRANT AND SARAH JANE NORWOOD 'f? R4, / Rot1d .Mrf, ve Pio YJ e.cr Lorenzo Heber Durrant, son of Will iam Durrant and Phebe Hoar, was born in Deanshanger, Northampton, England 2 December 1856. He was the 10th child of 11 children i n this family . His parents had been converted by Missionaries to the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter-day Saints in 1850, and they had each one of their children baptized as they grew old enough. Lor enzo and his younger sister Lovina were baptized on the same day 17 November 1867 by their oldest brother, James. Lorenzo had a l i tt le schooling in England and went through 3rd grade. For many years this family worked and sac r aficed and saved what money they could to realize a dream they had of each one, someday going to America land of Zion. Slowly, but surely this dream came true. One by one they came, as their meager savings were accumulated . First they sent Jane, then Thomas and Joseph, then Eliza and her baby daughter Sar ah Jane. After two more ye ars of hardship and saving, Lorenz o's parents with the three youngest children, Emma, Lorenzo and Lovina, also sailed for America . They left England 10 May 1871 on the ship "Wyoming". After arriving in New York they came to Salt Lake City, Utah by railroad, which had just been completed. They came into the valley 12 July 1871, stayed in Sal t Lake City for three months and then went to Mor gan, Utah, and settled there with the other members of their family. Lor enzo was 14 year s o.f age at this time, and he went to Porte rville in search of work. He was hired as a farm hand by Richard Smith Norwood , who lived with his wife and children in a log house in Porterville, Morgan County, Utah, in an area known as "Norwood Hollow" . Here he met and fell in love with Sarah Jane Norwood, and they were married 13 June 1878, in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City by Daniel H. Wells, Lorenzo was 22 years of age, Sarah Jane was 16 . Sarah Jane had been baptized 20 May 1871 by Edward W. Phillips, she was born 12 May 1863 in Porterville, Morgan County, Utah , to Richard Smith Norwood and Caroline Chloe Norton . Sarah Jane was the 3rd of 8 children. She received her schooling in Porterville. After Lorenzo married Sar ah Jane, they lived with the Norwood family until after the birth of their 3rd child Hebe r Lorenzo . Their first two children had died as infants . They homesteaded a farm about 3 miles south of Norwood's, where they built a one r oom log home and had their family . They lived here, adding rooms on to their home until 1930, when they moved to Midvale. They had 12 childr en, all born in Porterville - the eleventh, a girl, being stillborn (1900). Lorenzo loved the gospel, and served in many positions in the church - Sunday School Supe r intendent of Porterville Ward (twice), First counselor to Bishop Joseph R. Porter, set apart 17 February 1890 by Apostle John W. Taylor, High Councilman i n Morgan Stake 4 September 1916, Superintendent of Stake Religion class, Super intendent of Stake Genealogy Committee - 1912 very energetic . He was an avid reader, and very active in Civic affairs, being appointed to Mor gan County School Board in 1896, Justice of the Peace 1912, Morgan County Assessor 1916, served three year s with State Militia. He was a carpenter also, and helped build the Porterville chapel and school house . Sarah Jane was an unselfish , patient, hard working woman and ki nd to all - always giving food to Indians passing through. She was also active in the church, serving as a counselor in the Porte rville Ward Primary 1891 - 1894 (twice ), Relief Society secretar y 1901 - 1908, Relief Society Visiting Teacher for many years, member of Ward Choir for 40 years, (and at one time five of her six daughter's were membe rs of the choir with her). I • In 1930 they sold the farm and moved to Midvale, Utah. Here Sarah Jane passed away 30 July 1936. She was laid to rest in Porterville Cemetery. After her death, Lorenzo lived with members of his family until 12 August 1937 when he marr ied Hattie Adeline Carter, widow of his brother Joseph Durrant.. They lived in Salt Lake City until Hattie passed away 19 November 1943 , then Lorenzo lived with different ones of his children until his death 29 June 1951, at the age of 94\. He was buried beside his beloved Sarah Jane in the Porterville Cemetery. His longevity was due mainly to his desire and zest for living. He loved life and people. . . It was not uncommon for him at the age of 92 to walk 7 or 8 miles both ways to visit someone. (Lorenzo filled two missions in Great Britain , the first on lJ. 1887 , This left his wife Sarah J ane , alone with J babies and a farm to care for for two yea.rs. As he was returning home , he was in a train wreck in Lynchburg, Virginia and his leg was broken,, His second two-year mission began 6 March 1908 , This time the older children were able to work and.helped a great deal, but they all felt many hardships during this time , His account of hap-penings for several years is the only history of Porterville Ward . ) |