OCR Text |
Show oul < (See also Lh. a Wl i and Pool Tables. also Saloons.) Hotels; Blacksmiths. (See also Horseshoers; Boatwright W also Carriage and Wagon W, 2150 Washington Christensen Robert, ERICKSON JAMES, Wilson’s Viavi Co, 324 Utah L & T Co Beer 4 < Se (See left top lines.) JAMES ERICKSON, Barbers.) Wagon Repairing and Bldg. Carriage Work. Agents. Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing. Interfering, Overreaching, Corns and Contractions attended to. See’ Brewers. *Bicycle Liveries. BECRAFT LH, 301) 24th. Seep 350 & McGREGOR, GOODSELL lines.) 23 sions = (See right BECRAFT. LU GOODSELL lines.) GRIFFIN & Hutchison & GR: VY, 2458 Grant Co, 306 25th. B. *Bicycles BECRAFT Browning LH, Bros GOODSELL lines.) GRIFFIN & & Repairers. Hy 301 24th: (See:p 2.) & McGREGOR, 350 24th. and 801: 24th. Co, 2461 2458 Bicycle right Supplies. Washington ay. 390) 24th. Grant av. See (See right botton left bottom line <~" IVES REAL ESTATE 0 ve ice Loans 156 , Bros, 2486 WASHINGTON AVENUE. on Improved Farms a Specialty. 347 Hartog H C, 2270 24th St., OGDEN, UTAH. 23d. Parke & Emmett, 2354 Washington Foster W P, 512° 21st. Hamilton & De anet, 2¢1° 25th. Washington ay. ay. Huss Geor ge, rear 334 24th. Jansen & Erickson, 2224 Washington av. Jensen Peter, 224 Washington av. Larsen J M, 1621 Washington av. Nordquist Peter, 35 Harrisville av.* OGDEN: CARRIAGE FACTORY, 248 24th. lines.) (See p 2.) McGREGOR, GRAY, av. bottom | (See left bottom lines. : (See Rigs Bought, Sold and Exchanged. boul GRIFFIN & GRAY, 2458 Grant av. as left bottom line *Bicycle Mnfrs.) ay. Lane. 156 24th. Halverson Fred 2401 Washington av. ‘tah Hot Springs, 8 miles north of city. a ROB’T also ay. Pearl Saloon & Billiard Parlor, 122-124 25th. Sherwood P F, 2504 Washington ay. *Baths. 3 o a *Billiard (See Washington WIA “fF “Our a & C ‘0, 2514 e < fe fe o = & Co, 306 25th. I G UOUU! =” 351 (See left top : ORAHOOD & WATTS, 248 24th. (See left top lines.) Peterson C E, 2224 Washington av. Peterson Jacob, 879 20th. SAVAGE O E, 2214 Washington av. (See front cover.) Sporting Goods, Cycle Sundries And General Repairing "350 ‘cans. NOSIS Wl 7 AUVvoa4A N DIRECTORY. AO x poo vt Proudfit ’PHONE 107. CITY Pee ” {37 25TH ST. “UIFS Hutchison BARBERS—Continued. : ' OGDEN Planz & Watts, 314 25th. Prost L E, 212 25th. Reed Hotel Barber Shop, 411 25th. Rheinbold Felix, 375 24th. Sanders & Gysen, 228 25th. Schofield M M, 305 24th. Smith J A, Union Depot. Tribe C J, 2273 Washington av. Walter GB, 181 25th. Watts W H, 112 25th. White J H, 140 25th. Wiggins T FE, 2317 Washington ay. Y the Best Advertisement. 2. COS POLK. Od, A RO “LAAULS J. J. SCHWARTZ, Proprietor. AVENUE 2313 WASHINGTON T 6& who can. « Can. i. “ 350 if there iS a dealer in Ogden meet your requirements, we "PHONE (49. LEWIS. meee AND YOU GET IT ALL. U.P. paisYard 10c. MEALS, 15c ANDUP A Pleased Customer is “ONILNIWd & RESTAURAI corFEE AND CAKE, : HOME BAKERY |