Title |
1929 R.L Polk & Co's Ogden City Directory |
Creator |
R.L Polk & Co. |
Description |
This is a listing of residents, streets, businesses, organizations and institutions, giving their location in Ogden, Utah. It is arranged alphabetically, geographically and in other ways. This also has advertisements for businesses. |
Biographical/Historical Note |
The city directory will contain an alphabetical list of citizens, listing the names of the heads of households, their addresses, and occupational information. Sometimes a wife's name will be listed in parentheses or italics following the husband's. Other helpful information might include death dates for individuals who had been listed in the previous year's directory, names of partners in firms, and forwarding addresses or post offices for people who had moved to another town. |
Subject |
Directories; Address books; Ogden, Utah; R.L. Polk & Co.; Advertising |
Digital Publisher |
Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date |
1929 |
Date Digital |
2023 |
Item Description |
Hard bound 11.5x8.4 inches boox with brown spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type |
Text |
Format |
application/pdf |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Adobe Bridge. PDF/A files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).  |
Rights Holder |
R. L. Polk & Co. |
Source |
979.228 R62726, Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
ark:/87278/s6yqtda5 |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
120051 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6yqtda5 |
Title |
Page 160 |
Format |
application/pdf |
OCR Text |
Show = in ai Pt He Ne a rere t 4 the dd A A» dy oe ke Johnson Kathryn kk A De a (Olive) slsmn Swift fence Sead “ae a nae, lil wc — Johnson Mrs Marion Maret P2220 E (wid Ogden ay. Jacob PD) #nson Tilman Ho _- F th . Dutta a AY bee ee ig Ta De ee tig eo Johnson Neldon student b 3170 Li peo: erccn Nels emp Johnson Nichols Ww Ok ‘ea Johnson Mrs.N P aon Johns fanason ~ Pw 0 On r 114 ne 20 SP cute win salah mma Pe ee nee gite Trucking Co rms 215 25m he ie 2 ie = Residence nk Telephone| Ogde bubububububububutbutututuiiiede dp bp bhp pha apna nan &Dc ee ep } 3 i City. | (Kate) Nace Marie) oe ta oo. | r 365 bs Dan. Barber Depot barber (Alice) W evi | Wall av. Seance . maton Chas D (Verla) waiter Ross & Jack r 437 16th. av. * | * av. b' 3018 Adams (wid Wm) annah b 3442 Auto Service) A ara : fohns {on David S (Agnes) a a r ate Doxey. oe Grant av. clk P Or 2101 Lndry ean shee abe I painter r 4 mson Z inston Msicc sonneen pial en a — | Big real snersge tea Wi 458 24th ver STAB: r ‘ Wash Toso Henry H (Norvella) electn r rear 654 22d. - eiuston Henry P clnr O U R & D Co. OPPO Agen oie (Mac) Willardcook rms ise OeIEN) en k a REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS — 4 i P 4 a 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 1084 7th. mson Wm § (Amanda) formn O UR & D Co r Shop r 2371 ; av. ams eet ow i Sp. é - : a 28th) US Wash av . e Wm Eri7N Tohnson abn - — a (Violet) chf Royal : ncol Kennedy’s Cafeteria r 2266 V r 2475 Tyler av. 4 r same. av r Salt Lake Court on plriroxplcg ; wAtLa “¢ 018 Ge entra Sone torney-At-Law, hnson Wm A ie epee bee caer 1 aJoh nson hee Dept mgr Bond (Helen) 26th 4 same. > 4 avi 28th, Seincon M Weaene pneadora) hipr S P r 354 First Seou r 1133 D judge Dist Grant 2204 ineon Victor E dicd May 15°38 age 40. ' = ¢ 63 W 31st. Mad aie ie r 3 Arvom Record) Bede eden Ogden Mary E ctr Smith Merrill (Bertha: ; : 31st. ) Bldg), Tel 129, r 2565 Brinker av, Tel 1806. mson Wallace student rms 266 29th. Lae eee b 51 Wilson iota Bemp Rocky Mtn Pkg PsCorp Detece son Martin digslonm 2685 | Magia Johnson Marys iia Johnson Johnson Johns painter Syommson Vernal b 493 Chester. 4 a be sine r 2012 0; del lab r 4-536 mason Tilman student b 2565 Brinker av. 7 Johnson Maria (wid Chris) + 1008 Ad: Ogden. (Amy) L "eanson Sydney 3 New Brigham Hotel. poner ee cn Mar 3 “28 age7 an > Johnson L W oiinn aoe Johnson Frantz Serv b 439 30th. oe Tribune, t 15 Farview Apts, Tel 3466-W. ; rms ae Lissie K smstrs U ! ? Lndry wae Johnson J r 8 La & Sons), b 269 Healy. Snson Stanley R (Kath L) painter 258 33d r r 2567 ) onneon Jihad sisldy b 253 30th een son Mrs Ros” 4 ay. | ) lab Amer P & P Cor rear 2748 Linpnson Severet (Lena | Lake . ISON SIDNEY E (Florence), Ogden Distributor Salt Knit Store b 2 ee co Johnson Mrs Filia 25th Men seaver A (Clara) formn Ogden Iron Wks r 2846 Wall R & D Cor50 OU mailmn fats To? 445 RAY S ok re cane nson Robt U : & D Co b 10814 7th. edith) : dolnsad Leslic W Co Oil Contl atdt as FT pete (Bertha) 0 Porter av. r “klvr Se 1; etic) av r same. (Mildred) a» * electn O S§ L r 3288 Lincoln av. A (L Jane) ord i$ 7. on Mrs Sarah clnr Pullman Co r 3170 Lincoln av. Gon & D Eecles R 2241 a ee 310 18th. fon Raymond py ne) brkmn D & RG Wr 237 28th. meon Ripley G nila) eng U P r 452 29th. uccles Bldg b 2¢€ enn ae Wash § er Ta Ralph unsON |7 reo H Me iby oo O U (Esther) swchmn peo . royH usherOUR &DCorms Johnson Co. David opr Cor . Reanie) contr 2243 rene on Ralph “Apts. a a af elev eos 4 4 : Madison av. lab-O PB&T 9n93 json a & Cors Eccl Ss ah C Johnson Lawr Johnson fee A» sa | : ere Jos UV OA pe Johnson Jos T (Eliz) (Eli av. ei a r 1237 Porter Aa eeepc Jr High Sehl pq iBuLOLBRO rman eat ng! we Johnson A Ve 3 Johnson Jonas (Jasephine) r 2683 Lincoln oy $ Pr 339 4th, (Marva) emp Jos (Martha) Johnson Jos } Johnson firmn § P r 3700. Adam | ae \ ii RU ne oe ‘i . 2 2°hnson John § (Idella)’ firmn Kiesel Bld :) Boe ple eB hee ti{it ree 311 1929 DIRECTORY — CITY OGDEN a oas JolY9hnson Hyrum (Gertrude a Gilsong 9 Johnson . B.Agent Jas hlph S P b 9930 Ondon ay 2 oo Mg 44th 301 r brklyr henge e (Rhoda) —Ay Fairview nson John H (Mary H) sIsmn r 4 SALES 1 ttn my.i — 2 Johnson Hursel C (Frances) emp Roy Mlg Go.r 96" AGENTS 4 4 4 4 ) OOOO VV Vv YY ’s Trade Bindery: tLeith a 41 Post Office Place Phone ns Wasatch 4 deh dh he a hh bh bh : 4 : 5829 . SALT LAKE CITY te joeouwuvwvwwwvuevuvuw’ } fie Mey ¢ ‘oO Co. 4 hh fe beta tubububububuds ; dA Ay a A te teen dn —_ thn dd». aod lt plia Hy, | R. L. POLK & CO’s Johnson Herman (Fannie) lab O P Bet a — 4 Johnson Howard N student b 114 28th 4 ‘ 44 4 ry > > Co. Piano ee P 4 i © ire it te ement: d 310 | 5 we eV ay i. A Bros.-Roberts we VY if { a a 2455 WASHINGTON AVE. # 3 Zz . Ce Va 5 4 FURNISHINGS ‘HaTs OTHING ee ee VY 4> > > - d ] ] - t t @ K Mu TUNING MUSIC =e i 08 EET el I: 4 Oe RECORDS — BAND INST we = po UY €" { tit reat! Neh, : | | VY? eV P " eee T ortiand: Hiei ti i ‘Wee ee ie : ¥ | i eeerTYevevrVvrVrVvrrVereee MN | yee Te + ee UJ a : a i a i UN rrr FA |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
120211 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6yqtda5/120211 |