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Show ARCH 21, 1958 Earn Awards ‘Ben Lomond High School ROTC | ‘hoe presented scholastic ment» awards and achieve- | distinguished student badges to 38 of the school battalion. members oor to ROTC members who have maintained an “A” average without demerits. The student. badge is awarded to the top 10 per cent of each military class for the first semester of the year. 4 Both awards were presented to the Se Re tics, said the awards for schol-astic achievement were presented a Charles A. Anderson, professor of military science and tac- following cadet members Lt. Chris Shore, M. John VanOrden, Cpl. Barry Bul- lough, Thomas Greenwell, A’ Company. M. Sgt. Bob Bluemel, Sgt. ‘Thomas ‘Beeler, Cpl. Michael Sutton, Pfe. Robert Wright, Pfc. Gil- bert - Christofferson, David Ber‘ry, Carl Lawsen, ‘Charles Middlton, B Company. M. Sgt. Gerald Dent, Sfc. ve | vid Sanders, Cpl. Dory Detton, ‘Cpl. Jerry Johnson, Ronald 1 eg Gerry Hardmen, -C Com- ve CL Rene Richins, épl. Jim | Farmer, Pfc, Gerald Wallace, Da' vid Price and Douglas. Finlay, | D Company; William King, Headquarters Company. . Recipients of the Distinguished ‘| Student Badge alone were Sgt. Ronald Ervin, Cpl. William Farm- ber and” Larry’ Brown. —SS———E——— Se Pretti, 2nd ‘Sst. Terence Cheney, Cpl. Ronald Norton, C Company. _ Capt. Chris Wangsgard, and Lt. Benson Rich, D Company, and Cpl. David Behling, Headquarters Company. Those receiving the scholastic ‘achievement award were Lt. Col. William Ford, Capt. Jerry Sparks, Sfe. Robert Mastronardi, Cpl. eee of the school battalion: Maj: David Norton and Thomas Greenwell, A Company; M. Sgt. Kent ‘Williams, B Company; Capt. Jack |