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Show The Board of Education L. W. SHURTLIFF Pioneer, pathfinder, axman, leader, nationalist. Originator of the peerless sentiment, Keep your face to the light and let the shadows fall be- hind. Kind, earnest, honest, optimistic, loyal, courteous, dignified. Connoiseur of trees and herbage. An erect gentle- man. A distinctive type, un- forgettable. T. B. EVANS Man of affairs, organizer, disciplinarian. In word and act he is brief, pointed, emphatic: in heart he is kindly and mellifluous. Be there, is his favorite watchword, which like the man is tersely com- posed. Born to govern and a general by tendency. Profound. JAMES WOTHERSPOON Businessman, originator and leader. A gentleman by nature and addiction, with the soft answer that turneth wrath away. Humanitarian, friendly, quiet, unobtrusive, but in- tensely aggressive when necessary. Stickler for the application of common horse sense in all things: business, political, social and religious. DAVID O. MCKAY Apostle, teacher, speaker, author, farmer, friend; eager, active, helpful, creative. Works too hard if any- thing, but avoids thus the rust and friction of idle hours. Knows upland solitudes and their poetic halo. Loves home and mingles socially. Personality, contagious; views, positive; utterance, dynamic. A character. JOHN WATSON Tradesman, hanker, leader. Vies with Themistocles in the recall of names and faces. Addresses thousands by their first name, with appropriate reminders. Affable, conversational, helpful, busy. Has a real home: ivy-clad, embowered and flower-fringed, all English in scope and beauty. THOMAS E. MCKAY Stockman, farmer, teacher, community friend. Lover of Ogden's nested vale (the best spot on earth), where nature makes blitheful the soul of the tiller. Magnanimous, plain, earnestly emphatic, wears the untiring smile of kind-heartedness. A home builder. JOHN V. BLUTH Master-clerk par excellence, organizer, leader. Loves the great outdoors. Hopes there will be baseball on the Elysian fields. To him, if you build aright, a column of figures may be made to look as beautiful as a column of the Parthenon. A real minute- man, without amendments. True, accurate, orderly, intellectual, effective. Wishes he had been present when Jacob wrestled at Peniel. |