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Show 30 STREETS AND AVENUES. LA SALLE PLACE—runs south from 30th, bet Jackson and Van Buren avs. LA VETA PLACE—runs south from 30th, bet Van Buren and Harrison avs. LEADVILLE AV—northern boundary of Lawndale. LIBERTY AV—runs north and south, bet 20th and 21st, Madison and Monroe avs. LINCOLN AV—runs north and south, bet Grant and Wall avs. LOCUST—runs east and west from Ashland av, bet 2d and 3d, Walnut Hill add. M. E. AV—bet Washington and Adams avs, runs north from First M E Church, a distance of one-half block. McINTOSH—runs east from Ogden Boulevard, bet 25th and 26th, Nob Hill. MADISON AV—runs north and south, bet Jefferson and Monroe avs. MANITOU AV—runs east and west, bet Pueblo and Aspen avs, Lawndale. MAPLE—runs east and west, first south of Olive, Ogden Heights. MARRIOTT—runs northwest of city limits, bet 17th and Mill Creek. MARYLAND—runs east from Jefferson av, bet 31st and 32d. MAY AV—runs north from Southwell, bet Washington av and Harrisville canal, Academy Heights. MICHIGAN AV—runs south from 25th to city limits, bet Colorado and Indiana avs, Fairmount Park add. MICHIGAN AV—runs north and south, bet Colorado and California avs, Lawndale. MICHIGAN AV—River Park. MIDDLEMISS—runs east from Taylor av, bet 20th and 21st, Nob Hill. MOFFIT AV—runs north from 23d to 22d, bet Washington and Adams avs. MONROE AV—runs north and south, bet Madison and Quincy avs. MONTANA AV—runs north and south, bet California and Indiana avs, Lawndale. MONTANA AV—runs south from 25th, west of Michigan av, River Park add. MOORE'S LANE—runs north from 856 12th. MORTON AV—runs north from Douglas, bet Jefferson and Adams avs. MORTON TERRACE—Adams av, southeast cor 26th. MOUND FORT—bet 11th, 12th, O S L track and Marriott. MOUNTAIN—runs east from Taylor av, bet 27th and 28th. MOUNTAIN VIEW—near Wasatch mountains, bet 36th and 42d. 2 31 STREETS AND AVENUES. NEBRASKA AV—runs south from railroad tracks, east of Colorado av, Fairmount Park add. NEWILL—runs east from Washington av, north of Howard, Academy Heights. NINETEENTH—runs east and west, bet 20th and Ogden River. NINTH—runs east and west, bet 8th and 10th. NORTH—see 19th. NORTH BOULEVARD—runs east and west, north of Pine, Ogden Heights. NORTH COURT—runs west from Fisk av, bet 31st and South Court. NYE AV—runs south from 28th to 29th, first west of Wall av. OAK—runs east from Jackson av, bet 21st and 22d. OAK—runs east from Adams av, bet Birch and Glen, Otto Berger's add. OAK—Ogden Heights add. OAKLAND AV—runs south from 33d, bet Grant and Lincoln a vs. OBSERVATORY—runs west from . A av, bet Ellis and 25th, West Ogden. OGDEN AV—runs north from 32d, bet Washington and Adams avs. OGDEN AV—runs north from Canyon Road to Pitkin av, bet Washington and Adams avs, Riverside annex. OGDEN BOULEVARD—runs north from 25th, bet Tyler and Polk avs. OHIO AV—runs south from 25th, bet Nebraska and Michigan avs, River Park add. OLIVE —runs east and west, bet South Boulevard and Maple, Ogden Heights. ORCHARD AV —runs south from 25th to 26th, bet Jefferson and Madison avs. PACIFIC AV —runs south from 27th to city limits, bet Wall av and Weber River. PARK—see 20th, Nob Hill. PARK AV—runs north from 3d, bet Washington and Grant avs, Wedell's Five Points subdivision. PARK AV—runs south from 29th, bet River and Pacific avs. PARK AV (Riverside Park)—runs from Ogden River south to 20th, bet Grant and Lincoln avs. PATTERSON AV—runs east from Wall av, bet 30th and 31st. PENNSYLVANIA AV—runs north and south, east of Indiana av, Lawndale. PERRY —runs west from Washington av, bet 17th and 18th. FIERCE AV—runs north and south, bet Fillmore and Buchanan avs. PINCOCK'S LANE-see 33d st. PINE-runs east from Washington av. bet Chestnut and Birch, Otto Berger's add. |