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Show It should be stated here that 1938 is really the first historical record year that Utah Construction Company has in its files, Much of the work before this period is merely hearsay or that is, at least no record was kept that the writer was able to find. As stated earlier, much of the "projects completed during this period" portion of each yearly breakdown could be in partial error. That is they could vary a year or so either way. (This, however, does not hold true with the listed dams - these are valid.) In 1938, however, the writer ran across a list of construction projects that were completed during the "30's ". This list extends from 1930 through 1938, and lists merely the name of the project and the profit. The profit has been listed with the projects for two reasons, the first being that they will give some clue to project size and secondly that historically it is interesting. It should be stated that this list will be the only portion of the entire work that will list the profit or loss of a completed project. Profits on Construction Projects - 8 years ended Dec. 31, 1938 Western Pacific - Northern California Extension $300,675.68 Western Pacific - Side track - Poe & Paxton 14,346. 14 Western Pacific - Greenville, California 96,043.52 Vale, Oregon, Main Canal 2,216.10 Bingham and Garfield Switchback 14,295.82 Red Butte Canyon Dam (421.92) Denver & Rio Grande-Glenwood Canyon 37,762.39 Milner-Goading Canal 3,794.00 Bingham Canyon Stripping 31,478.00 Union Pacific Channel Change, Gateway, Utah 6,642. 17 Union Pacific Grand Loading-Strawberry 2,985.17 Union Pacific force account - Ogden Yards 94.76 Thousand Springs Creek Highway 21,261,07 Nephi, Utah, highway 495.13 Salina Canyon highway 238. 24 Thistle, Utah, bridge 1,624.79 Moreland, Idaho, bridge 1,265.79 Austin, Nevada, highway 10,419,54 Richfield-Pagari highway 1,895.06 Granby-Taoernash, highway 1,135.57 Wells - 1000 Springs Creek highway 10,981.99 Shoshone-Gooding Canal 9,951.50 Craig, Colorado, highway 6,649.82 Mt. Carmel highway 4,410.16 |