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Show ORAHOOD & WATTS, 2a 2% Wood Work, OGDEN a i i Searce Wall Cases, Desks, Show Cases, Mantels, Interior Finish, Etc., Ete. Agent for THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., Denver and Salt Lake City. 3 Write for Estimates Office, 134 to 142 W. 2d South Telephone ene Paulson Buatloal nate Coe? a Washington Ave. Phone {3 m nN 2349 Cenciaat | Peter 453. tie SALT P. 0. Box LAKE CiTy, UTA 872. M, Payne Joseph H, bartndr Star Saloon, res 134 W 28th. Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Peake, iE eake P eake J > earce, Madeline, bds 10 Electric ay. Mary E (wid Rufus), moved to Salt Lake City. Orin D, boilermkr S P Co, res 566 Canyon Rd. Wm, rms 2508 Lincoln ay. Willis 0, brkman SP Co, res 131 26th. see also Peek, Edwin, helper S P Co, res 2761 Pacific ay. Wm, moved to Salt Lake City. see also Peirce and GED. KELL ay, res 2647 av. same. School, res 2964 Pingree av. Parlor, H Linehan Propr, 122-124 25th. iat Pearson Ida M, moved to Mercur, U. Dyk res 2855 55 Lincolr Lincoln ay. ase Joseph P,| carp, B chart Emil H, helper S P Co, rms 243 24th. Peck Clarence E, mach 8S P Co, bds 437 24th. eban 437 24th. Peck Claude, student Ogden High School, bds Peck Edwin A, eng S P Co, res 437 24th. Pedler Albert, painter, bds 136 Shorten ay. ie a Pedler Richard, res 136 ve 27th. les Carl J, trav agt, rms ant i, student av Tel Ogden High ee bds 2455 School, Paper, 2421 res ay, Washington 38-F’. ; 2455 oe Bice Weaees M, stenog H R Macmillan, bds 2455 Grant ay. : Peebles Pearl, tchr, bds 2455 Grant ay. Peek, see also Peake. Mi ee k Benjamin, student Weber Stake Academy. Ba are C, switchman S P Co, res 1966 Wash av. 1 Peery Block, 427 24th. . hers roy oe and Harold J), Insurance, coln ay, Tel 60 (see adv). nee 24thn w cor Lin. PEERY BROTHERS, HIGH GRADE FLOUR AND CEREAL FOODS. MANUFACTURERS OUR ay. FIRE INSURANCE SUAGRRENEaenamemaeneeee Billiard Peebles C L, and Wall Drugs oS | Pierce. Pearce Edward, bds 2456 Madison av. Pearce Edward W, mach Wm Pearce, reg 426 27th. Pearce Florence, dressmkr, bds 2456 Madis on av. Pearce Franeis A; mach Wm Pearce, bds 2647 Wash & Pecbles Connie Grant av. (Larson & Paulson), res 2258 Moffit av. Pawlas John, supt J G McDonald Candy Co, res 857 26th, Pawlas Julius J, candy mkr J G McDonald Candy Co, S57 26th. ) Pawley Harry, pantryman Reed Hotel. i. Paxton Wm A, propr Utah Hot Springs and Ogden & U Hot Springs Ry, res Omaha, Neb. Payne, see also Paine. 3 e Payne Charles W, car repr U P RR, res 149 N Wash av. Payne Edwin, shoemkr, 2462 Grant av, res same. a Payne John, eng S P Co, res 2350 Wall av. io Wash janitor Pingree rl Saloon OF 2651 foundry Wm, Ppeard James, to either H ouse. Do not forget that this is the only first-e house in the West. Billiard and Pool Tables, Billiard Supplies of all kinds. Bo _ ing Alleys and Supplies. Factories, 1831-33-35-37-89 Wazee St. A Office and Salesroom 1443 Larimer St., Ue. Ov Box 1S12: DENVER, COLORA 4 251 I arce Lizzie, student Weber Stake Academy. Pearce Louisa (wid Hugh W), furn rms, 2424 Grant a3. FP. PAULSON — BANK, OFFICE, BAR ano STORE FIXTURE MANUFACTURER DIRECTORY. @ AGENT FOR Mgr The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co, 134 to 142 2d South St, Salt Lake City, res Denver, Colo (see ri top lines). CITY SPECIALTIES: High Grade Flour, Wheat Flakes, Health Flour. OF OGDEN, UTAH. Star Lunch Room=, 3" OPEN DAY & NIGHT. jejOedg P, “Oyep] pue Yyein ul Spue] Mau Uo SajuQjog CO’S pue SiajHeg Supeoo]; 0} UdALZ UORUSVe & °SIE OlNS John POLK “OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. «itis, P “THVLN Paulson L, Trimming, "ODL aux R. and VTE 250 Painting OD me CPO Carriage ‘GaAVNIVAd A Horse-Shoeing, |