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Show a ij a ‘ : F cs am | a 7 i tH pn iMt Browning Hh i) '4 7 my \it a i t iti | an) | 1 f , | |aA { Fy i | We ah Ml | - Mo ! Ny \f i ‘ Hh, ay | ; ie ie a } 1 | } }| i Th | HJ 2 “4 HA . 4 | Ht| Wt Hid SOL } 5 } Wi Mae Hh) 1} } | | we , hi dhe iit i f 4 1 Hk x va "i Ae HH i 44 { 4} Hi bow Hh het AN Mh , bh Ha Hit yy 7 a i iy i. eR a i* a: aa ral | P , } 1 his t Aawait ' j NOGOOM Sa Saatieans ee ee ee ———— ee Ses Sn e gene “4 ; ' \ a ip oe pea a ee a > q A GOOD\PLACE TO TRADE STORES 7 CO’S & First Utah Nat Bank, Chas L gro McKay Elsie usher Ethel and Meats Egyptian steno Glen 1012 22d Theatre Bros-Roberts j 2757 b 1006 McKenzie McKeown McKie Jas McKinley McKinney McKinnon McKinnon McKinnon McKinnon McKinnon McKinnon McKinnon McKinnon McKinstry McKinstry ca a Wash ay, Doxey. — r 1006 rms OGDEN p 1° — a same, ~ Gramercy@ 22d. a McKell Mrs R W steno Utah Const 2945 Jefferson McKenna McKenna McKenna McKenna Genevieve Jas W John John (The Crystal) wehmn b J clk The 2415 r 926 24th. Robt L cond r 2415 r 6 Schwartz McKnight ent McKnight McKnight ay AVE. 45 a a " Quincy ay. DIRECTORY — 1925 a Danl moved to Los Angeles. Eliz b 2465 Tyler. av. Raymond emp Nat Pkg Corp rms 2232 Viola M cashr Utah Thbatic b suas Tice a McLane Hugh L firmn § P rms 2155 Adams av. McLatchie Clarence C clk R M Sr 2406 Ogden av. McLaughlin Cath A bkpr Nat Pkg Corp b 2260 Adams av McLaughlin Henry Y r 2260 Adams ay. McLaughlin Jos W auto painter r 2264 Quincy av MeLaughlin Milton E chfr r 2724 Pacific av. Bee ushlin <a ae aria: Amer Can Co r 2007 Adams av ghlin Philip Am McLean Arch fain } x Wah Vee ee McLean Chas A farmer rf W Weber. McLean Eliz (wid Jas W) r 2546 Lincoln av McLean Isabelle (wid Hugh) r W Weber. McLean Leland G student b 879 46th. McLean Levi J eng S P r 879 16th. mean Lloyd J student b 879 16th. edo) P formn Alkire-Smith r 2550 Ogden av. x 1 Leonard R reprmn Marion Hotel rms same. a ahon Mrs La Vern clk DC & H D rms 341 32d eilan Alex moved to Fresno Cal. MeMillan Kleanor moved to Fresno Cal. yeMillan ean Mai Jas L splicer r 2 Nelson Apts. John D stmftr r 264 7th. sitar yhn 23d. a a 4 & Kodaks, Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing and Print ing, Iver Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talking Machines, Arms and Ammunition, Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries, Radio Supplies, ost inghouse Globes, Toys, Etc. 306 25th Stre a> ¢Mur : rin MeN abn ey supt Beason Constn Co r 2332 Eccles av. barber Marion Barber Shop r 2244 Adams Jos i gh Giss Wdiyt chree Higt cook rms FINELY ¥2 24th a. CITY PROPERTY LOANS FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE SURETY BONDS AND FARM LANDS We or rd ust 45th. 137 26th. EQUIPPED STREET ut Exchange 2409 Edward’s Shoe Shops _° Realtor ign 20k 29th. r 465 Schl ; Meare Ralph L dep Co Treas r 571 oN al John J inmate Co Infirmar y. eely John FROERER & FOWLES Buy, Sell av. MeMurdv Saml M brkmn § Pr 763 Canyon MeMurr Jos wi | in 1 20S wiremn Tel Co r 8 Ivy Apts Apts. 337 McKris Jas shiner Royal Shine Plr r 141 Corey Apts. 4 C. E. Armstrong 2451 KIESEL 24th. av. Quincy Crystal McKenna Mary typist b 926 24th. McKenna Thos F formn § P. McKenzie see also MacKenzie. McKenzie Amelia (wid Chas) r 269 McKenzie Clifford lab b 269 23d. McKenzie Duane lab b 269 23d¢ McKenzie Geo C firmn § P. McKenzie Geo C jr r 169 W 412th. McKenzie Co b 926 typist Geo A Lowe CITY Wm O mgr Utah Whol Gro Co r 11 Me Geo W trkr O U R & D Co r 2860 oo ae L driver Kleenmilk Dairy r 208 15th. Carl rodmn § P. Leah (wid Alex C) r 2885 Wash av. Donald lab r 1435 Childs av. Gladys b 827 Wash av. Ida (wid Miles) r 9114 24th. Marie b 33 Argyle Apts. Melba b 827 Wash av. mie Bemp U Prms 640 24th. Peter emp Amal Sugar Co r 33 Ar Sarah A (wid Robt) r 827 Wash pa a Ellen clk Ogden Whol Drug Co b 2759 Wall av Jas M chf clk Amer Ry Exp r 2759 Wall av. _ McKnight Chas L chf clk U P System r 2465 Tyler av. McKELL & McKELL, (Drs Ira J and Heber J), Chiropracto Palmer Graduates, 411, 409, 410 and 426 Fred J Kié Bldg, Tel 630. 7 a McKellips Art R eng S Pr 4 McGregor Apts. McKendry Art L timekpr S P r 958 22d. a av. Sullivan 614 rms McKendry Susan (wid Francis) | McKenna Florence emp U P Lndry rms 2631 Grant av. j bh McKenna Frank J clk RM S r 2656 Jackson. FOR EVER OCCASION AND - RADIO EQUIPMENT PHONE Cashr McKay Fred clk GC L McKay b 1006 22d. a McKay John painter r 3703 Adams av. McKay Lambert lab S P r 1908 Stephens av. McKay Robt chfr rms 227% 24th. McKean Kath b Roy McKean. McKean Roy lab r 457 3d. McKean Roy jr lab b 457 3d. McKee see also McKay and McKie. McKee Alma D prin Marriott Schl r 3291 Adams avy. McKell Bernice steno b 2945 Jefferson av. a McKELL HEBER J, D C, (McKell & McKell), 411, 409, 410| 426 Fred J Kiesel Bldg, Tel 630, r 11 Ivy Apts, Tel 24 McKELL IRA J, D C, (McKell & McKell), 411, 409, 410 | 426 Fred J Kiesel Bldg, Tel 63: 558 Tyler av, Tel@ McKell Rodney W dentist 312 Keel e r 2945 Jefferson ] | , McKay McKay h Hii a MERCHANTS 25th, Tel 1930. McIntyre see also McEntire and McIntire. McIntyre Aaron R optn r 3054 Madison av. McIntyre Alex R moved to St Louis Mo. McIntyre Dee b Farr West. McIntyre Eli farmer r Farr West. McIntyre Henry T r Farr West. McIntyre Kenneth moved to Los Angeles. McIntyre La Verne slsldy Emporium rms 2743 McIntyre Leland b Farr West. McIntyre Wm L. slsmn Wattis-Kimball r 1225 McKay Blanche K moved to Rexburg Ida. AZ=-AWO VY epi!| fel) ARCHIE V, POLK L. R. McINTOSH | i,| } | Peee ngi wee Wrights “2 ay, 5 Telephane 336 } F! i MATERIAL 156-164 24th Street on A e, LPR ee BUILDING S ty rr 1. a oh ¥ ee ‘ i \ / 1 1) i] Hy ea SUCCESSORS TO ECCLES LUMBER CO. Bros. iit oh BP 4 eee Anderson & Sons Co, \ HW hi H ae iT r By: i ae AND SHOPS 2268/2 TO SERVE YOU WASHINGTON AVE Kiesel Ave. Phone 917 |