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Show 12 ACORN cause. Now, fellow-students, let us be loyal to the school for which we stand, as well as to ourselves, by doing our part. It will not put us out much but it will mean a good deal to those who have the work in charge. Let us support the gymnasium committee by doing what they ask us to. We will do what they say first and then get our lessons afterward. We as Weber students cannot afford to let such a proposal as this drop after it has gone so far; therefore, let us all join hands and boost for the Weber Gymnasium. Support School Activities Students, remember the honor we must win this year on the basket-ball field! The league games are about to commence and the team needs our support. Hail, all ye students with coughs and colds! Doctor up and clear your voices so you can yell loud and long. Everybody learn the school yells, obtain pennants and be prepared to attend each and every game in full force. In Principal Henderson's office there is a silver loving cup which is known as the "Debating Cup." The class with the winning team has the privilege of placing its numerals on the side of the cup. Who is going to win this honor? We all have an equal chance to win, so let's get in and WORK. You debating managers, watch for good material in your respective classes and select the best. The school teams are chosen from the class teams and Weber must be victorious in all contests this year. We have Professor Cowles and Mrs. Shurtliff to help us, and they are both excellent coaches along this line. The students of Weber have been given a most excellent opportunity to show their ability in public speaking. Peter Kasius and Irvin Nelson have presented us with a gold medal and a public speaking contest will be held shortly after holidays in which two representatives from each class will take part. Good judges will be obtained and the champion will be awarded the medal. The class whose representative wins should feel indeed honored. Students, be loyal to your class. If you have any ability, use it, not only for the benefit of your class but for the good, you will receive yourselves. Let us show our appreciation to Mr. Kasius and Mr. Nelson for what they are doing for us. Did You Win That Dollar? One advertisement in this issue contains a misspelled word. Look for it. Write it, with your name, on a slip of paper and drop it in "The Acorn" box before January 15. You do not need to be the first one to find it. A drawing will be conducted with every answer. The winner gets a $1.00 bill. Lynne Lundburg was winner last issue. Staff members are excluded from the contest. SCHOOL NOTES The Lecture Course Miss Katherine Ridgeway delighted a large audience in the Weber auditorium on Wednesday, October 30. We welcomed her not merely as the first number of our lecture course, but because of her ability as an elocutionist who entertains and reaches everyone. The program was one of great interest and merriment. The humorous song, "I Have a Pain in My Sawdust," concluded the entertainment, leaving everyone with a light heart. Thursday, November 8, was an Andelin night. Mr. and Mrs. Andelin, formerly of Utah, appeared before an appreciative audience in the Ogden tabernacle. They were assisted by the Tabernacle choir, and the evening with them was certainly well spent. Mr. Andelin, accompanied by his talented wife, as pianist, pleased their audience with many beautiful selections. We welcome these home artists and hope to hear them again. The Hon. John E. Gunkel appeared as the third number of our lecture course, Friday, November 22. Lie is the organizer of the National Newsboys' Association and has done much good toward the moral uplift of the newsboys. He told of his progress from the time he first started his little club in Toledo, Ohio, many years ago, and of the success his organization has met with. May his good work continue. Social Life Several daintily served luncheons have been given lately by the girls of the Domestic Science department, all of which have been highly praised by those who enjoyed them. These are practical demonstrations of the work that the girls have been doing. |