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Show 7 Bisa. me Ss = a = te J. M. Forristal Real Estate, Loans, Rentals andTELEPHONE, Collection: ECCLES BUILDING National Bank of Commerce 2453 WASHINGTON AVENUE MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS =SE _— Noe we —SS . 501-502 568 = — = -~ tes PTE: oo — Sea. a a ma en era ees R. L. POLK & 0. CO’S — Yeager Alice (wid John) r 359 Kershaw. Yeager Geo frmn U P rms 2518 Lincoln av. Yeaman Chas S cook Ross & Jack r 484 Canyon rd. Yeaman Harold moved to McGill Nev. Yeaman Horace E barber G A Wills 17 Avelan Apts. Yeaman John farmer r W Ogden. Yeaman Leatha M emp Columbia Club Cigar Co b 708 Yeaman Ray S comp Standard Examiner r 419 31st. Yeaman Sterling emp Amal Sugar Co r 703 W 24th. Yeaman Wilfred b 703 W 24th. ! Yeamans Mrs Bessie smstrs McClanahan Clo Co r 2258 av. Yeamans Helen b 2258 Ogden av. | = Yearsley Blaine Yearsley Yearsley Yearsley Yearsley Yearsley Yearsley } Yearsley rd. Yearsley Yearsley Yearsley Yeck Geo Yee Mok Yee Yun YELLOW Mgr, DAIRY SUPPLY CO. Dalry Creamery and Apiarlsts Supplies 2406 WALL AVE PHONE 338 hlpr Amal Claude student b Earl C lab r 360 Ezra mech r 360 Jas F mstr mech Lawrence driver Lloyd L student Mrs Lydia prsr Sugar Co b 1370 Wash 1370 Wash av. Harrisville rd. Dan. Amal Sugar Co r 1370 r 130 Harrisville rd. b 130 Harrisville rd. Ogden Stm Lndry Shreck Sec-Treas, James one 449 27th St. Tel. 1217-R Fera Young Frank W es H Jones Dir, e a “ APARTMENT! Electric Ranges in 824 Wash av. Golden Rule Mere Cb S sec Amal Eae eng Sugar r 8-523 199 W 2123 rear Dr rear 804 Co 22d. Co, r 926 28th. Quincy 27th. av. Young Fred Geo Young Young Harry E firmn U P rms 2543 Lincoln av. Hebe B mgr Ogden Litho Co rms Reed Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Hugh lab r 5 Lincoln Apts. John lab b rear 2123 Quincy av. John H clk r 957 26th. John L lab r 3264 Stephens av. | John L sign wrtr Thos Young Sign Co b 148 Johnty F clk 8S Pr 861 22d. Jos E wchmn U § Dept of Agrl r 2527 Iowa Geo D stoker U P & L Cor W jr musn H eng Egyptian U S Bureau 33d. 148 Theatre Pub 7th. 804 b rear 7th. Young Young Jos 24th, Tels 22 and 88. (See right top lines and pag Yen Sai Wong died Oct 28 °24 age 57. 25th. Yhi H rms 268% Ynegnez Juan lab O UR & D Co rms 7 2624 Wall av. Yonesato Turomato cook Ogden Cafe r 272 26th. | Yool Hans J carp r 340 8th. Yorgason Chas E auto repr 353 23d r 890 12th. YORKSHIRE INS CO LTD, Froerer & Fowles Agts, 2409 av. Yoshisaki Chinhichi hlpr § P. YOSHITAKA MUNAGI, Dentist, 2480 Grant av, rp sa 1513. Yoshioka K T clk Tamaki & Co r 2332 Eccles av. Yost see Jost. Young see also DeYoung. Young Alice D (wid Herbt A) r 246 26th. Young Alva M swchmn OUR & D Cor 140 30th. Young Art W rms 2149 Ogden av. Young Aug farmer r rear 804 7th. Young Carl lab r 1535 Wash av. Young Delbt vocalist rms rear 2149 Ogden av. Young Eben R clk R M S rms Creston Hotel . AVELAN Young Young Har P . en maid mike: cashr Young Mrs Flossie rms Was Rae steno b 1370 Wash av. Vernal E bkpr b 360 Dan. Wm L barber Depot Barber Shop r 1609 rms 1051 26th. lab § P. Toy cook Bon Ton Cafe rms Nat Hotel. CAB & TRANSFER CO, Eugene D Jones G Earl CC™S Young Eric J repr UI av r 130 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY — 1925 ee Rds b 148 r 1500 33d. Hotel. 33d. av. Canyon rd. Young Jos R driver Kleen Milk Dairy r 943 20th. Young Lawrence A slsmn r 2032 Ogden av. Young Leo (Vienna Cafe) rms Creston Hotel. Young Lester L b 2527 Iowa av. Young Milo auto mech r 2624 Grant av. Young Mrs Naoma cook Greenwell Confy r 2624 Grant av. Young Mrs Nell marceller r 140 30th. Young Odin W student rms 2149 Ogden ay. Young Pearl clk b rear 2123 Quincy av. Young Peter D r 3299 Stephens av. Young Philip emp Amer P & P Co r Layton. Young Ralph W E eng U P rms Van Ness Hotel. Young Reynold chfr b rear 804 7th. Young Richd.B clk r 444 31st. Young SarahJ (wid John) r 436 20th. Young Swen J lab b rear 804 7th. Young S Dilworth exec Boy Scouts r 540 16th. Young Thos mgr Thos Young Sign Co r 3232 Grant av. YOUNG THOMAS SIGN CO, Thos Young Mgr, Commercial and Electric Signs, Show Cards, Banners, Etc, 2450 Washington av, Tel 779. Young Verena b 2527 Iowa av. Young Wallace rms 2708 Jefferson av. Young Wilford J chf dep Co Clerk r 2744 Quincy Young Wilford S student b 2744 Quincy av. Young Mrs Wm clk Wright's r 6 M E av. Young Wm E barmn UI GC r 3600 Jefferson av. av. Young Wm J lab OS Lr Roy. Youngman Geo F whsmn Geo A Lowe Co r 2017 Jackson av. Youngstrom Deanie r 446 River dr. Youngstrom Wm farmer r N Ogden. Younkin Neva M Slsldy Nat Bldg & Loan Assn rms St Paul Hotel. Yount Clarissa (wid John) r 3024 Little & der REAL WE First Wash av. Bank Dalton Building Book Store E. W. Townsend 2484 REALTORS ESTATE—LOANS—INSURANCE SPECIALIZE IN EXCHANGES National Cgden Washington Avenue Phone 253 |