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Show 22 everyday practice of democracy, for the development of character, social responsibility, and the qualities of leadership, and good citizenship. Organizations administered by students are: 1. The Associated Students of Weber College, The Sophomore Class, The Freshman Class. 2. The Associated Men Students, The Associated Women Students, The Women's Athletic Association. 3. The Board of Control. 4. Student committees, councils, and clubs. All of these organizations offer experiences in voting, in becoming a candidate for office within the rules of the Constitution of the Associated Students, or of particular organizations; in holding elective or appointive office; or in acting in a governing body, as a responsible member or representative for some campus group. (See Weber College Handybook.) Student Activities, department and student-sponsored, provide opportunity for the mass of students, or for groups or individuals who desire to pursue their special interests beyond class studies. See. description of activity under "department." Department-sponsored: The Departments of Art, Business, English and Speech, Music, Photography, and Physical Education plan particularly for student participation in the following activities that are an integral part of the curricular offerings of their respective departments: 1. The Departments of Art, Business Administration, and Photography. Student publications and other student functions. 2. The Department of English Language, Literature and Speech: Student publications, debating, extempore and impromtu speaking, oratory, interpretative speech, the drama, radio, and other speech activities. 3. The Department of Music: Opera, oratorio, choir, and ensemble singing; orchestra, band; and other choral and instrumental activities. 4. The Department of Physical Education: Intramurals; and inter-collegiate athletics; football, basketball, swimming, wrestling, boxing, fencing, tennis, track, field sports; and other individual and group activity. Purposes of Intercollegiate Athletics Intercollegiate athletics are conducted at Weber College because they make an important contribution to the total educational program 23 of the school. Specifically they contribute to the individuals who participate, to the students and faculty, to the academic program of the school, and to the. community. The program is designed: (1) to develop in the participant the qualities of the individual that have made America great, namely, initiative, physical fitness, good sportsmanship, and a desire to excel. (2) To compete with other colleges, not with the sole purpose of winning, but because in striving to win we can effectively teach self control, team and school loyalty, and the cooperative endeavor which results in a high standard of achievement. (3) To provide a colorful and stimulating program of recreation for the students and faculty and for wholesome relationships with other colleges. (4) To provide an interesting and vital contact with the communities of the Ogden area so that the influence and spirit of Weber College may be felt by those not officially enrolled in school. Other Departments direct students who sponsor activities professional in nature. See description of activity under department. Student-sponsored: These activities are of four types as follows: 1. Professional Clubs, organized by students pursuing a major subject as follows: Business Club, Dorianettes (Music), Dorians (Music), Education Club, Engineers Club, Geodiscipulus Club (Geology and Geography), The International Relations Club (History and Political Science), Musettes (Music), Sociology Club, Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society, and Tri-Vesta Club (Home Economics). 2. Honorary Organizations: Letterman Club, membership of which is based upon participation in activities and maintenance of scholarship; Weber Club, made up of meritorious students, mostly sophomores: and Phi Rho Pi, a national forensic fraternity, membership of which is based upon recognized participation in debate and speech activities. 3. Service Clubs: Whip Club (women) and Wildcat (men), restricted to outstanding sophomores, organized to support College activities and promote school spirit. 4. Social Clubs: Chanodo, Iota Tau Kappa, LaDianaeda, Otyokwa, and Sharmea (for women); Alpha Rho Omega, Excelsior, Phoenix, Sigma Delta Pi, and Skull (for men). College-community Activities, developed cooperatively by the College and the community, offer more extensive opportunities for cultural, educational and recreational programs, as follows: 1. The Ogden Community-Weber College Concert Series. 2. The College Lecture Series. 3. The Ogden Community Theatre. 4. The Ogden Community-Weber College Symphony Orchestra. 5. The Weber College-Ogden Symphonic Choir. 6. The Community Physical Education Program. 7. The Community Service Bureau, organized to provide programs of merit to civic and church organizations, and to give development to talented students within the student body. |