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Show © e 3— a adh OCTOBER 4, 1957 Judy » Cavalli, Taylor, Donna ‘Sheri Shaw, Karen ‘Fisher and | Ann Bartlett. a. V. it ire Sandy Neilson was as alternate. chosen Junior _ CHEERLEADERS Varsity were chosen Cheerleaders after! Tuesday school. The lucky girls are Linda | Graser, Karen Ann -|Labreque, od, | Neilson, Fay Montgomery, and -|Tlene Monson. These girls are a |follow up of an idea that began | Lomond ‘at Ben two ago. years Their object is to promote spirit and interest in the Junior Varce sity games. Sue Heiner, Myrlene Stitt, Judy i.) Taylor, Iva Lou. Gibbons, Karen |Borklund, and Kay, Jensen are) “Scotch | ‘displaying their new Spirit” dresses this week. They for | ders cheerlea varsity \are the |1957 and 1958 that’ were chosen | | last spring. | They have practiced diligently _|all summer and have done much - |to help relay excitement to the student body. e CAFETERIA DECORATIONS | Tables in the cafeteria have been attractively decorated with arangements of autumn leaves. It | is planned that they will have| ch-| appropriate. decorations for seasons, months, and occasions. “CLASS ELECTIONS. . Sophomore class officers were _ chosen, and there was a change). \in the Junior Class. Presidency. | |- The sophomore class elected | Arthur Jones as their president, > | Charlene Grill as vice president, | jand Linda Bailey as secretary. Heading the junior class is Cris Wangsgard. _ CLASS IMPROVEMENT _ Miss Marjorie Moyes has set |\Friday asthe day her second 1 | year language students bring outside information on current events. This is a diversion pree-| venting the monotony of routine and is educational at the same Mie 7 ra _ Thought for the week: Definies | tion for.a wheel: “One who travels in circles.” |