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Show SEPTEMBER 5, 1957 LLMENT thool BellstoRing "ow; County on Monday — z teaching ts in We- staff of 315 with a few and on Ballinger is dean of girls staff counseling | the still to be filled. Ogden also which Cluff Snow and Mrs. Iris staff numbers includes 7 desks in | City’s. teaching er to} Degn. teach more one at the open- 535, with The anticipated enrollment | . added be | est of the term. ipated | Ben Lomond High—new about 985. antic the High Ogden At at rk will) ls—is set be about 1,925 high schoo will include morning registration will City will vacancies of et The sophomore class at ke pee 0 stu- students, with around 260 r high re B00 ade. junio the the ding atten | : : Abouta number . ; ee about ers The senior class numb meee | 935. un the 635 Bepiitalo? about in tend ae grade s shows upper 37 members on the eleventh and| There are the a i the tenth, 522 in thegrade |teaching staff which includes _ s. ; cipal, 492 in the twelfth | principal, assistant prin r. The r traine ‘Sixty-seven teachers, including take | eounselorhas andtwodrive uctors and and assistant, les.) instr ‘the principal class ROTC work schedu en care of the poe: ey are on the teaching staff. High of| Ogden Principal aurice regor Conroy as three healers Oe care of Semi- ip eae with assistant. Ted Miss he oO Zelta | selor. ce McAllister is princi- is! pal, Robert Alley, assistant, and Mc- Mrs. Catherine Van Meter, coun| Wezer School County High “At as | about 660 students will enter will 530 another mores, | sopho and 402 _jmake up the junior class | will complete the serior group. 52 TEACHERS rs 52 | The teaching staff numbe n! \ including the principal, assista Fou! principal and dean of girls. Semi \driver trainers and seven. on hand nary teachers are also | for class instruction. | Roy C. Metcalf is principal, and Mrs. i Glen J. Ward, assistant, Ida Draayer, dean of girls. schools have | All three high ‘about about the same curricula with 120 different subjects of- fields: fered in the following e, Language arts, social scienc mathematics, science, arts, busi- | health, economics, home ness, Weber shop and driver training. farm and lture High offers agricu Ben ‘mechanics while Ogden andROTC Lomond ‘have units of the on each campus. offer three seminaries The ous subyears instruction im religi jects for LDS students. |